Friday, July 30, 2010

Should I put oil on the metal I am going to drill through?

I am going to drill through a thinnish piece of metal and I was wondering if putting oil on it will prevent the drill bit from warping or overheating? or at least prevent it happening so quickly?Should I put oil on the metal I am going to drill through?
If the metal is thin you don't need the oil. Make sure to use a center punch first before drilling. This will keep your drill bit from sliding. If you don't have a center punch use a nail to make a starter mark.

For drilling through heavier pieces of metal I would recommend using oil. The oil cuts down on friction and helps to produce less heat, and prevents the bit from becoming dull to quick.Should I put oil on the metal I am going to drill through?
On thin metal the drill bit will warp it if you push to hard. support the metal underneath with wood and drill. Oil on it just lubricates the bit it won't hurt. You can change the shape of the drill bit end to cup it but you need to know how to do this so the drill bit end looks like a crossection of a spade drill for wood. This way it cuts from the outside in. If you do it right it will leave a curcular slug with no burr.
If you are going to drill a hole thru thin steel, it is up to you if you use oil. It really won't make much difference. Your biggest problem if you are drilling a hole 1/4 inch or larger will be holding the work stock. Drill your hole first using a smaller size drill and step up in at least 1/8 inch increments to get a nice hole. Test on a scrap piece of metal first if you have not done this before.
Nooo it'll make the drill slip and could cause an accident!

Do people/hippies know that the federal government cannot tell oil companies what to do or where to drill?

If they don't drill on the on-shore leases they will lose them. And they could drill those kinds of wells all day long and make money but not impact supply at all. They're small wells that would payout over years. We (the consumer) and they (oil companies) want a big find where they make tons of money and we can buy tons of oil and gasoline. Don't you hippies get it?Do people/hippies know that the federal government cannot tell oil companies what to do or where to drill?
Wow! What are you doing wasting your time on Yahoo Answers?! The big oil companies need a brilliant legal mind like yours to tell them to go ahead and drill!

Go go go!! The fate of the gasoline buying nation is in your hands!Do people/hippies know that the federal government cannot tell oil companies what to do or where to drill?
Umm.. Actually they can.

There is a federal law against drilling on most lands... Enacted by congress in 1981. There is a small portion of these lands that they CAN drill on, but the rest is off limits.

Also. If there was oil on those lands, why doesn't the big bad greedy oil companies harvest and sell it? Sort of takes some wind out of the Liberal sails, doesn't it?
No just like most people don't get that devloping nations (ie China) are gobbling up all of the natural resources they can and driving prices through the roof. Basic supply/demand concepts...yet somehow it's George Bush fault and he's the only one getting rich off of it.

Let's forget that the per-capita worth of nations such as Dubai is like $10 mil.

Who is J. Galt?
They made a big find at Thompson Point Alaska, in 77 and have been sitting on that lease ever since.

It is right next to ANWR.

They found the oil, they have the lease and they have the permits to drill.

What exactly is their excuse?
Go read some Ayn Rand @sshole

I hate phucks like you, you elitist bas tard

OIL is finite, real simple, but you self loving phucks who give a sh!t about my kids future could give a phuck

Oil is not our future

Let's meet I'd love to show you a thing or two
Actually, the government can tell them when and where to drill. It's called permits, licenses, and environmental laws. Don't you understand that?
This consumer doesn't mind the oil companies making money, but they could take less profit to help the struggling country before everything but them, health care and food goes out of business. Don't you capitalists get it?
Actually they can set up protected lands which the oil companies cannot drill on. That is why they have to lease land from the government to drill offshore. Do you get it?
Oh, another one is trying to defend the federal government. Give it up. You're on the wrong side.

Do you honestly think they care about you?
That's right...they don't.

They tell our government where they want to drill, etc.
Did a hippie do harm to you? Seems like you have an obsession going on.
no i dont get it and if you got all the answers then do something about it.
Only a 1/4 of the land that is leased has oil on it and not enough to make drilling profitable. I own land that was leased in the '70's. It was never drilled because there wasn't any oil on it! I'll never understand why the dems in congress don't understand that the oil companies need to drill where the oil is. They know it's offshore, anwr, and around the Rockies.

Thompson Point Alaska wasn't drilled when gas prices were low due to geographical considerations and then became tied up in court.

Nan Thompson, of the state Division of Oil and Gas, told lawmakers an Anchorage Superior Court judge is expected to rule on the Point Thomson case by the end of the year.

That likely will spawn a state Supreme Court appeal, which could take two more years.

It's not about drilling OR alternative energy (as some seem to think). It's about drilling while WAITING on alternative energy. No options for reducing oil prices and our dependence on oil should be off the table. The only ones I see trying to do that are dems by not lifting the ban on drilling.

Why don't oil corps drill on the 1,000s of acres congress approved for them & leave our shores & Alaska alone?

Is Bush and oil corporations just playing politics by making Dems and environmentalist look bad at the same time it stalls drilling and keeps prices high? Why isn't an investigation started into why the oil coporations aren't drill on their approved sites to drill?

None of this crap is making any sense, except that oil corporations are trying to make as much profit as they can. Am I wrong?Why don't oil corps drill on the 1,000s of acres congress approved for them %26amp; leave our shores %26amp; Alaska alone?
Yes, of course Bush and the oil companies are playing politics. They're hoping that by making this an election year issue/canard, the usually wimpy Democrats will cave to save political face.

Why now? Because Bush is extremely friendly to oil. The oil companies have no interest in actually pumping more oil, that would lower prices, and they don't want that.

Under Bush, they're more likely to have public resources basically given away to them for free. Under a Democratic administration, they might be expected to pay more to get the rights, and have to pay higher royalties once they do pump the oil, so they'd rather put pressure on to lock up the rights when they can still steal them from the American public.Why don't oil corps drill on the 1,000s of acres congress approved for them %26amp; leave our shores %26amp; Alaska alone?
The amount of land is only a few percentage points of the available land and plenty of it is not productive. That is why is it oil speculation.

Looks like you have no idea of the scale of what people are saying. Alaska drilling in ANWR would scale like this. If ANWR was a football field the amount of area needed for the drilling is a postage stamp. So what is the problem here?
For the same reason they won't come over to my house and drill for oil in my backyard. I'll lease them the mineral rights behind my back deck and they can drill for all the oil they want, the problem is there isn't any oil there.

They need to be allowed to drill for oil where there is a reasonable suspician that they'll actually find some.
In most countries the oil companies are nationalized,I think if the oil companies don't drill for it the government should do it, maybe with the help of the Army Corp of Engineers.That way they can ensure the strategic oil reserves are not used up and possibly add some competition. to lower the prices.
You lost me on ';make as much profit as they can';

who is not guilty of this sin?

Don't worry ..the oil companies won't hurt Alaska or your shores

The drilling is so far out you won't even see them.This is going to

happen sooner or later.

Oil is the life blood of the world

If we don't get it ..someone else will and that is life

Al Gore sure is a ninny stirring up the folks like this
Your contention is that oil companies have leases that they are not drilling but they want more leases to make as much profit as they can.

so lets think about that. if they could make a profit on what they can drill now why wouldnt they be doing it. So either you expect a company to do work for no profit or your whole argument is invalid.

so yes you are wrong.
what is any business's purpose? to make a profit.

i'm guessing, that the ones that do have oil, will not be profitable. pretty sure their bean counters figure that out before they do any actual drilling. they know where the oil is and roughly how much is there.

it wouldn't be prudent to drill it, if there is poor or no return on the investment. they need to operate this way to satisfy their shareholders.

Actually, it's more like 68,000,000 acres that Big Oil are squatting on.

Some of the far right claim that there's no oil there. If so, why has Big Oil not brought that fact to the attention of the government?? That would seem reasonable, wouldn't you think??

And to those right-wingers, please remember that about 1/3 of those leases are in the Gulf of Mexico. There are vast proven reserves there! No oil, my azz!
Probably because it's never enough. They aren't supposed to come on line for 5-10 years anyway. 250k barrels a day sounds like a lot until you see what we use, and what we're projected to use in ten years. Even if we had the largest supplies, we'd be exporting it in the name of saving our precious economy.
There is little or no oil on those acres. Oil companies lease a lot of land without knowing much about the recoverable deposits underneath. Upon further study, there sometimes turns out to be more oil than expected, and many times less than expected.

To Drill Or Not To Drill - That is the question ultimately answered by oil company geologists who try to find the oil.
'; making Dems and environmentalist look bad...';

They aren't making me look bad. If I had my way we would have been energy independent by the mid-1990's. It was doable, and it still is.
My parents have a couple of acres so I wonder why they are not drilling there or why are they not drilling in everyone's back yard for that matter because every square inch of land has oil in it.
Maybe there is no oil there? Wouldn't it make sense to drill where there is oil?
There's not enough oil there to make it profitable for the company.
The same reason you don't breath under water. You breath where the air is right?
Clearly - you are wrong.
No you are right. The Republicans are just making a big deal about it now because they are trying to win an election. Drilling for oil will not help us out one bit in the short term and in the long term it will only help us out minimally. It would cut a couple of pennies off the cost from gas 15-20 years from now after they spent billions of dollars to get the oil from the ocean.

Would Russia be happier if we drilled for our own oil, or bought Russian oil?

Russia sells to EU why would they care what we do.Would Russia be happier if we drilled for our own oil, or bought Russian oil?
We don't purchase oil from Russia.

Russia would not be happy about an expansion of America's offshore or Alaskan drilling because just the fact that it would be done would tend to drive down the price of oil future contracts.

The truth of the matter is we have no idea how much recoverable oil there is offshore or in the artic because Democrats have blocked drilling there for 25 years.

The offshore parcels that are now leased to oil companies are only lines drawn on a map. They have not been surveyed and test wells have not been drilled. Those offshore sites are only a tiny fraction of the sites that might contain oil and by passing an energy bill which allows unrestricted offshore drilling oil companies would finally have the option of drilling wells where they feel the potential for oil strikes is good.

There is the potential that if we begin unrestricted offshore drilling off the east, gulf and west coasts as well as in the Artic wastes of Alaska there may be huge oil and gas deposits that will free us from foreign oil for decades. Couple this with the oil shale deposits in the Permian Basin of Montana and Utah which have proven to possess huge deposits of oil shale which rival the liquid reserves of Saudi Arabia.

Although turning oil shale in recoveable oil is a complex process we need no new technology to do it

Once again Democrats in congress have blocked this also along with new refineries and new nuclear generating plants.

Would Russia be happier if we drilled for our own oil, or bought Russian oil?
I just saw something on the History channel about there not being any oil left in 20 years....which is why the middle east is driving prices through the roof. Dubai is trying to become the ';entertainment'; capital of the world. Spending trillions on ridiculous things like the indoor snow skiing dome. This is where our moneys going! So yeah....I'm sure Russia is loving this right now.
Here is a list from the Department of Energy for May 2008 updated July, 2008, for the Top 15 countries that we import oil from, how much etc.鈥?/a>

We do import oil from Russia but it is #13 on the list. I'm sure they would like to continue with that revenue.

Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, and Nigeria are the top five countries we import from....

Edit: To Sawdust (above)....

You are correct on how wealthy Dubai is. In researching that country, I hadn't realized how much they have acquired here, or how many countries have moved their companies there, ours included. I knew other countries have been purchasing here for several years in a major way, but didn't realize the extent. These are just a few examples.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
You know most of our oil comes from Canada, Us, Venezuela, Saudia Arabia is on the bottom of the list.

We do not get any oil from Russia.

But Russias Rubble, sure has gained since they found there newest oil well. Oil will increase the US dollar as well. Even if it does not lower gas prices.
Since Russia and the US are on different sides of the fence, they will be happier if the US did not drill for their own oil. In not drilling we deepen our dependence on foreign oil for not only running our car but almost every product we make out of plastic which the key ingredient is oil.

Probably if you bought Russian oil. But anyway, Of course Russia, and every decent person in the world, would be happier if the US stopped being dependent on Saudi oil and the oil of other fanatic Arab dictatorships.
we already have 68 million acres of land available to the oil companies for drilling, what makes you think we will drill in Anwr which mccain ardently supports
I am sure Russia could care less if we just disappeared and left all our belongings for them to come and loot.
Can you cook Poutine without oil?
I wonder how people would feel if we had no oil at all. What happens when we run out of oil?

Will oil companies ask for government subsidies to drill now that prices are dropping?

this sounds like de ja vu all over again rickWill oil companies ask for government subsidies to drill now that prices are dropping?
Probably not IMO. We're at a very important crossroads. America is just plain sick of the corruption within business across our great land.

Just like the AIG ';execs'; who spent $443,000 in a resort after an $85BILLION which you, I, %26amp; all American taxpayers paid.

This is plain sick for these ';men'; to do things like this.

I firmly believe the USA will withdraw slowly from dependence on foriegn oil. The Saudi's will become very concerned and the price will most likely go even lower.

I'd hope the Oil Co's would invest their own monumental profits into their own business. It's not my duty, nor any or yours, to ';help'; them pay for their drilling.

GOD have mercy our USA. Please don't thumbs down me when I say ';please be careful for whom you vote';. I prefer the man with the most experience personally. Will oil companies ask for government subsidies to drill now that prices are dropping?
Oil companies already receive subsidies from the government. Which is strange since the oil companies are making record profits, yet refuse to build any new refineries. I'm sure there lobbyist will try to get more subsidies.
As long as there are idiots in the Congress, of course they'll ask. Wouldn't you?

By the way, did you know that the democrat bail-out bill had new subsidies for oil companies?
It wouldn't surprise me. I want to see us give the Arabs a run for their money and drive prices down even further. Let's get our energy programs (all of them) up and running ASAP! Let's create some new jobs for our citizens!
The reason the price is dropping is the fact that the economy is so bad, people are not buying petrol products.
Even if we drill, it will be ten years before we see the oil from these locations. We are making new advances so quickly. Is it worth it? IDK?
Don't they always?

  • makeup ideas
  • Why don't the environmentalists relax the rules so we can drill for oil here in the US ?

    ..and let us become a self-sufficent , leader in the World again instead of dancing to the beat of the Middle East and other oil producing countries? It would solve so many problems .Why don't the environmentalists relax the rules so we can drill for oil here in the US ?
    liberals would rather see the public suffer than see a toad or owl relocatedWhy don't the environmentalists relax the rules so we can drill for oil here in the US ?
    the oil companies have other investment also, like stocks in grain, defense contracts, politicians, ammo, weapons, actually anything that makes a profit~!!!

    there has been a memo floating around on the Internet from the big oil companies stating that they do not want to increase production, build more refineries or do any more drilling, and want to create a bottleneck to increase profits~!!!

    they already have thousands of unused leases and permits to drill and build more refineries, but that would not be to their advantage~!!!

    so if the price of food, gas, electricity, bullets and bombs goes up, hey they are winners all the way around~!!!!

    and like any card carryin Republican would say, ';Hey Capitalism works, whats wrong with making a profit';~??!!

    so what are all you rightwing-nuts complainig about~???!!

    they are screwin ya the American way~!!!
    We will never be self sufficient. You get that right? How many people do YOU Know who carpooled to work before gas prices started to go up last year? I'll bet NADA. I live in yuppiedom and every other home owns an SUV (some own two) where a SINGLE driver drives themselves to work. People vote down mass transportation over and over again because they want to drive their cars. Until people stop their relentless pursuit of selfish lives, it will remain unheard.

    Got a tell you though - environmentalist folks I knew 15 years in college now drive SUVs, use disposable diapers (well, EVERYTHING disposable) but because they recycle a little they are still green.

    [edited to add] a lot of the oil in SD is under Indian or sacred land.
    We are currently looking at several locations that are rich with a substance called Balkan Shale it is a stone that when compressed releases oil. There are several places that they do drill.

    The problem is that the Oil companies do not want the oil if the price stays high they make more in proffit they are blatantly gouging the US populace.

    The republicans will not allow any bill through senate or congress that will stop it because they all get money from Big Oil to run their campeign's it has NOTHING to do with the environmental lobby the desolate oil rich planes are there and most are owned by the Oil companies already.

    I actually heard an interview with the CEO of exxon mobile where he flat stated that they are in the business to make money and that is all they care about. They could increase the flow of gasoline and lower prices in a matter of hours Nation wide but they will not because they want the Money.

    We are being Raped at the pump by the Oil backed Republicans.
    Maybe if the US had better foreign policy Middle Eastern countries would not feel such animosity towards us. If you want to relax the rules when it comes to drilling for oil then why don't you just go ahead and relax emission laws? Besides, there is not enough oil within the US to keep us self suffiecent for long. In case you've forgotten oil is non-renewable and at the rate we use it we would be back in the same boat before this century is over.
    Because they want to reduce us to the barbaric state of mindless animals. Ayn Rand warned years ago that the environmental movement is nothing but socialism in disguise. And the goal of socialism, like all other irrational ideas, is to use the force of the mob to destroy man's minds and enslave man's bodies. I will not work for ';everyone but me'; nor will I surrender my rights to buy whatever I want with the money I earned through my hard work. If cars give off too much poison, then we need to fix it, not get rid of cars. If fuel costs too much then we need alternative energy sources, but don't tell me I can't drive my car. And if there's land with oil under it, let them drink the milkshake before someone else does.
    Because we have a SURPLUS of oil in barrels already buried in Texas!!!!!!!

    Congress was asked to release them and they refused. They said we were not in a bad enough situation. Now, if we are not bad off enough to release this surplus oil then we are certainly not bad off enough to destroy Alaskan wildlife!


    Ayn Rand just repackaged other peoples' philosophy in a less appealing form. She was a horrid and bitter woman who had countless affairs and made up excuses to justify them to herself and her husband. You can't claim to be a person of conviction while making excuses. She is only respected by people who just picked up her books because they are in college now and want to sound intellectual. It is a simplistic view of intellect which takes only the aesthetics of appearing rational and violates the reality.

    That said, Atals Shrugged featured an engine which ran forever without fossil fuels. It would have destroyed the oil companies and so the government blocked it because she wanted to point out the lack of sense in trying to save the interdependence of industry over something that would benefit all of humanity. What is happening now with Bush playing favors for his special interests and former college and business associates is exactly what that book warned of!

    There are many solutions which do not require damaging our pristine national treasures.
    it would also ruin pristine natural wonders and push countless species to the brink of extinction. but hey, let's keep destroying for our non-renewable resource rather than trying to minimize the damage already done, right?

    in the areas where drilling is being forbidden it is clear that the process of excising the oil from the earth would cause irreparable and inadmissible damage. don't you think the oil companies would have already taken advantage of them if there wasn't solid evidence that it would cost too much in the way of the environment? they are pouring money into their cause, so it would have already happened if it wouldn't be a catastrophe for the ecosystem.
    If you haven't noticed the 'environmentalists' have become one of the most radically insane groups of wack-jobs in modern day (Rome). They are busy trying to redistribute the worlds resources based on saving the planet from global warming.

    The new religion of the left. It's why they are called 'watermelons'; green outside and red ,(marxist) on the inside.
    I agree that we need to get out of he Middle East . But oil is not the answer in the long run. Environmentalists care about the condition that the Earth is in right now. That doesn't mean that you can't jump in your car and drive a few blocks to school or Sonic. What needs to happen is good clean cheap energy . And that can happen. But people need to stop their addiction to oil.
    Don't you get it? Extreme environmentalists WANT us to pay $10 for a gallon of gas. Remember, they want us to STOP driving. Extreme environmentalism which is also the new home of communism in this country will not be happy until we are thrown back into the horse and buggy days and ruled by the state.
    Because once you start drilling it will effect the ecosystem greatly, and that would take years, if not more (if its even possible) to restore the balance.

    The amount of problems it would solve would be equal if not less than the amount of problems it would create.
    because they believe one tree has feelings, i honestly don't care about one tree, cut it down if i means we get lower oil prices..everyone blames republicans for high gas and oil prices, when most enviromentalists are democrats, and they won't let us drill for oil we already have.
    because it wouldn't solve anything. why don't we spend more time finding something else to run our cars off of? why screw up the country for a temporary fix? it is america the beautiful, right?

    actually, i haven't paid for gas in a long long time. and i can easily average 500 miles a week. the gas prices really don't matter much to me.
    I totally agree with you! I really believe there's a conspiracy. I think the govt is being paid off by the environmentalists, to keep things as is, and to keep our animals safe. Well, the human is the MOST IMPORTANT ';animal'; on the planet and we need OIL!
    Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....the US could make up with Venezuela :)

    Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....finally sign the Kyoto accord and let's get engineers working and chemists and put the auto industry back in North America by engineering cars that won't need to be so dependent on black gold :)
    We do.

    Pennzoil is named for the state we discovered the oil in. Pennsylvania. Oil. Pennzoil. Let's not forget QUAKER STATE.

    We have refineries and oil drills in Texas, and just offshore in Florida...

    Where do you live?
    because we should learn to not be so dependant on oil.

    AND we cannot screw the world over anymore by harming the ecosystems
    or we could do something to quell our dependence on oil forever. cause oil in the us would eventually run out too, so its not really worth investing in outdated technology.
    ya it would... but we have very little oil to supply for the hole us and we do get some oil from the us most of it if not all is from alaska
    It is all politics designed to keep the price of oil rising.
    Because ignorance is bliss and they all smoked too much third generation purple hair indigo dope in the 60s
    They need to drill and to hell with the environment and green weenies.
    With enlightened thinkers like yourself I'm amazed at how we haven't solved this and many issues yet.
    Perhaps, because we don't have oil.
    from what i've heard, its because they wouldnt make as much money.

    but i dont really know, i think im too young to fully understand the whole thing.

    good luck at finding the answer [:
    Because Al Gore has conviced the world that we have global warming when 2 of every 3 scientists say that there is no global warmng and that we have expierenced perodic warming weather patterns for millions of years. They often site the dust bowl era of the twenties when years of drought dammaged crop production too the extent that millions of people from Oklahoma moved too California too reestablish their farms I believe that Al Gore is seeking the power he lost when he wasn't elected President and is getting rich too boot.
    because of the enviornment and global warming and such. ( these reasons are all bullshit though cause global warming isnt real). its a liberal thing and its destroying the country

    Do you think offshore (USA) drilling is the answer to the oil crisis?

    If We Drill in the U.S., We Don't Get the Oil

    By Cenk Uygur, Huffington Post. Posted August 1, 2008.

    The oil that comes from offshore drilling will belong to the multinational firm, like Exxon-Mobil and will go to world markets, not us. One thing has been driving me crazy about this drilling debate -- everyone seems to assume that if we drill for oil in the US, that we will get the oil. And hence, we won't be dependent on foreign oil anymore. But we won't get anything, Exxon-Mobil will.

    The oil that comes from that drilling will not be United States property (Republicans aren't suggesting we nationalize the oil companies, are they?). It will be the property of whichever oil company got the rights to that contract. They can then sell it to whoever they like -- and they will. They will sell it on the world market, so the Chinese will have just as much access to the oil that comes out of the coast of Florida as we will.

    The Democrats have done a decent job of beating back the argument that this will effect prices in the short run, or even in the long run. But no one has addressed the point above. The Republicans make it seem like we won't be dependent on foreign oil -- and that prices will go down in the US -- if we have our own oil. But it won't be ours. And it will be sold on the world market, so its effect on global oil prices will be even smaller.

    When we ask the question of whether there should be drilling off the coast of Florida or in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, we should ask the question this way -- would you be comfortable with the Chinese or the Germans or Russians or the Saudis drilling on American land? Because for all intents and purposes, they will be.

    Large multi-national firms like Exxon-Mobil are not US property. They sell to the world and their allegiance is to corporate profits. So, when they drill, they drill for the whole world, not just us. Some might find that heart-warming, but it certainly has nothing to do with the US having more oil or lower prices

    Do you think offshore (USA) drilling is the answer to the oil crisis?
    I've been trying to make this point for weeks, but conservatives are somehow convinced that oil companies are so patriotic that they would keep the oil here, rather than sell it on the global market.Do you think offshore (USA) drilling is the answer to the oil crisis?
    It's part of the answer to increase worldwide supply.

    Alternative energy research and Conservation are other parts.

    Oil is up all over the world. Increasing world supply will help.

    Huffington BTW has proven itself to be a biased Liberal rag.

    First of all this came from the Huffington Hate. The site is full of Liberals haters. You can not put any stock from that site. Of course we would get the oil. Stop reading from the Left wing hate sites.
    No demand growth will continue to grow larger and faster than any supply increase we can create.

    Repairing the value of the dollar will be the best solution to problem.. Just look at today oil down more than 3 and the dollar index is up only 1
    The wise one says it is a piece of the puzzle. The other pieces are further reducing consumption and developing alternative energy sources, including harnessing the wind.
    Of course not. If it was the answer then the oil companies would have already begun drilling on the 40 million plus acres they already hold leases to.
    What oil crisis? I have encountered absolutely no delay or shortage every time I pull into a gas station to get gas.

    Yes. And cheesecake is the answer to obesity.
    Drilling = idiot's desperate solution
    no because its illegal
    More oil is the answer for our oil addiction in the same way that more heroin is the cure for heroin addiction.
    No I think Bush getting the !@#$ out of office is the solution to this ';crisis'; and a whole lot more.
    of course. Why do we have to depends on other countries?
    What crisis? There is no shortage of oil
    The article you posted ignores several points, one amongst them the fact that there's nothing stopping oil drilled in the U.S. from getting to U.S. refineries. If Ahmadinejad or a handful of other leaders really wanted to, he could start closing down ports and pipelines in and around Iran, to his country's detriment, but which would cause the price to skyrocket suddenly. Now the U.S. does have the SPR but it has a max drawdown rate of only about 4.5 MBPD, which is far less then what we import. In such an event, having an additional 2-3 MBPD of oil available nearby would be real handy.

    It's also worth pointing out that an XOM project would be far more environmentally friendly and efficient vs. buying oil from Nigeria or Central Asia, and we'd see more wealth go to an American company and from there to American shareholders and taxes to America, rather then go to some other country.

    As for your bold question, I see it as part of the answer. One analogy I saw this morning is that if you saw someone out of shape and lethargic, would you recommend that he diet or exercise? Or wouldn't you recommend both? It seems like the Reps stress the supply side of the equation while the Dems stress the demand side. Both sides are extremely important right now.
    The wise one is correct. Lifting the ban and permitting oil companies to drill is only one piece of the puzzle. More has to be done in terms of giving incentives to the oil companies to actually develop the leases (new ones and the currently held ones). Right now they can sit on them and do nothing without any consequence - and since they're making a ton of money, they have no reason to spend their money to develop their leases.
    Drilling, drilling, and drilling is a quick fix for a bigger problem. The main problem is that the United States depends on foreign oil for a source of energy and even if the US did not depend on foreign oil, there should be some sort of alternative that should be developed because there is only so much oil on the planet.

    Why not develop alternative sources of energy if it would benefit the health of humans and be cheap at the same time?
    what our idiot congress(not all though) and that ignoramus nancy pallossi don`t seem to understand even if it does take ten years you have got to start somewhere. they don`t seem to care that there are going to be people here long after there gone. i wish we could throw all their asses in jail along with the lobbiest and special interest groups for endangering the lives of our future children and our childrens children.
    We need EVERYTHING! Before its TOO LATE! It may be TOO LATE NOW! DRILL HERE DRILL NOW FOR GOSH SAKES! What is the BIG DEAL! We will have plenty of Alternatives in 50 YEARS!

    You are MIS-INFORMED! The Oil Companies WANT TO DRILL where we have OIL!


    Then she looks like a IDIOT cause prices of gas will go down 50CENTS per gallon!

    Exxon DOES ALL THE WORK! They make less money than OPRAH DOES! What does SHE DO?


    Dems that do not support DRILLING are just mad at the Oil Company EXXON , cause EXXON wants to BUY BACK THE STOCKS THAT THESE DEMOCRATS OWN!

    TRUE!!! They are corrupted in the MONEY HUNGRY RING! They can't get enough MONEY!

    Check it out! Democrats by Majority are RICHER than Republicans!
    I think it's a good idea, but not the only idea. We should also invest in alternative energies while drilling, and get congress to make Solar, Wind, and Water powers more affordable to the American Consumer. I would love to put up some solar panels on the roof of my house, but the $40,000 price tag isn't exactly something I can pull out of my account in one day.
    No - most of the world's oil has been extracted in the first place and is gone.

    What bothers me, is that folks would opt for drilling and consuming this oil before considering that conserving our last remaining resources may be a better option. Why should we consume this and have nothing in 10 years? Isn't that short-sighted and doesn't that leave future generations with nothing?

    Not to mention, we have not had any accurate geophysical explorations of the extent of any potential reserves. One would think the first plan of action would be to determine how much exists first, then a cost-benefit analysis in order to hold any true debate.

    Right now, folks are politicizing these areas, when in fact, we don't know what, exactly, is at stake.
    i wouldnt call this a crisis, but to answer your question, i think it would significantly helpthe economy. allowing US businessmen to get thier resources domestically will help lower the cost to them, and we should see some of that trickle down and give us lower gas prices. it will stimulate our economy by creating jobs, someone has to maintain, construct and operate oil rigs. someone will need to transport extracted oil, and with more supply, more people will be needed to work refineries etc. this move of workers to the gulf coast/alaska will boost the housing market in the area since these people will need places to live.

    your point about us trading with other nations is kind of pointless because eveerything we do nowadays is on a global market.

    Why can't countries ';laterally'; drill for oil across borders, for example Israel tapping in other's oil?

    It seems to me that oil reserves are defined by political boundries. Wouldn't it be possible to go across borders and harvest the oil reserves of other countries. Given the price of crude, this would make a possibly very expensive endeavor seem less prohibitive.Why can't countries ';laterally'; drill for oil across borders, for example Israel tapping in other's oil?
    There are many factors to consider.

    1. the country may take action against you or worse.

    2. being in a foreign country drilling for oil without a permit will raise suspicion and cause many undesired side effects such as:


    -resources being shut down

    -shipping lanes closed


    3. there may be the risk you are risking money and other things for an empty site's usually illegal to drill in a foreign country without a permit, you may be prosecuted by the U.N.

    and hundreds of other factors.Why can't countries ';laterally'; drill for oil across borders, for example Israel tapping in other's oil?
    go talk to the other oil companys they hold the trump cards
    On the other hand, you don't actually own the minerals under your own house. If international law were based on the same cronyism, we could be in trouble :)
    While horizontal drilling is certainly possible (reference 1), there is a greater consideration which is the sovereign state of nations (reference 2). The net upshot is that states (countries) own the land under them, and are allowed to exercise power over that land. As boring holes under other countries is generally interpreted as a violation of this sovereignity, it would constitute an act of war.

    Simply put- it's theft.
    you can't go more than a few miles sideways, and it would make your neighbour angry.
    I have heard that it's being done. In fact, interestingly enough, I've heard that Israel is one country at least that's doing it. Not oil, though: water. In the end, more precious. I don't think it's exactly ';lateral'; drilling, it's angled drilling. Into neighboring aquifers.

    Oops: I just saw your addendum about reserves and political boundaries. That might be true sometimes, but it's not consistent at all. Oil reserves weren't completely mapped when most political boundaries were established. And when you add things like water reservoirs and mineral deposits, which are unlikely to exist in exactly the same spaces as oil fields, you'll see that boundaries aren't going to align closely and consistently.
    Im about to actually go an do this next month. I work offshore as a geologist and the reservoir is in one country and the oil rig in the other, so we are drilling across the border. This is allowed to happen as the country in which we are drilling into to save on building on oil platform will use one that already exists across the border. Money will obviously cross palms but mostly its an economics thing, which is mutually beneficial for both companies involved.
    Kuwait tried this in 1990, and got invaded by Iraq in response.
    Would you like your neighbour to build a cellar using this tunneling technology under your house? LOL

    Better to trade than do this!
    Because it's not nice! It's the kind of thing that neighbors get huffy about, just as your neighbors'd get huffy if you plugged an extension cord into a plug in their bedroom to run your refrigerator. Paying my bills is a very expensive endeavor. Putting a stocking on my face and robbing the bank, right down on the corner from where I live, would make the bill-paying process less prohibitive in the short-run, and, in the long run, would get me a lot of free room and board at the state's expense.

    Since the Democratic controlled congress has given the go-ahead to drill for offshore oil ?

    Fifty miles offshore, where there is little oil.... Is that good news for the chinese who will be drilling only 20 miles offshore where most of the oil lies ?Since the Democratic controlled congress has given the go-ahead to drill for offshore oil ?
    There are no Chinese drilling 20 miles off our shores.

    You need to get a clue about Maritime Law.

    Since the Democratic controlled congress has given the go-ahead to drill for offshore oil ?
    Don't know about Chinese, but a sham of a Bill when 90% of the oil is less than 50 miles.... but plays to the far left feel good base that wouldn't think or research .....ahhhh Palosi, (Gas was 1.81 a gallon when the Dem's took congress)
    what difference does it make

    Even the Department of energy (Bush Admin) says drilling today would NOT decrease oil prices until 2030!!

    even then its doubtful

    How much oil is estimated to be in the United States that has not been drilled yet?

    Places like Alaska (ANWR), Montana, Colorado, off the coast of Texas, etc.

    Can you provide links to sites for facts? Thanks.How much oil is estimated to be in the United States that has not been drilled yet?
    ALL the oil that has not been drilled yet is still there. Hope this helps

    Hugs! Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, & force America to pay these high oil prices today?

    That is not the reason for the oil prices of today. Oil Companies are being subsidized, just like farmers, to not produce oil. There is more than enough oil sitting in the ground without drilling in a protected area. Look into this, a little education goes a long way toward being informed enough to ask relevant questions.Hugs! Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, %26amp; force America to pay these high oil prices today?
    Great questions, now you will see all the Hypocrites!!! The same people who blame Bush and not congress for our high gas prices are the same Hypocrites who won't blame the Dems and Clinton on the Anwar issue, see all they no and have learned is to blame Bush for everything but are so blinded by truth and logic they can't see that Congress is as much to blame or more for the high gas prices, and if we drill our own oil, we are less dependent on the middle east, then we will be able to put more money in Alternative energy resources!!!Hugs! Why did Billy Clinton veto drilling in ANWR in 1996, %26amp; force America to pay these high oil prices today?
    Because he didn't want any animals to be harmed from the drilling and he wanted it to be left a la natural. Once again, he stopped something that would have been good for America, but like the previous answer, we really should learn to do with less oil.
    There was and still is, no problem with the supply side of oil production. There is plenty of oil being produced, this is an artificially high price for oil. Production costs have not been rising, the price is high due to wildly out of bounds futures speculation.
    Its not about drilling in ANWR. It's about a gluttonous appetite and a real reluctance to wean ourselves from that habit. If you want to decrease the price, decrease the DEMAND. It's not only a function of supply!
    It wouldn't matter; Bush's falling dollar, Wall Street crack-up boom speculation and refinery bottlenecks would still lead to higher gasoline prices.* President Bush also chose to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the brim during his two terms.
    who knows.... why did he have ';it'; with monica lewinski? his affair choices should show you he can't make good choices in anything else.
    The same reason JImma Carter was opposed to it in the late 70's. It is about control. Libs want to tell you what to eat, where to live, what to wear, what type of vehicle you drive, how much you will pay for fuel, etc, etc-----. They could have all the drilling and refinery problems over if we had addressed the issues when Carter(the first) was president. Gas was $2.10 a gal when the libs. took over our government in 2006. What have Pelosi and Reid done to us';?
  • makeup ideas
  • Is it true that McCain just said Drill for oil to get the OIL companies behind him?

    McCain said about a month ago that drilling for oil will do nothing. Now the gush of money coming his way is from only Oil companies. So McCain was playing up to the OIL companies.鈥?/a>Is it true that McCain just said Drill for oil to get the OIL companies behind him?
    Yup.Is it true that McCain just said Drill for oil to get the OIL companies behind him?
    Get real McCain is going with the majority of the American people, they are fed up with the price of foreign oil, we have tons of oil in our own country it's ridiculous to continue to depend on foreign oil, we also need other alternatives as well. We also need to stop foreign countries from drilling for oil off the coast of Florida. If we're not allowed to drill why in God's name do we allow foreigners to. It doesn't make any sense.
    Oil companies are our Gods! We cannot criticize them, remember? Sean Hannity said so. Even though their making record profits off the average struggling American...Sean Hannity is asking you and me to have some sympathy for them.....poor poor oil companies, why are we so cruel to them?? Why?????? *tears*
    No, because in the long run, it will save us money on gas. It wll take a couple of years, but I think it's worth the wait.
    We should drill for our own oil and I don't care who says it. It is only common sense. $4.00 gas and raising is destroying our economy.
    He said it to get your vote, they will say anything.

    Unless government forces OIL COMPANY'S to drill more oil why would they drill more oil?

    They already have record profits and a supply to bleed us dry!!!!Unless government forces OIL COMPANY'S to drill more oil why would they drill more oil?
    Personally I don't think the Government can force anyone to drill for oil, they can however open more areas for drilling if oil companies choose to drill.

    But that is just my opinion.Unless government forces OIL COMPANY'S to drill more oil why would they drill more oil?
    Other oil companies would form and be in competition with the current. The result would be lower prices. The more competition on the market, the lower prices will go.

    Multi-million dollar investors would get together and start their own oil companies. Remember, this still is a capitalistic society.

    The oil companies of today are not the only ones allowed. Other companies can be started.
    Because they are in the business of making money. They are not in the business of sitting on profits. They have shareholders who expect record profits every quarter. The more they drill and bring to market the more money they make. Same premise as Walmart, sell more for less and make more money!
    The profit motive. If it were a complete monopoly they might not choose to, instead choosing to withhold the oil and drive up the price (like OPEC does, particularly in the 70's). But since these are competitive firms, selling a bunch more oil means more money for them, even if the price per barrel drops slightly.
    The oil and gas companies earn about 8% on their sales - the more sales, the more money they make.

    Pretty simple actually - and their own domestic oil is cheaper for them than importing foreign oil for refining.
    There are no conspiracies here Dino. Just corporations trying to make profit the best way they can. Their shareholders will be upset if they pass up good opportunities.
    They make windfall profits on domestic oil, silly.
    They will produce until marginal cost = marginal revenue, which it doesn't yet.
    MMM I bet their extra supply is stolen from iraq.
    Easy: to make even more money.
    Um, to make more money..
    if there was gold in your yard, I dont think the gov't would have to make you dig it up

    Does Obama not want us to drill Crude Oil because he has cornered the market on Snake Oil?

    Is THAT the ';alternative fuel'; he is talking about?Does Obama not want us to drill Crude Oil because he has cornered the market on Snake Oil?
    What the ill informed people who follow the drill here drill now propaganda machine is that it won't help us. Where are you going to drill? The newly found oil in the northern great plains? The ground is a lot more dense there and it will cost $100+ a barrel to drill. The gulf? The oil there is deep and has only recently been feasible do to new technologies and is still expensive. If we were to start drilling now, it would be close to or more then a decade before we see the first barrel. There are other things that need to be done first like surveying and setting it up. Furthermore what about global demand? If Exxon can sell a barrel of oil to the US for $100 a barrel or sell it to India or China for $150 who do you think will get it? Finally, what do we do when we finally run out? It is a finite resource. I agree, we should have started years ago, but to rely on it by itself is irresponsible. We need renewable resources as well as domestic drilling.Does Obama not want us to drill Crude Oil because he has cornered the market on Snake Oil?
    just like Bill O'Reilly

    obama thinks that we can Not drill our way out of this mess.


    drill anyway - Sure

    but whats the rush ? my children would love some of that oil.

    I promise - as the oil runs out we will drill for every last drop.

    and then we will dig up the sand/shale deposits turning large parts of North America into open strip mines.


    I am Certain that Peak Oil is VERY real.

    it's going to be a BIG ugly problem.

    the longer we can make our domestic reserves last the Better !!!

    lets not be in a rush to pump ';our'; oil because the next generation might Really Need It !!!!

    after all - it's not going anywhere

    and the claims that the Chinese are drilling it off our coast are not true (at this time)

    If WW III does happen that off shore oil could determine the speed and scope of our Victory (okay, that's a Big maybe)

    why do you think we must have it as soon as possible (other than yours and mine pocket books ?)

    after all - you have said the U.S. economy is actually doing pretty good, have you not ?


    as for alternatives

    that could turn out to be horse-sh*t

    as of now we produce hydrogen with electricity produced from guessed it ! OIL

    and Solar + Wind power (please, I'm not that gullible)

    nuclear - sure, after we address the national embarrassment that is Yucca Mountain, only then can we talk nuclear.

    I didn't mention ';clean'; coal plants

    but I can save that for another question / answer
    He is against nuclear.....

    He is against drilling....

    Actually, he doesn't know what he's against or for..... he just thinks an ';alternate fuel fairy'; will come and drop a solution in his back yard if he gets elected....... and the liberal idiots believe it too. That's why they support him when he has NO energy policy.
    All the drilling won't change the fact, that the time of cheap oil is over. Estimates are that opening all wells in the USA would lower gas price by 1,2 cents.
    Good one consistently good ones,
    The more they delay the more oil we will buy from our Enemy...

    Why won't the dems let us drill for oil or build nuclear power plants? They say it will take 10-12 years ...

    They say it will take 10-12 years to produce lower prices at the gas pumps. If that's the case, why did Bill Clinton veto drilling 14 years ago? Doesn't make sense, does it!Why won't the dems let us drill for oil or build nuclear power plants? They say it will take 10-12 years ...
    Idk. I'm so pissy about gas prices, I'm going green. I hate to say it, but not necessarily because I'm all that concerned about the environment, it just pisses me off to pay such an outrageous amount for gas/energy. My NIPSCO (heating/cooling/electric) bill last month was $399 and I don't live in a mansion or anything, just an old house with poor insulation and old windows. Regardless, wtf?! I turned off the air and I'm making everyone in my house sweat because I refuse to give those ridiculous people my money. We need to forget about drilling and put all of our money into improving alternative energy sources like ethanol, wind, and solar power. Crude oil is only going to become more and more expensive, and look who we're giving our money too...the middle east...eff that! We need to jump ship on them and find other ways to power our lives before they drive our country into a depression.Why won't the dems let us drill for oil or build nuclear power plants? They say it will take 10-12 years ...
    Lots of oil drilling going on in the US. Increase in the number of active rigs, increase in the number of workover rigs, 300% increase in drilling permits on federal lands, over 10,000 drilling permits issued in the last 5 years. The ban on offshore drilling was not a Clinton idea, the executive order was signed by Bush Sr. and recently reaffirmed by Bush Jr. I would agree with you on the nuclear side. Maybe it is time to take another hard look at nuclear with the advancements in technology that could make it safer. There is still the concern over the long term storage of the radioactive spent fuel though.
    The drilling for oil is actually in President Bush's order to advance, he must rescind the previous order signed by his father that prohibits new offshore drilling. If he does that, and the Democrats block it, then it's the Democrats fault.

    As far as nuclear power, environmentalists don't want people to know that great advancements in nuclear technology have been made since the accident at Three Mile Island, and those advancments make it much safer than it used to be. Is it 100% safe? No, nothing is. Personally, I think it's better than giving money to OPEC to aid in our destruction.
    They want to throw billions of dollars at alternatives which will take just as long or longer.

    That's our tax dollars.

    Let the Oil Companies invest their own money in getting oil and let Electric Companies do the same.

    Meanwhile,let the people working on alternatives invest their money in their products and bring them to market.
    Democrats a liars.

    Many economists say just announcing the opening of new areas would send shockwaves through the speculators and drive prices down.

    Besides, if we don't drill now in ten years gas will be 10/gallon

    Edit: Lawerence, he stated he would as soon as he gets a green light from congress.
    They Say:

    1. Drill current leases ( 3% of the total, and there's no oil there)


    2. They say oil companies dont want to drill to keep prices up. ( then why are the lining up to bid for iraqi oil contracts

    3. They say it's speculation in the US markets ( Oil is a world market)

    3. They hate ';big oil'; (Exxon 42 billion) but support policy that dictates we send 74 billion to the Saudi's)

    4. They say it's not supply/demand. (Try selling your used SUV for full value today)

    5. They say we have plenty of oil ( Dem policies have resulted in the lowest U.S. oil output since the 1940's鈥?/a>

    6. They say we should be ';green'; (Ok, fine i'm all for it. Where can I buy a car that runs on solar or wind ? It will be much longer than 10 years before we can afford a green car

    Not 1 Democratic Idea will produce 1 more drop of oil

    Since they know all these facts, maybe the real answer can be found here. In the words of Patrick Moore, cofounder of Greenpeace!鈥?/a>

    They are not capable of seeing truths.

    Drill here! Drill Now

    Sign this!鈥?/a>
    Election year...only reason...politics 101 pure and simple. Think about this...10 years from now...when they are saying STILL...but it will take 10 years to drill etc....will you believe them then....or will you see it for what it really is....BULL SH*# Another writwer says..elder Bush was the signer...was Carte and the Democratically controlled Congress....Then extended by Billy I got a Cigar..Clinton.look it up...not...BUSH. Tagger
    The politicians are demagoging the energy issue; they are not interested in formulating a sensible energy policy for our country. They are interested only in short-term fixes and votes in the next election.
    The left wing liberal loonies are totally wacked out.

    What do you think about the ';drill now'; theory when oil prices are falling due to the slight increase in USD?


    Does it appear that oil prices are falling without US offshore drilling?What do you think about the ';drill now'; theory when oil prices are falling due to the slight increase in USD?
    A slight decrease... If we increased the supply, and continued to lower the demand, then the price would plummet. Kind of like Pelosi's rating in Congress.

    Besides, I'm not happy with $3.55 a gallon, I want $2.50. The funny thing is, that Congress said it would take 10 years, but it was less then 10 days after Bush lifted his ban when the gas price fell. If Pelosi would lift her head out of Mr. Greenpeace's lap, she would allow the vote to lift the congressional ban, and we would be enjoying affordable fuel before Christmas!

    Come on CG, I thought you had increased the IQ points a little. What do you think about the ';drill now'; theory when oil prices are falling due to the slight increase in USD?
    Oil prices have fallen, in large part because demand is down world wide, leading to an increase in supply, which prompted investors to take their money out of commodities (see oil) and put it back into stocks. The bottom line is that we need to lessen our dependence on foreign oil as much as possible for both economic and security reasons.

    The difference between America and most of the rest of the world is that we have the natural resources to become completely self-sufficient. Imagine how much stronger the dollar would be if we would extract enough oil to not only fuel the US, but also become the primary global exporter. Oil drives our economy. It's the life blood of our goods and services. Our automobiles (freedom machines) don't run on wind or solar power, and this is a problem we sure can't inflate our way out of!
    The Fed can't maintain this low discount rate. I expect it to double incrementally over the next 12 months. This should help boost the dollar even more, sending gas prices lower still.

    Ironic that people assume that if Congress leases more land to the oil companies that they oil companies would immediately start drilling. When you suggest that Congress pass a bill directing the oil companies to drill now or lose the leases, conservatives call it socialism. Hilarious!
    Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less.

    It is not only costly, but extremely dangerous to be relying on OPEC for a majority of our oil. Most member nations of OPEC our hostile to us, so becoming energy independent should be top priority. Drilling will be a part of that. But I'm not just for drilling. I'm for anything that works: Wind power, solar power, electricity, clean coal, nukes, Chuck Schumer's hair. Anything.
    and they would drop more if we drilled. We are trying to get off of foreign oil along with lower prices.

    You must be incredibly short sighted if you think the problem will be gone as soon as gas prices go down. We are sending billions of dollars a year to countries that mostly hate us. They could cripple our economy with a simple embargo. Also some of that money goes to funding terrorist. So high gas prices is just one problem, we need energy independence and drilling is the first step in that.
    The real reason we don't drill here is we want to use up all of OPEC's oil first and drain their fields to the last drop. When this happens, OPEC will cease to exist and all that crap happening the middle east won't matter to us anymore, why should it? They have nothing else, except sand export, but we have our own deserts.

    All the money that we sent over there to buy oil will come back to us, the rest will be forced to buy from us, as we would be the No. 1 producer if we wanted to. Everybody will love the Unites States, we would have the oil.

    That is the grand plan of our government, they're not stupid, we just pretend to be while the middle east continues to pump all the oil they have.

    Think about it.
    There is a lot of oil here in the USA - On land . I don't like oil -but would much rather see Americans reap the profit and also hire Americans. I think it was North Dakota where millions of barrels of oil was discovered. I still believe that Green energy via wind and solar for electricity is a great near future plan.
    It isn't just the rise of the dollar that accounts for the fall in oil. But, to answer your question, I say yes, we should develop more domestic energy resources, including drilling for oil. If we don't, gas will cost $40 per gallon in ten years.

    I still dont believe in offshore drilling. I think that what we need to do is take this opportunity to begin implementing the alternative energy manifesto created by the Department of Energy to create energy independence and to bankrupt OPEC!
    Iran is only baiting the trap again, they will plug up the Straight of Hormuz and your gasoline will cost you another arm and a leg. We need to drill our own oil, build our own refineries and tell Iran to take a hike!
    I strongly believe in offshore drilling and drilling in ANWR. We need to get off the foreign oil. I'm not buying for one minute that the slight drop in price is going to be anything long term.
    Didn't you know that republicans are responsible for the drop in oil prices just because they talked about drilling?

    Yep, that's what they're saying.
    Offshore drilling will effect prices in the future. Don't worry about current conditions, plan ahead and reap the rewards later on.
    Oil is still a very hot commodity. We should be taking advantage of the oil market.

    The more we drill, the less why buy overseas.
    Humm, so they artificially raised oil prices knowing we'll sooner or later cave in and give them more oil leases. What a bunch of con artist.
    Obama is now FOR offshore drilling. His most recent flipflop.
    They are dropping because of the Bush speech 24 days ago. Notice gas has dropped 24 days strait now. The last thing Muslims like Obama want us to do is not need them for oil!
    Keep drilling till all the oil is used up. Then we have less to argue about.
    The same as I thought of it when prices were rising. The ';drill now'; calls are just a GOP gimmick.

    High prices caused US consumers to buy less fuel... THAT pushed prices down.
    It doesn't make any sense to drill now.
    Yeah, so much for that election year BS huh?

    Liberals stop Shell from drilling, and who wants us to stop being dependent on foreign oil?

    A federal appeals court has ordered Shell Oil to stop its exploratory drilling off the north coast of Alaska until a hearing in August. The order from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit blocks the February approval by the federal Minerals Management Service of Shell's offshore exploration plan for the Beaufort Sea. Vessels currently located in the area shall cease all operations performed in furtherance of that program and need not depart the area,'; said the Ninth Circus. ';Opponents contend that the Minerals Management Service approved Shell's plan without fully considering that a large spill would harm marine mammals, including bowhead and beluga whales. They say polar bears could also be harmed, and they question whether cleaning up a sizable spill would even be possible in the icy waters.';

    So here we are, the same damn people demanding energy independence standing in the way of drilling that an oil company, Shell, had been granted the right to do. The Ninth Circus, they are the most overturned appellate court at the US Supreme Court, but this is not anywhere near the US Supreme Court. What do you think the odds are that Shell will ever get the right to drill back, now that they've been ordered to be suspended? Slim to none and slim has left town, as they say. stop Shell from drilling, and who wants us to stop being dependent on foreign oil?
    When people say we need ';energy independence,'; it does not mean getting oil from our own territory; it means not using oil at all. What it means is finding other forms of energy that aren't fossil fuels. I think you are misinterpreting ';energy independence.';Liberals stop Shell from drilling, and who wants us to stop being dependent on foreign oil?
    I think we need to be even more dependent on foriegn oil, so we can go and take over some more places, that we have had the chance to yet, and maybe one of the countries that we try to take over will have the nards to throw a nuke at us, so then we can hurry and get WWIII started!!!! GO HILLARY!!!!
    Royal Dutch Shell did not renew their Oil Leases last fall at the Department of Interior Oil rights sell off.

    Plus they still owe the MMS millions in unpaid Oil fees.

    Look at BP they are also a foreign Oil Company and drilling on the North Slop with no Problems.

    The 9th Circuit is the largest of all Courts in America. With a major case load of international Contract law. They would not stop Royal Dutch Shell if Shell was keeping the Law.

    Here is the kicker Republican Alaska relies on those Oil revenues. If Shell does not pay it's back due MMS fees Alaskans will suffer.

    So who do you support Foreign corporate terrorist or Americans
    Energy independence and environmentalism are two different issues, even though at least some folks are big into both.

    If you just want energy independence, then, yes, domestic energy production of any kind - oil drilling in wildlife preserves, sucking hydrous methane off the ocean floor, unshielded nuclear reactors, damming every river in the country, and so forth - are all on the table. As long as you can get energy without critical inputs from unstable regions of the globe, you're good.

    If you're an environmentalist, you just want what's best for the sacred earth which gave us all life. You're against using oil, or any other fossil fuel, because it loads carbon into the atmosphere. You're against nuclear power because it produces nasty evil radiation. You're against hydroelectric power becasue it destroys fragile riparian ecosystems, and windmills because they kill birds. You're against transistor technologies because they use toxic chimicals (solar cells are transistors, BTW). If that means using less power - or no power, if there's no other alternative - then so be it. Humanity existed for a hundred thousand years in harmony with nature, we don't really /need/ all that power.

    If you want /both/, then you're limitted to hoping for a sort of Star Trek future of cheap solar cells and super-efficient batteries. Power that's cheap, clean, limittless perfectly safe, and leaves sacred Mother Earth exactly as you found her.

    So, no, it's not inherently contradictory, just very optimistic.
    Energy independence does not mean getting oil from somewhere else -- it means no longer being dependent on oil overall.

    Not to mention that the people who sued to stop the drilling are probably people who oppose all activities that result in ecological damage, whether drilling or logging or building a shopping mall.

    And I'm curious..... Have you checked to determine whether the specific panel judges who ruled on this are a liberals or conservatives? Or just jumping to conclusions about the entire 9th Circuit in general?
    See it's not foreign oil we need to stop being dependent on. It's oil in general. Fossil fuels, whatever you wanna call em. Because when we run out we're screwed.
    Always amazes me too. The regulate and tax the Hell out of Companies, and then go nuts when jobs go overseas.

    If they weren't so destructive (Dems.) on our country, it would be funny to watch them.
    I try to have confidence in our government as far as making decisions regarding oil drilling policies. Keeping in mind our needs, cost, availability, alternative energy sources, environmental impact, dependence on foreign oil, and all other things that enter into the equation.
    The problem is that most people do not understand supply and demand economics and what the structure is of the cost of gas per gallon. Do you know that we are using more oil now than EVER before! People are driving at an alarming rate. Do you realize how much petroleum鈥檚 used in making plastics and then how many things we use are made of plastics? The oil company makes about 9 cents a gallon as profit. The rest is made up of Federal and State taxes, the cost of exploration and production, Refining and then the cost of the additives that we have to put in the gas (we call it designer gas, thanks to the environmentalist wacko's). Do you know that we have not built a refinery in almost 40 years? (thanks again environmentalist). The refineries that we have are working at capacity and that is not enough to keep up with demand. Do you know that we hardly get any oil from the Middle East? Most people think that is where it all comes from. Not true. We get our oil form Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Africa, in that order. What we get from Saudi is a very small %. You want the cost of gas to drop....STOP driving, open up the ANWR for drilling and off our coasts (thanks again environmentalist) OR come up with an alternate fuel.
    this will all change and is exactly why the average Joe knows the dangers of liberalism and the way it has been hijacked by people that want to deny rights and control from a positon when they do not have a majority..

    that Court will be rendered benign..this next election holds all of the this Court ask for a Foreign Voter Advocacy Commission.

    ';the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. This group actually monitored our elections in 2004. Its relations to oversee this next election';

    ...there are cases in circulation that will put them in a position to mandate that scenario...and the commission is totally liberal
  • makeup ideas
  • Didn't Obama say that offshore drilling wouldn't have any impact on the price of oil? Why did he change?[link]鈥?/a>Didn't Obama say that offshore drilling wouldn't have any impact on the price of oil? Why did he change?[link]
    Quest, please stop nitpicking Obama and start giving us reasons to vote for McCain, if you want us to vote for him.

    I mean, the Republicans have been in control of either the Legislature or the Executive Branch for the past fourteen years, right? And those twelve years that the Legislative branch was controlled by Republicans, wasn't McCain in there? SO don't you have anything good about him?

    Which, by the way, sort of begs the question, why didn't McCain support off shore drilling back when the Republicans were in charge? Is that a change in his position?Didn't Obama say that offshore drilling wouldn't have any impact on the price of oil? Why did he change?[link]
    I guess this means that McCain is going to be against it now.

    In the article, Obama said that he would consider it if it was part of a comprehensive plan that 1). would keep the oil in this country only and not go on the open market. 2). If it came with a large compromise package of support from Republicans to fund alternative energy. 3). that it could be done without environmental degradation. And, 4) that he supports the continued moritorium against drilling off the coast of Florida. I'm sure he will include California in this as well when the time comes.

    But hey oil corporations already have 68 million acres of land and ocean leases to drill in already. why on earth do they need more?
    He stated, that if expanding offshore driling is what it would take to get republicans to support development of alternative fuels he was willing to compromise.

    its called politics, and that statement just destroyed a couple of McCain's multimillion dollar ads.

    In reality, it was a slap in the face to right-wingers, but they aren't bright enough to comprehend it.
    Did you actually read the article? How about:

    ';My interest is in making sure we've got the kind of comprehensive energy policy that can bring down gas prices,'; he said.

    ';If, in order to get that passed, we have to compromise in terms of a careful, well thought-out drilling strategy that was carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage - I don't want to be so rigid that we can't get something done.';

    You see--he's willing to COMPROMISE on agreeing to drilling IF it can be done safely and IF agreeing will convince the opposition (Republicans, presumably) to support a comprehensive energy policy.
    Because he is falling in the polls, he is trailing McCain 4 points in Florida as of today!

    Also I guess the air in the tires thing did not sell to well!

    We don't want to run on Obama air!
    If chopping off your own nuts and handing them to your wife started polling well, Obama would be scrambling for a knife...

    Although I think he may have already had that procedure..

    But you get my point!
    Because the majority of the American public is now in favor of it and he doesn't want to be seen as behind.
    Political Calculations! Please don't take his words granted. Just kiddings from Obama..
    Obama doesnt think, he repeats what the DNC tells him to say. Hes a worse speaker than a Kennedy.
    He's a liar-oops, I mean lawyer.Whatever he thinks you want him to say he will say just to get elected. Then all the trouble will start.
    drilling for any oil will impact the price, only uneducated people say it wont
    Because...he's the candidate of CHANGE!!
    would oil in the water be healthy

    Do you believe the military will ever drill ';OIL'; on the moon?

    If there is oil, it would be too costly. Oil companies are too greedy to invest that much into getting more oil.Do you believe the military will ever drill ';OIL'; on the moon?
    First...why would the military do that?

    Second....Oil comes from compressed organic material and there's no reason to believe any of that has ever been on the moon.Do you believe the military will ever drill ';OIL'; on the moon?
    pshhhh no
    there is no oil on the moon. Oil is a fossile fuel. Meaning that it is derived from fossils. There was never any life on the moon to have the fossils.
    If there were never plants or dinosaurs there, where would the oil have come from?
    Where did that question come from? You're either a very clever person or a very stupid one.
    I may be missing a joke or some bit of inside information... but to answer your question, no. No, that won't happen.

    Oil comes from decaying animal and plant matter and other than water in the form of ice, there is nothing to suggest life would have been on the moon to make oil.

    Democrats state that oil companies have authorization to drill in certain areas, but choose not to. Why?

    The energy bill was rejected today because some Democrats say that oil companies have authorization to drill in many regions but choose not to. Where are these reserves? What is standing in the way of drilling? Democrats don't want to authorize new areas when these other areas have been given approval. I want to know more, but can't find out.Democrats state that oil companies have authorization to drill in certain areas, but choose not to. Why?
    I am looking for an answer for the same exact question! I am watching The Energy/Global Warning Committee on C-SPAN right now and the DEM'S are really using the permit issue and speculators as their excuse, They claim only 26% of the permits have been acted upon, but do not expand on why the other 74% is docile. They also fail to mention that speculators donate twice as much to the DEM'S than the Republicans.

    I suspect that the DEM'S are bullshiting us like usual. Sierra Club, Greenpeace, etc own the Dem's and nothing is more important than re-election.

    Back to the fundamental question:


    In a way I really hope we have a disruption with oil (hopefully before election day), a hurricane in the Gulf or war in some OPEC Country. This would send fuel prices through the roof and consequently expose the Dem's for the common man hater that they really are.

    If anyone has an answer on the why regarding the permits please let me know v1michg@yahoo...Thanks

    P.S - Man man Global Warming is the biggest Heist in the History of man. Al Gore is the master thief!Democrats state that oil companies have authorization to drill in certain areas, but choose not to. Why?
    Drill or don't drill, dose not make any difference, high gas prices are here to stay, don't listing to any of their bull, if everybody had a car to get 100 mpg ,the price of fuel would go to 20 dollars per gallon, its controlled by the big boys, dose not make any difference what we do, ther is plenty of oil now.
    Republicans dont want to loose their golden goose, known as oil, so they blame Democrats for the reason they are ripping us off. Democrats do not own the oil company. Its just excuses and lies. There is not reason to charge what they are except that they can. We do not need antoher atternative yet. So why charge as if it were the case. We have time and they have the ability, do you think they are going to llok fo r an alternative and cut off their own head?
    Florida's Republican governor has said no to request to drill off the coast鈥?/a>

    no lies there
    Call your Democratic friends and ask them ? Isn't it best to go right to the source when you have a question which needs answering?
    if you are a democrat a lie is just another tool

    Drilling for water in a old oil field?

    I am purchasing five acres in southwest New York State. The land is about 2300 feet in elevation and was part of an oil and gas field during the oil boom. I have checked the USGS website and found approximately 20 oil and gas wells have been drilled on the property and are now capped.

    My concern is that I want to drill for water. But, I wonder if the water table has been damaged to the extent that I will not have a good well for a home. Does the table repair itself over time? How would you test for this? What is the most economical way to do this? I close on the property the end of February and would like to know what my options are before the middle of February. Thank you.Drilling for water in a old oil field?
    If the oil wells were drilled properly, you're likely to have no problem. When they drill oil wells, they are required to line the hole with pipe so that when they hit oil, it doesn't come gushing up and just go straight into the water table. Oil is generally found much deeper than the water table. If oil *has* leaked into the water table, there's little you can do. It might repair itself, but this would probably take longer than your lifespan. It's possible that none of the wells ever even found any oil.

    I recommend that you talk to all of your neighbors that have land adjoining the parcel you wish to purchase. Ask them about their water quality. Also ask them if they have any oil wells (capped or otherwise) on their property. If they too have wells and their water is fine, I'd say there's about a 99% chance that yours is too. But...the current owner wants to sell it for a reason...

    If it were me, I'd cough up the extra money to hire a professional geologist to come out and determine if you water table is clean. If there are problems, you'll be glad you spent the money. If there aren't, keep the documentation for when (or if) you ever want to sell the property to someone like you that asks these kinds of tough (but necessary) questions.

    There might even be a NY state service that'll do it for you for a nominal cost or even for free.

    Bottom line: you need professional advice.

    When will we drill for oil in Anwar and end dependancy on OPEC?

    Anwar promises 2x what we import from the ME and there is more in our own Gulf of MexicoWhen will we drill for oil in Anwar and end dependancy on OPEC?
    Only when liberals get to the point that gas is so high they can't pay for it with their welfare checks.!~!When will we drill for oil in Anwar and end dependancy on OPEC?
    The Oil in Anwar is difficult to get to. The permafrost will make the oil ridges sink as they warm the earth from drilling. If drilling started today oil is ten years out
    Well I for one think we should..........we need time for the alternative energy solutions to come about and be cost effective to the citizens. It is a sham that we can not do so, it is only hurting us in the long run. By the time the alternatives are actually in place, this country will be totally bankrupt.
    no, not really since most Alaska Oil is sold to Japan, because Oil is a commodity and its easier just to sell it to Japan
    First we have to get rid of all the lib politicians in Congress,that sold out to the enviro-nuts.

    Then we can drill wells and build refineries,providing a large number of jobs.

    It will take time and I can't promise $2.00 a gal. gas.

    One thing we want,a law preventing the overseas sale of US produced oil products.
    actually, if bush and his oil exec's hadn't killed the electric car in California, we would be seeing more electric cars on the road getting 100 miles per battery charge. these cars were very affordable by the way.
    President Bush tried to drill for oil in Anwar,Texas,Colorado,New Mexico,and off the coast of Florida.

    it was the democrats who blocked the legislation.

    so for high gas prices,the democrats are to blame ';COMPLETELY';

    All of the presidential candidates right now are against it.
    according to the oil companies own estimates, the amount of oil in Anwar is equal to what the US uses in 1 year. It will not change our dependency on OPEC.
    ANWAR will NOT solve our dependency problem. Only conservation and alternative energy will do that.
    the sooner the better

    If we are running out of oil, why dont we go to Alaska and drill the heck out of them?

    I heard that Alaska has alot of oil.If we are running out of oil, why dont we go to Alaska and drill the heck out of them?
    Why don't you just get rid of your car? The oil is going to run out someday - so the sooner we accept that the better. We can't just keep drilling the planet and sucking it dry. Places like Alaska should be protected because of the wildlife that lives there. The planet is already dying pretty quickly because of our actions, so lets try not to speed it up. Buy a bicycle. lol :-)If we are running out of oil, why dont we go to Alaska and drill the heck out of them?
    birdgirl is right.

    there is considerably less than 1 year of oil used in the US.

    however, it's worth hundreds of billions, probably trillions of dollars.

    that's the fuss -- money.

    keep in mind, if things get really bad, you could drill 10 years from now.

    if you use it up now, in 10 years you have nothing.

    as for ethanol, forget it.

    it sounds nice, but will never be more than a drop in the bucket.

    see the link below.

    unfortunately, i've had to break it up, because yahoo refuses to publish a googlepages link.
    its already being done the Alaskan pipeline,heard of the EXXON VALDISE the huge oil tanker than ran aground 20 years ago shipping Alaskan oil to the states
    They already do drill for oil in Alaska. In the parts they are considereing drilling in the future,it is estimated that the oil in this area would only last us for 3-6 months. Rather a minuscule amount to destroy the last wild frontier in America, I would think.
    I just read a couple of weeks ago that the governor (i think!) is trying to avoid putting polar bears on the endangered species list because she wants to drill the oil up there. polar bears are getting close to being completely wiped out and i think it's ridiculous that we might be losing america's last source of polar bears for such a little amount of oil, when all the oil will run out eventually. so we are getting rid of an amazing animal for something that is running out. i think it's discusting. how selfish are we? we need to start figuring out other means for transportation or something and not destroy the wildlife
    well if we are running out of oil, we should be preserving the rest of the oil we have.
    We don't need it. We have ethanol. And we will never run out of corn.
  • makeup ideas
  • If speculation drives oil prices, how does ';drill here, drill now'; assure cheaper gas?

    Speculators know that we can only increase the oil supply by 1% in several years, a drop in the bucket, and demand will exceed that.If speculation drives oil prices, how does ';drill here, drill now'; assure cheaper gas?
    It doesn't, it is a scam so oil companies can boost futures contracts and sell them before the price goes back to 70 a barrel when the value of the dollar comes back up.

    This way they'll already have the oil sold at 100+ a barrel and delivering it when the price is $70.If speculation drives oil prices, how does ';drill here, drill now'; assure cheaper gas?
    Now you are assuming that just 'because' someone will drill here today, it will not drive prices down.

    Presuming that we start drilling, the question remains, can it be refined with the refineries in use or is there a need to build more refineries.
    You KNOW that logic and intelligence is a waste of time on neocons. They only believe what Fox News allows them to.

    Neocons are the epitome of hypocrisy and contradiction.

    Look at some of the responses. They STILL belive that oil pulled from US soil belongs to the USA and not the world market. Why? Because Fox News told them so. Didn't I tell you?
    I think we should just stick our head in the sand, why do anything, not drilling , is like not saving for retirement or like going to your neighbor to buy water because you refuse to drink your own water
    It doesn't assure cheaper gas, it only insures that we are less reliant upon foreign oil, new and better fuels are a much better way to get there.
    It doesn't, it is just something easy to say to get conservative votes.
    it does nothing but it sure sounds good at a convention

    Drill Baby Drill Git R done ! yeehaw

    When Will Obama Build Nuclear Plants and Drill For Oil?

    McCain said to build up some Nuclear plants would provide us with 700,000 NEW JOBS!When Will Obama Build Nuclear Plants and Drill For Oil?
    All the methane gas from Washington will be our new energy source.When Will Obama Build Nuclear Plants and Drill For Oil?
    We don't need oil.a We need fuel efficient cars and alternative energy--including nuclear power.

    As for nuclear power, all I can tell you is this: in my state (Georgia) and South Carolina, there are initives underway to build new nuclear power plants.

    The REPUBLICANS (who are taking fat contributions from the coal companies) are trying to block these DEMOCRATIC initiatives.
    You'd think he'd be all for it. After all, he's trying to model the US economy after crappy social european ones. And France, who he particularly has a large ***** for, gets 75% of their electricity from nuclear.鈥?/a>
    I suspect that his Secretary of Energy, Nobel Laureate Steven Chu, will be advising him on the merits of rejuvenating our lagging nuclear energy industry.

    He'll probably also advise him on the folly of trying to drill our way out of our energy problems.
    Never, he doesn't like either. Also, he's backed by tree-hugging liberals who won't allow him to drill or make nuclear plants because it may do slight damage to the ecosystem...
    Nationalized oil and nationalized nuclear! I'm all for it!

    We can't wait for ExxonMobil to try and make record profits off of oil we will never see!
    When hell freezes over. The greenies aren't going to let him do that. I bet we see a couple windmills, and a major solar plant. Then that's it. We will still have an energy problem once hes long gone.
    Donald Trump said the same thing last night that it needs to be done.

    I don't think Obama ever will bcuz any plan that makes sense, the liberals will ignore it.
    If he is too slow for you, then I suggest you build them yourself.

    We've been running out fuel since then first Oil Derrick went up.

    Don't be a fool.
    Are using satire? Who wants a nuclear plant in their backyard? I am glad he is looking to the future.
    When hell freezes over.
    Never. He is opposed to both.

    When Palin and McCain claim they're not in the pockets of Big Oil what do they mean by ';Drill baby Drill?';?

    Will government regulate this drilling, refining, and distribution? Or do they mean it'll all be privatized?When Palin and McCain claim they're not in the pockets of Big Oil what do they mean by ';Drill baby Drill?';?
    drill baby drill

    GO OBAMA/BIDEN 2008!When Palin and McCain claim they're not in the pockets of Big Oil what do they mean by ';Drill baby Drill?';?
    The Government is bigger oil than big oil is. The Government takes royalties from from the wells heads that go as high as 35 percent. That is before it is shipped to the refineries, refined and delivered to the outlets.Then the Government taxes it again. Obama complained that the oil companies make $4000 a minute in profit, leaving out that they pay $14,000 a minute in taxes. Obama took over $250,000 from oil exectives, check the Federal Elections Commission. The Government, namely the Democrats in Congress, have come up with ';CAFE Standards'; that do not allow many cars made to operate in the U.S. that get 65 miles to the gallon. Ford makes such a car, but becaues it is diesel it cannot be sold in America. The Government already regulates everything about oil. How would it be privatized. They are all publicly held companies.
    it means that they have no interest in sound plans but rather are wantonly after votes.the oil companies know what is available off-shore and in their other holdings and know that they can add approx. 8,400,000 gallons per day production from new domestic sources. but 200,000 barrels per day is only 1% of our 20,000,000 BBL/Day habit. but it would keep us addicted until we run out globally. Drilling is neither a good short term or long term solution but that would require educating the people about better solutions. Ironically, the ';inflate your tires'; slam McCain gave Obama would be 5 times more effective than drilling and that's at the most simplistic level of addressing the greater problem. They are pandering, pure and simple but many people are ignorant to the alternatives and where these options stand time wise so they think we have to drill and McCain/Palin are willing to chant ';drill, baby, drill';
    Hopefully she'll encourage McCain to enact some of the fabulous legislative accomplishments she's been responsible for in Alaska. For instance, maybe she can get him to enact a wind-fall profits tax on oil companies like she did. Of course I'm pretty sure I already know how McCain and Republicans feel about such a plan.....
    My take is they are speaking of freeing up government regulations and allowing drilling to occur, as well as the building of new refineries. I haven't heard they expect to do this with public funds. But taking us out of our oil dependence to unstable regimes is worth the public money, in my opinion.
    Big Oil will profit regardless of where they drill. Drilling in US territory provides more jobs for US workers and more tax revenue for the government. That doesn't answer your question regarding being in big oil's pocket, of course, but it hardly proves they are either.
    Drilling for oil? By the time a single barrel of oil is sucked out of those wells..The price for oil still sky-rocketing with the the rate adjustments of inflation, other nations' need for energy as other countries are expanding and the needs for energy keeps as steady as this pace......
    first of all neither Palin or McCain inspired the ';drill baby drill'; chant it was former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele. stick with the group if you want to run in political circles . . . read the articles below and you'll find your answers,

    Nationalize the oil industry...

    Why can't the US government drill its own oil instead of leaving this important task to the whim of oil?

    companies?Why can't the US government drill its own oil instead of leaving this important task to the whim of oil?
    I say that is a great idea.

    Step 1....seize all the oil companies.

    Remember the 11 Countries with Nationalized Oil are also the have the 11 cheapest gas prices.Why can't the US government drill its own oil instead of leaving this important task to the whim of oil?
    It is not up to the government - it is up to the private sector, in this case, the oil companies to drill its own oil. They see no reason to expand its spending on this or building new refineries because there is no monetary incentive to do so. By the way, beginning to do new offshore drilling today would not affect the oil supply or costs of oil for 20 to 30 years. We have to start sometime but fossil fuels are not the answer in the long-term in my opinion.
    The US Government has done this in the past: that is to say they contracted with drilling firms and oilfield contractors to do the work. That ended in 1998 when the US Government sold off Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve.

    On the one hand, we want to encourage private ownership, but on the other hand, lawmakers gave up an important tool they had to affect the price of oil (they could be extracting more right now as I type if they still had the tool).

    Part of the reason the Government doesn't do this is purely ideological: there is an idea that markets are inherently effecient (and that is true provided there is perfect competition, but even recent history clearly shows that businesses will engage in anti-competitive practices undermining the perfect competition model, and then they'll expect the US taxpayer to bail them all out when it all comes crashing down).

    The reality current laisse farre ideologues are running into is that all of their assumptions of market effeciency rely, in turn, on the following assumptions:

    1. The market is more-or-less rational. This is a dangerous assumption because markets are made by people, and people are only highly rational on their best days, and they are prone to mass hysterias on their worst days.

    2. There is perfect competition: there is no monopolization, there are no cartels, nobody will try to corner markets, and it is impossible to ignite hysterias.

    3. Public monetary and fiscal policy have minimal macroeconomic effects: the opposite is true in this case, so this assumption is patently false. Monetary policy, for example, can devalue the currency and cause capital to flee the market and find other markets.
    Nationalizing the oil companies is against what it means to be american. And since when has the US government done anything efficiently? I doubt oil would be any different. And it's true that other countries have very cheap gas prices, but that's because they subsize gas prices. So it's not free to the country. Rather they spend billions if not trillions of dollars every year on it and many of those governments cannot do it anymore because its costing them too much (even China is being forced to reduce their subsidies). The ones that still do it are losing a lot of money, but in some cases can afford to because they have so much oil (i.e. Saudi Arabia) the US doesn't have that much oil.

    Greg: What evidence of anti-competitive practices do you have? If you're going to accuse someone of something it's only fair to show what evidence you have. I'm pretty sure you're full of it though.

    Additional Info: Oil produced in the US doesn't leave the US. Just because (or whoever) says something doesnt' make it true.
    They could if congress wanted but Politicians get big donations from Big Oil. Bush and his family is in Big Oil.

    Dams and leavies are considered to important for the private sector so Congress has regulated it to the Army Corp of Engineers. They could do the same with oil.
    The role of the government is to ONLY do what business shouldn't, couldn't, or wouldn't do. Drilling for oil does not fall in that category.

    Besides, when have you EVER known the government to do anything efficiently?
    great idea.

    Other countries do it.

    But, the gov't does get a boatload of money during the auctions and via royalties and taxes. They get about 50% of the money
    That is a cure worse than the disease. Just listening to Dems on tv talk about why they oppose offshore drilling makes me think that if they had control gas would jump in a second to 10 bucks plus a gallon.
    Too many hippies.
    but-but-but-but-but-but-but-but Global Warming.