Friday, July 30, 2010

Do people/hippies know that the federal government cannot tell oil companies what to do or where to drill?

If they don't drill on the on-shore leases they will lose them. And they could drill those kinds of wells all day long and make money but not impact supply at all. They're small wells that would payout over years. We (the consumer) and they (oil companies) want a big find where they make tons of money and we can buy tons of oil and gasoline. Don't you hippies get it?Do people/hippies know that the federal government cannot tell oil companies what to do or where to drill?
Wow! What are you doing wasting your time on Yahoo Answers?! The big oil companies need a brilliant legal mind like yours to tell them to go ahead and drill!

Go go go!! The fate of the gasoline buying nation is in your hands!Do people/hippies know that the federal government cannot tell oil companies what to do or where to drill?
Umm.. Actually they can.

There is a federal law against drilling on most lands... Enacted by congress in 1981. There is a small portion of these lands that they CAN drill on, but the rest is off limits.

Also. If there was oil on those lands, why doesn't the big bad greedy oil companies harvest and sell it? Sort of takes some wind out of the Liberal sails, doesn't it?
No just like most people don't get that devloping nations (ie China) are gobbling up all of the natural resources they can and driving prices through the roof. Basic supply/demand concepts...yet somehow it's George Bush fault and he's the only one getting rich off of it.

Let's forget that the per-capita worth of nations such as Dubai is like $10 mil.

Who is J. Galt?
They made a big find at Thompson Point Alaska, in 77 and have been sitting on that lease ever since.

It is right next to ANWR.

They found the oil, they have the lease and they have the permits to drill.

What exactly is their excuse?
Go read some Ayn Rand @sshole

I hate phucks like you, you elitist bas tard

OIL is finite, real simple, but you self loving phucks who give a sh!t about my kids future could give a phuck

Oil is not our future

Let's meet I'd love to show you a thing or two
Actually, the government can tell them when and where to drill. It's called permits, licenses, and environmental laws. Don't you understand that?
This consumer doesn't mind the oil companies making money, but they could take less profit to help the struggling country before everything but them, health care and food goes out of business. Don't you capitalists get it?
Actually they can set up protected lands which the oil companies cannot drill on. That is why they have to lease land from the government to drill offshore. Do you get it?
Oh, another one is trying to defend the federal government. Give it up. You're on the wrong side.

Do you honestly think they care about you?
That's right...they don't.

They tell our government where they want to drill, etc.
Did a hippie do harm to you? Seems like you have an obsession going on.
no i dont get it and if you got all the answers then do something about it.
Only a 1/4 of the land that is leased has oil on it and not enough to make drilling profitable. I own land that was leased in the '70's. It was never drilled because there wasn't any oil on it! I'll never understand why the dems in congress don't understand that the oil companies need to drill where the oil is. They know it's offshore, anwr, and around the Rockies.

Thompson Point Alaska wasn't drilled when gas prices were low due to geographical considerations and then became tied up in court.

Nan Thompson, of the state Division of Oil and Gas, told lawmakers an Anchorage Superior Court judge is expected to rule on the Point Thomson case by the end of the year.

That likely will spawn a state Supreme Court appeal, which could take two more years.

It's not about drilling OR alternative energy (as some seem to think). It's about drilling while WAITING on alternative energy. No options for reducing oil prices and our dependence on oil should be off the table. The only ones I see trying to do that are dems by not lifting the ban on drilling.

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