There is literally milions of gallons of oil just sitting in ANWR, Alaska. Why do the Libs consistently block drilling there? By drilling there, oil prices will plummet, in turn dropping prices on everything else. Please someone make sense out of this.Why won't the Libs let us drill for oil in ANWR?
Two reasons:
1. The are in bed with the tree huggers who pump more money into their campaigns than they do into the environment. Think about that the next time you make a donation.
2. They really don't want us to become more independant energy wise. Its to their advantage to do this because they can use it to scream and rail that its all the Republicans fault.Why won't the Libs let us drill for oil in ANWR?
Eisenhower set aside ANWR. The GOP Energy Bill GIVES them FREE your tax dollars to fund the exploration for Oil, and if they get it, they DON'T have to pay the free SUBSIDIES back to you, through taxes or royalties. GOP lies and it shows by the profits since BushCo got in. ANWR will not help us. Report Abuse
The polar bears. An inconvenient truth.
Environmental restrictions make it tricky, and if it were done, it would not be done sloppily, it would cost a lot more than on average to drill for it, maintaining the environment would be paramount.
In truth, if you look at estimated supplies and costs to obtain it, at best it would lower gas prices by no more than $1 / gallon.
if we could open up new oil fields the price of gas would go down, then the libs wouldn't sound as good when arguing for alternative energy, because people would realize that oil is the fuel of the economy
seals are more important than millions of people without healthcare.
you've got it all wrong. if Exxon could make a profit in ANWAR it would. But it can get cheaper oil elsewhere.
the day ANWAR oil becomes cheaper than other oil is the day drilling will start. Libs have nothing to do with it.
It's a knee-jerk reaction by ';environmentalists'; who don't have any real knowledge of energy issues. They deal in emotion and cute little fuzzy baby seals and baby bears.
There wouldn't be any ecological damage from drilling in ANWAR.
The foes made these same arguments against the trans-Alaska pipeline and they were totally wrong. That has proved successful and didn't damage the environment.
Oil prices wouldn't plummet but every little bit helps. It's all part of a larger picture that helps America move away from dependence on foreign oil.
You do realize it will take about a decade to start extracting significant amounts of oil from the ANWR.
So if you think it will lower your oil prices right now your mistaken.
That being said while I have no problem drilling in ANWR if we consume just 3% less oil then we do now that will far more to lower oil prices than ANWR ever could.
If you really want to make an affect in the oil prices avocate conservation and alterative sorces for oil. We cannot drill our way out of our energy problems. The last 20 years have proved this.
Even if we did drill it, eventually the oil supply will run out. It is not infinite. Why destroy an ecosystem for something that is not going to give us that many more years of oil? The real solution is to develop alternatives, particularly solar, wind, and nuclear power.
The dingbats demonize oil ... oil is right up there with cigarettes, gun powder, and trans fats ... I'm sure at least 10% of them would vote to outlaw oil products
Yeah they just want to plunder the enviroment over there
maybe we should be smart and save it for when the rest of the world runs out
as it is set up now, all oil from Alaska is sold to Japan anyways
it wont help US at all to drill there
They won't let us explore off shore drilling in Florida, Washington, California and Oregon either. The reason because they need the economy to tank because of oil prices so they have something to run on. If the economy is sound, the war is a success, and unemployment is down, then they have nothing to complain about to the American people. Former issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc are no longer creating a big enough division to garner the votes needed to win.
Yes, there are millions of barrels sitting there. US gov't estimated 4.3 billion to 11.8 billion. That may sound like a lot. However, in the US, we use about 7 billion gallons a year. That means, in ANWAR there is MAYBE 2 years worth of oil, likely less. The government report says the mean amount of oil likely recoverable is 7.7 billion barrels. Enough for one year. When you consider that it takes about 3 years to get an oil field up and running, it reaches peak production about 3 years after that, and then closes in another few years as the cost of extraction becomes more than the profit. It seems very short sighted to me to drill at ANWAR when it is about a years worth of oil. I think we'd be much better off looking for alternative energy sources that would truly make us independent from the Middle East and not a stop gap measure that would last about yaer.
So far its because they don't want to upset a few caribou that live up there. Hopefully Global Warming will run their flea covered carcasses out of there and we can start drilling.
The Repubs don't want to drill for it either.. they want to keep it so that when the rest of the world is oil starved we'll be bank rolling... and they get to use the Dems as a scapegoat on that one... so don't complain.
';Millions of gallons';? hahahahaha. Yeah, you're informed.
You do know that oil reserves are usually discussed in terms of billions of barrels, right?
Considering we consume about 15 million 42 gallon barrels a day, I think you might want to do a little more research before you start forming opinions or sounding off and making a fool out of yourself publicly.
Oil prices won't plummet but any supply increase can't hurt - given the tightness of supply, 1% is actually a big deal - in summer that could be 20 cents a gallon right there.
There is no rational reason to oppose it though. Rigs aren't refineries - I think they're confused. It's like putting cellphone towers up, the towers are that far apart. The elks and bears wouldn't even notice. It's not ';plundering the environment.'; People who think that, I don't know where they get that, it's just not accurate.
Not really the oil reserves we need to worry about, we need 'refineries'. We can not refine the crude into usable fuels.
We need to push the oil companies to build more refineries.
We need to build a 'U.S. military refinery', (strategic purpose).
Because plundering the environment ain't good for it.
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