It's becoming more evident that the high oil prices were caused by oil speculators who blatantly ran up the stocks to make a quick buck from the American public. They used things like ';high global demand'; the war in Iraq and whatever else in the news they could use to create a bubble. Once the economy waned and the Bush Administration was forced to tacitly threatened the oil speculators who have since backed off, the oil bubble popped. That is explaining the steep drop gas prices in the past two weeks.
I don't know about you, but after watching so much of my own money go to oil companies in the past year because of some suspicious looking Enron-type tactics. I would rather have some one look into why these oil speculators can fleece America and get away with it. Rather than to spend more money on off shore drilling. Which in the end will probably just cause more fleecing.
You know that the Bush Administration is not going to seriously investigate the people who helped put them in power. So Nancy Pelosi should get Congress started on it for the new President next year.
Should Pelosi look at offshore drilling or investigate the oil speculators?
Congress should actually investigate the oil companies for artificially inflating the price of oil and at the pump--and force them to use their leases or lose them.Should Pelosi look at offshore drilling or investigate the oil speculators?
Why does she have to play the blame game? Oil speculators are an easy scapegoat because the majority of Americans don't even understand what an oil speculator is. Those evil oil speculators who ';blatantly ran up the stocks'; are the same guys that keep the price artificially low at times - but you don't go blaming speculators when the price drops do you? Well if you knew anything about the oil futures market, then you would.
nancy peloci is a joke! there is a reason to why her book flopped!
you dont understand economics or supply and demand. Try taking an economics class.
do u realize that the US public has reduced their driving every month by at least 3% . Some US cities are now hurting because they are not getting enough money from the tax on gas because people are driving less. So in colorodo they want to raise the tax on gas becasue they are loosing money because people are diving less.
She may consider it if and when it is for her benefit. She wouldn't do it before vacation. Promoting her loser book was her first priority and now she wants to say that drilling can be considered. Too late Ms. Nancy. Get out Congress and write more loser books.
First off,Pelosi wont do squat,she is a worthless piece of trash...And we need to drill now,and we need to regulate the speculators. Unfortunately she is to stupid to do either...
Who are these ';speculators';? Do you have some names?
Love Jack
you bet ye.
No, she won't do it. Bush called for offshore drilling publicly at least a month ago. She won't do it because 1. its a good idea. 2. Bush came up with it. 3. the democrats in congress want america to think bush is dumber than he really is at any cost.
not that i totally agree with bush anyways, but he's not nearly as bad as he's made out to be.
justagrandma: hey, you don't like it, go to russia. oh wait, they're not communists either these days. hmmm... wonder why? furthermore, isn't it important to think beyond this winter? what about next winter? we need long term solutions, not quick fixes (btw, hydrogen, biodiesel etc wouldnt help either. not for about a decade. 99.9% of people would have to buy new cars)
We can do both, and not be stampeded into signing away our oil as the Republicans are hoping to do. There is no chance at all, even if they drill tomorrow, that it will have any effect on the price of gas or heating oil this winter, so thats a pointless argument. This wasn't caused by supply and demand, this was caused by speculators.
Certainly I think we have seen what unregulated businesses have done to us, they have given us scandal after scandal and state after state has begun fraud investigations into hedge funds and credit market and mortgage mismanagement and fraud.
The free market has been much too free with its regulations and oversight, and the fallout has been closed banks and tremendous increases in foreclosures. We need a to get some effective regulations back.
Congress has been looking into this oil for years, that includes the company's themselves AND oil speculators. I strongly suggest our Congress GET BACK TO WORK, and start looking at one option of DRILL NOW, along with alternatives. This energy crisis cannot be put off any longer as we are coming into the winter months where home heating will be hurting the average citizens immensely. ALL ENERGY WAYS SHOULD BE LOOKED INTO, DONE, and ADDRESSED into a viable energy policy that we as the taxpayers CAN LIVE WITH. After all it is OUR pocketbooks that it affects and will affect in the future.
Do nothing Nancy..who has'nt done a single thing since taking her post as speaker of the house--ROTFLMFAO---you can keep on hoping! the woman is a worthless POS. She WANTED prices to remain high--Democrats wanted Americans to cut oil consumption by 30 percent..since we were not, Pelosi allowed NO talk of drilling on the floor to keep gas at an all time high.A vote would not fit into the liberal democrat agenda--you got screwed and didn't even know it--feel good?
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