Just curious, since we have not been doing any new drilling %26amp; Obama is for ';Hope %26amp; Change'; why is he against drilling? Why does he think its fine that our gas prices are so high?
McCain seems to be leaning towards using our own resources by drilling more but when he votes for changes the dems say he is flip/flopping, But when Obama votes to keep things the same, they call it change!How many think we should be drilling more of our own oil??
You can call McCains change of mind whatever you want to call it.. I prefer to call it a change to common sense.
Why shouldn't the US being drilling oil and building nuclear penergy plant when the so-called leading countries of 'green' enviroment are doing exactly the same thing.
France - Nuclear enegery
Norway - Off Shore oil
The list is endless and they have been doing so for decades.
Obama and the Democratic party which like to talk about not taking money from special interest groups, seem to be in bed with the all the enviromental lobbyists groups.
The ronly reason Obama doesn't take their campaign contributions is because the lobbyists are Democratic party members.
Time for a change alright.. change to common senseHow many think we should be drilling more of our own oil??
No! We are a country that consumes one-quarter of the world鈥檚 oil supply but owns only 3 percent of its reserves and to think we can drill our way out of any problem is ridiculous.
Of the 36 billion barrels of oil believed to lie on federal land, mainly in the Rocky Mountain West and Alaska, almost two-thirds are accessible or will be after various land-use and environmental reviews. And of the 89 billion barrels of recoverable oil believed to lie offshore, the federal Mineral Management Service says fourth-fifths is open to industry, mostly in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaskan waters.
Clearly, the oil companies are not starved for resources. Further, they do not seem to be doing nearly as much as they could with the land to which they鈥檝e already laid claim. Separate studies by the House Committee on Natural Resources and the Wilderness Society, a conservation group, show that roughly three-quarters of the 90 million-plus acres of federal land being leased by the oil companies onshore and off are not being used to produce energy. That is 68 million acres altogether, among them potentially highly productive leases in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska.
Buddy, let me tell you something; drilling more will NOT lower gas prices. I'm sorry. You've been lied to. Gas prices are not high because of lack of crude. The bloody oil tycoons are swimming in crude. They make more money by making you believe that we have a shortage of oil. They're going to be making more money off of you for thinking that drilling some oil in off-shore rigs will help the economy. It won't.
There's plenty of oil. Plenty. And it's dirt cheap to the people controlling it. The reserves are not in danger. We're not going to run out of it any time soon. Anyone telling you otherwise is telling you bullshit.
If you don't like the gas prices, offshore drilling won't help you. You have to -not- buy gas, or as much of it. Get a hybrid or an electric car. Get a motorcycle or a vespa. Lower your consumption. The only reason gas prices are rising is because they KNOW that you'll pay for it. Because you won't let go of it and you actually believe them when they tell you there's a shortage.
In my view there is no reason to open new land to drilling when there are 64 million acres of offshore territory ALREADY leased to oil companies...
And guess how much of that is being explored for production??
That is an absolutely massive amount of territory and supporting opening more land to leases when the same companies pushing for more leases already have access to millions of acres they aren't drilling is simply bad management. What is the incentive for American's to allow these leases if the lease is simply a corporate asset that is never utilized.
The only way to give incentive's to find more energy resources is to require that companies exhaust the leases they already have before they go looking for more.
So yes... I think we should be drilling more. And no.... new leases to oil companies are not necessary to do this. We need to work on reducing our dependence on oil... and the oil companies don't get more territory until they've explored what we've already given them.... after all those Federal Lands belong to you and I and in this country corporations don't get a vote (although under the current administration they sure do).
Because drilling for oil in the US and thinking it's going to fix the problem is like looking for coins in your couch when it's time to buy a new car. It'll help a minuscule amount, but not enough to make the effort worthwhile.
Just to use round numbers, say we use a 1,000,000 barrels of foreign oil per whatever unit of time. Which is really better:
Plan A: Get 20,000 of those barrels from a new domestic source, and the other 980,000 from foreign sources.
Plan B: Build cars that get 10% better fuel economy. Now we only need to buy 900,000 barrels from foreign sources.
We should be - but at this point, it really doesn't make much difference. If we drilled in all the places in this country that have untapped oil, it would only raise oil supply a couple percent. With oil at $130/barrel it's foolish not to tap into that market, but that's a business argument rather than a public policy one. Don't fool yourself into believing that it would have more than a tiny effect (as in, 3 or 4 cents per gallon) on gas prices.
Drilling for more oil is only part of the problem. No new refineries have been built in more than 30 years. The old ones are running at or near capacity. control supply by limited production and you effectively control price (profit) while demand grows unchecked. Deregulation is to blame! .19 cents a gallon before dereg.
Go figure!
Yes we should drill our oil! Heaven forbid we use our resources. They are here to use and we importing billions of gallons a year. What is wrong with that picture? We also need more refinerys up and running. The more oil we can turn into gas the better!
I don't know enough about it but I trust dems to do the research or to do what is best for the bigger picture. I think it can spill %26amp; damage our coastal region. i am sure their is a good reason. Rep. find one part of something like they vote on someone who will tell them they will pay less taxes but they actually lose allot more money from the other cost that go up. So look for the big picture to understand.
alternative fuel is a bigger change than using old methods of fuel. we should have drilled way back from the first george bush if we really wanted cheaper fuel prices now, but imagine that, the first bush put a ban on offshore drilling back when he was in office.
We need change, we don't need oil, we have alternative energies. Ethanol is great, just a few problems . . . a bunch of angry Mexicans.
Corn prices are up, we should get their ';Windfall Profits'; too!
Which is up higher Corn or Oil?
Simple. We don't have an oil shortage. If we did, drilling would be the answer. The problem is that oil speculators have been driving up the prices artificially. Drilling doesn't solve the real problem.
I support it.
Obama is a Democrat, the Democratic party is bought by and run by the environmentalist.
I think if there is oil available in our own country then let's go for it. Any relief we can get from these high prices will help. Why are we so dependent on foreign resources?
Im for that ONLY if it is not an end in itself but part of a broader strategy to reach energy independence.
I think it is a great idea ...
I do. McCain '08!
the Oil Companies DON'T think so !!!!
please see my last 3 questions.
More of our own oil as well as creating jobs? I'm all for it!
i do hopefully it will bring me a job
i think it's a good idea
McCain is leaning toward giving more land to the oil companies to drill.
the problem is that the oil already have land that they are not at the moment drilling that still have oil.
also the oil companies have stated even if they get the new areas to drill that they wont be able to drill because they need to build new drills and other equipment.
and by the time they get all this in place it will take around 20 years before we see production high enough to see even a small decrease in gas prices.
Obama wants to focus on other sources of energy instead of trying to bank everything on big oil and I think that is a good ideal. if we can get a decent percentage of cars then that two will cut the demand for gas and lower gas prices.
We should drill as a last resort. I don't trust ANYONE just because they say we should drill without knowing the true reasons as to why oil prices are so high. It's more then just simple supply and demand. No one can tell me the world's demand has grown 300% in just 6 years. There are other factors the government isn't expounding on.
No one is stopping oil companies from drilling the 68 million acres they have already so why haven't the oil companies come out and say ';THERE IS NO OIL THERE';.
Out of all that land there's no oil?! What information do we have that there isn't?
Plus, no one has said we can save x amount of money by drilling. People are so will to drill not even knowing if it will help just because a TV celebrity said it's OK.
People are so willing to believe a talking head on a political/entertainment show playing on their emotions rather then presenting facts. There's something wrong with that.
If there are no oil resources besides places like ANWAR I want proof, not the rhetoric of a cable news show or some political figurehead.
I think it should be done. The United States seems to be slowly trying to pry itself away from an oil based economy. But currently there are no more cost effect alternatives out there for oil as a source of energy.
Until those other sources are better developed and become more cost effective, the best solution is to continue to use the most abundant supply of fossil fuels.
I have an absolute crazy idea. Instead of the United States selling the drilling rights to this oil to a oil company. Why do they not go into the business themselves? The government could drill, refine and sell this product below market value. The revenue would more than pay for the expenditure and the rest could be put forth to pay off the debt.
And we are considering voting for one of these two because? Neither represents change because both are from the two party system.
Well, the Republicans want to drill for oil on U.S. soil, but the Democrats are blocking the effort. I'm not sure why.
There are a lot of questions that need to be asked about this subject. Will drilling for oil on American soil and in American territories actually reduce the price of gasoline? How will drilling on our soil effect the environment? Will any home owners or property owners loose homes or property as a result of the drilling? How much will it cost tax payers to drill for this oil? Who will receive the majority of the prophets as a result? How will it effect our position in the Middle East?
Personally, I think that drilling for oil on U.S. soil could be beneficial, but I would have to have the above questions answered honestly and thoroughly before I could give a definite opinion.
another poster stated:
the oil companies are not starved for resources. Further, they do not seem to be doing nearly as much as they could with the land to which they鈥檝e already laid claim. Separate studies by the House Committee on Natural Resources and the Wilderness Society, a conservation group, show that roughly three-quarters of the 90 million-plus acres of federal land being leased by the oil companies onshore and off are not being used to produce energy
I just have to set her straight. You cannot produce if there is nothing there to produce. The land is leased to oil companies w/o prior exploratory, in other words, sight unseen. If nothing is there the OC do not get a refund, and that is why the land is not being used.
We should've been years ago instead of funding terrorist states.
Why not ask the oil companies why they aren't drilling? It's their fault.
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