He flip-fopped because it became politically expedient to change his mind. For such an environmentalist and maverick in he's party he's really turned out to be a hypocrite and a coward. It's not going to have huge longterm effects except on the environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we'd only have 2-3% of the needed national supply.Is Mccain right in saying we should drill for our own oil in our own country?
It would only be a good idea if we were sure that there is oil in the place we are drilling. Even if we get oil I still think that we should create another source of energy that is renewable and easy to produce. I think that hydrogen will be the fuel of the future if they can find a way to make it efficent. It would be costly to change over from oil to a new type of fuel but I think it would be worth it in the long run. Producing a ';zero emmissions'; car should be a top priority. Drilling is only a short term solution to a much larger problem, which is that oil is not renewable.Is Mccain right in saying we should drill for our own oil in our own country?
I don't think drilling in the US is a bad idea--but it will hardly help us at present. If we started building the refineries tomorrow, the gas and oil from them wouldn't hit the market for another 10 years.
There are arguments both for and against drilling for the future benefits.On one hand it would be really great to be independent from Middle Eastern oil. But on the other hand, would opening our own reserves slow our transition off of oil? It's not just the environment I'm concerned about here--we all know oil reserves run dry eventually, as seems to currently be happening in the Middle East.
Why not?
I hope people can understand the hypocrisy of Bush when he went to Saudi Arabia to request that they increase oil output when we aren't even willing to do our own share. What is the point of purposefully obliging ourselves to foreign nations for their oil anyway? How is that supposed to make sense?
We have oil shale in the Rockies. Karl Rove said there is 3x the oil (as shale) in the Rockies as there is oil in Saudi Arabia. However, conservationists would have a fit if we tapped into those resources. We should drill for oil, but not at the expense of the environment.
YES!!! Opec has us by the short and curlies right now cuz they can set whatever price they wish for their oil and we have no choice. It didn't used to be that way, we have tons of oil in this country but we go elsewhere. its kinda like going to the store on the other side of town that charges more when there's a perfectly good place right next door not logical
Absolutely. We can't remain as the super power of the world if we are held hostage by a foreign product. We must become independent of countries who advocate and harbor american hating terrorists. We are paying for the guns they are using to kill our soldiers.
Yes, so is Newt Gingrich. China and Cuba are drilling for our oil 60 miles off the coast of Florida. We must drill in ANWR, North Dakota, Utah, the Rocky Mountains, the Gulf of Mexico.
Yes, he's correct in this statement. Unfortunately, he won't go far enough and say we should drill in ANWR. We also should start building more oil refineries and nuclear power plants.
He wants to drill for oil off the east and west coasts, but not in Alaska. There are reports that there is about 85 billion barrels down there. Oil has already been discovered off the east coast of Canada.
He said that? I thought he was trying to be buddies with the global warming crowd. Talking out of both sides of his face again apparently, but the side that says we should drill is correct.
Yes, obviously. Heck, if you gathered up all the enviros and put 'em in one place, they'd fit into a couple of large ballrooms. Why we listen to them so much is beyond me!
Yes, but oil companies should not have been given the right to harass polar bears while drilling for oil, etc., as was recently done.
Sure we should. Why don't the holders of 10,000 unused oil leased drill on the lands they have to pay $2/acre a year to lease?
Of course. Just because we drill here doesn't mean we have to stop looking for alternative energy sources. Why should we be dependent on these foreign middle eastern countries that hate us? It doesn't make sense.
Seriously, we need to go nuclear. But drilling oil in our own country is a good way to start.
I'm fed up with our dependence on foreign oil.
Yes, He is right we are to dependent on Middle East Oil. I do not think it will lower prices right away. Drilling is a good plan along with alternative fuels.
Yes, I believe he is. But we need to go further and support technologies that will end our dependence on oil from any source.
We tried to start drilling in 1998, but the Dems said it would be at least ten years before we got that oil. 1998 +10 = 2008. Math is fun.
You mean - reduce the price of gasoline, make us less dependent of foreign countries and improve our trade balance?
I enthusiastically support this!
I think so. How can we whine about the prices when we have untapped resources we are not willing to go after.
I live in Florida and think that we need to get our oil before the Chinese do!
Yes. I think he's 100% correct.
Democrats for McCain !!!
Yes he is.
Yes, it is a step in the right direction.
Yes... on that he is right.
The little oil that we can access as U.S. oil is irrelevant in making us energy independent. Such an idea shows the limited knowledge about the quantity of oil we use and what ou energy problem really is. Oil of any kind is not going to solve our energy/economic problems. There are no simple solutions from McCain or anyone else which can address this problem. Rationing of gasoline on a priority basis like took place in the second world war would address the problem but would finish off the auto industry. See what I mean...no easy solutions. Anyway what most people are concerned about is GASOLINE for cars. That doesn't begin to define what we are facing in terms of an energy crisis.
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