Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Should we drill for oil on homeland?

Gas prices are ridicolous. WHY WHY WHY can't we drill on our homeland?

Do you think we should drill?Should we drill for oil on homeland?
The liberals make up so many excuses from the polar bears , the amount of oil would not make a difference, the weak dollar, the strong euro, and the last is the CO2. The list goes on and its really sickens me to hear all this pap from arrogant ivory educated hacks, who鈥檚 main purpose is to destroy the infrastructure of the United States.

Give me a break. Drilling for oil is the best option for fixing the supply and demand problem. Get rid of the ethanol, that corn gasoline is like making your car drink piss water gas. It also the main driver for increasing food prices at the supermarket.

Drill Here;

Drill Now;

Pay less.Should we drill for oil on homeland?
How about kick the oil addiction. If the amount of money Bush has spent killing was put into new technology you wouldn't have to worry about gasoline....


America doesnt want new tech, they like oil because it gives them power over the world since oil is traded with the USD!

AMERICA and its lust for power/greed is terrorizing nature %26amp; humanity. Nature is trying to correct the imbalance.. the storms are coming,

BTW, there is no supply problem!!! there is no shortage!! I drive a truck all over north america and not one gas station has a shortage, not even close.
Absolutely we should drill!! We live in the 21st Century where tools are made with consideration to the environment, and we should do it now....

Drilling would produce these results....

1. If we drilled and used our own oil (like Venezuela does-- and pays something like 50 cents a gallon for gas) then we would get it for much cheaper as well.

2. The hostile, America-hating countries which form the OPEC corporation would be stripped of their power. OPEC has the power to dictate how much America and the rest of the world pays oil. If America dropped OPEC like a bag of dirt, America would produce its own oil, and in fear of losing America's business altogether, OPEC would lower their prices. In the long-term, America wouldn't have to produce as much oil if, though competition, OPEC's stronghold on energy was threatened. But then again, that makes too much sense, and you would NEVER see a Democrat support that.

Democrats TALK about our need to be less dependent on foreign oil, but their ACTIONS make us more dependent on foreign oil. When they are granted power, they make us less dependent on foreign oil by trying to force you to use less gas (via high prices, more regulations, and higher taxes). By holding you back, they say, ';alright OPEC, we forced Americans to use less, so we don't need as much from you.'; And so, as the prices get higher and higher and Americans use less and less, they order less and less from OPEC. The problem with this strategy is that it kills our economy. Businesses don't get the sales they need, so hours are cut, hurting the poor and middle class, then businesses go under, making the poor poorer and the middle class poor. The free market solution would be (and I condemn Republicans for not doing this) to drill, drop OPEC, and in fear of losing our business, expect OPEC to lower its prices.... and even if they decided not to, so what? We would be able to control our own oil production, and last many decades doing it.

By keeping America dependent on foreign oil, the Democrats and liberal Republicans have someone to blame, when it is, in truth, their failed policies which place us in the rut we're in today.
';We'; can drill in our homeland. Currently the oil industry has leased 90 million acres of US land and offshore territory and they haven't drilled in any of it despite the fact that there is oil there.

Personally, I think the oil industry should work on getting the oil out of the land that they've already leased before asking for more (off-shore drilling, Alaska wildlife preserve). Either that or they have to return the lease to the land they already have before they can acquire more.

In the broader question of whether or not the United States should work on producing oil domestically or try to bring down international prices, I do think that domestic production is a better choice. Why buy from another country what we already have here?
If you can see what's coming down the tube then you had better start drilling yesterday. But the high price of oil is because of the US not outsiders!

Iran has established the IOB-the Iran Oil Bourse, to trade oil in Euros instead of the dollar.

Currently, almost all the world's oil is sold on either the NYMEX, New York Mercantile Exchange, or the IPE, London 's International Petroleum Exchange. Both are owned by US citizens and both sell and buy only in US dollars. The success of the Iran Oil Bourse makes sense to Europe, which buys 70% of Iran 's oil. It makes sense for Russia , which sells 66% of its oil to Europe . But worse for the US , China and India have already stated they are very interested in the new Iranian Oil Bourse.

If there is a tactical-nuclear strike on - deja-vu - `weapons of mass destruction' in Iran , who would bet against a certain Oil Exchange and more, being bombed too?

And worse for Bush. It makes sense for Europe , China , India and Japan-- as well as all the other countries mentioned above -- to buy and sell oil in Euro's. They will certainly have to stock-up on euros now, and they will sell dollars to do so. The euro is far more stable than the debt-ridden dollar. The IMF has recently highlighted US economic difficulties and the trade deficit strangling the US-- there is no way out..

The problem for so many countries now is how to get rid of their vaults full of dollars, before it crashes? And the US has bullied so many countries for so many decades around the world, that many will see a chance to kick the bully back. The US cannot accept even 5% of the world's dollars -- it would crash the US economy dragging much of the world with it.

Oil is not the prime issue, it is the dollars that are being printed by the ton, and which are almost worthless to many who have nothing they can buy from the US.

Sorry if this is upsetting to you, but I thought it valuable to let you know about a version of the truth that is closer to the real one.(Which I daren't put up anywhere!)
Even if the exploration goes ahead RIGHT NOW, it'd be seven years to ten years before you see any impact on the price of gasoline, with no certain results on how big an impact.

Weighing up the potential cost/benefits, you'd realize that drilling in Alaska is an unattractive option even for producers.
Yea I think we should drill. Environment and alternative fuels are great, but if we end up going to major wars over oil forget money for environment or whatever. We have to both drill and develop new energy. Drilling will benefit us in many ways for people in both sides of the debate.
WHY WHY WHY don't we use our brains and money to find alternative fuels and to figure out mass transit?

Oil companies and the Big 3 (car manufacturers) blocked it a generation ago (as in Bush Sr.) and look where we are now.
Because the environmentalists have too much power. We could drop world gas prices by 50% and destroy the Iranian economy into the bargain just by drilling for US oil.
Off shore drilling yes drilling in Alaska NO! They have the technology now to make the off shore drilling safe. There's too much at stake in Alaska.
I don't think we should drill, it causes earthquakes.
because drilling is messy and the U.S. would prefer to kill other countries enviroments with drilling than our own

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