Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why Do Majority Democrats In Congress Want Oil Companies To Waste Time Drilling Where There Is No Oil?

Oil experts said there is not much oil where they are allowed to drill, they have been exploring the leased 68 million acres not much luck! Yet this majority democratic congress with a 9% approval rating most say NO to drill where we KNOW the oil is for sure! Why do they want to waste time exploring for oil instead of drilling where we know the oil is? Whats your theory? Its not about ENVIRONMENT, if it was they probably would not let them drill on that other leased 68 million acres really making more damage looking for it!Why Do Majority Democrats In Congress Want Oil Companies To Waste Time Drilling Where There Is No Oil?
It has nothing to do with oil or the economy. They just hate so much that they would let Americans suffer; if they thought it would help them politically. Their thinking- us first ; America next.Why Do Majority Democrats In Congress Want Oil Companies To Waste Time Drilling Where There Is No Oil?
They only reason that oil companies have the leases to the public land is because they are supposed to be looking for oil. If they are not actively looking for oil then they don't need to lease the public land. That's common sense.

In any case, even if they drilled more oil, the oil companies would come up with another excuse, lack of refineries, world demand, etc. It is in their interests, obviously, to make tons of money on high oil prices and not expend more effort and expense in order to bring the price of oil down. The entire industry needs to be investigated and regulated, including the speculation market.
It makes little sense to extract what little oil we do have in environmentally sensitive areas when there is enough on the world market. It is costly and risky to the environment, costly to extract, and there is not enough of it to affect world markets. The only reason to drill is to line the pockets of American oil companies. It will not affect the price at the pump at all. Additionally should a global catastrophe ensue and cut off a significant portion or our imports, then we can go to those untapped resources. Taking it when we don't need it is most unwise.
When are Republicans going to advocate whale oil? I mean that is truly the one thing they haven't tried to sell yet. Why not? Screw the environment, I need my SUV!

Even if this oil would make a difference in the next 20 years (it won't), even if it's where they think it is (you say yourself that they're not very good at exploring), the oil companies won't pledge to sell it in the US. China is a much bigger and hungrier market for our oil.

So driling offshore and in ANWAR sounds like it would help, but it won't. It will only increase the record profits of the oil industry at our expense.
Off shore drilling bans were started in the 1990's by a Republican Congress. Republican Jeb Bush of Florida doesn't want the ban lifted. Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger of California doesn't want the ban lifted. If it makes you feel better to demonize Democrats, feel free. Just know that it is not based in reality. Although there are a lot of Democrats opposed to the drilling, they are not the only ones.
They don't. The point is that oil companies are sitting on leases in order to keep the price of oil up.

If the oil companies don't show that they are making efforts to explore and drill, then they should lose the leases.
They know full well there is oil off shore where other countries are drilling right now.

For some reason unknown they keep playing this game.
Do you think they actually care about the people they serve. If gas goes to $8 a gallon they feel we will drive less and save the environment. Peace
Do you think it's a coincidence that the ';experts'; you cite are on the payroll of oil companies?
60% of all US exploration comes up dry

we need to drill offshore

Oh please! Can we stop with the blaming the Democrats for this?

You people had 12 YEARS and then 8 more with Bush--to lift the ban and drill where you damned well pleased!

But noooo...! It didn't occur to you that Big Oil had *other* ideas and decided NOT to drill on those 68 million acres all these years; deciding instead to sit pat, inflate prices, and collect HUGE profits in the meantime!

Not to mention HANDOUTS from the US government itself for not *drilling*.

So--instead of blaming the Democrats--blame the GOP. Blame BUSH. Blame Big Oil.

And last but not least?

BLAME YOURSELVES. For your damned addiction to an overpowering consumption of a commodity that has quickly reached critical levels of production and global demand.
This congress is enjoying their current low approval rating due to the fact that it is almost completely stalemated. The Democratic 'majority' is so slim as to be laughable, and even if they can manage to overcome GOP obstinance in the house and senate, they have to deal with Preznit Pissypants (who is enjoying a dismal approval rating of his own, although it is mostly due to the inept policies of his - read: Dick's administrations policies), who will throw a fit if he doesn't get what he wants.

In the meantime, the potential damage to the coastlines of the US from heavy offshore drilling (that Dubya just lifted the ban on) far offset any damage that oil exploration could ever cause.

Way to try to frame this as a Democratic failure!

Unfortunately, the ridiculous oil prices you yourself are enjoying have nothing to do with supply, and everything to do with out of control speculation, and of course - making Dubya's buddies in the oil industry and in Saudi Arabia happy.
I had to sit through Chris Dodd, from CT, yesterday morning, saying ';why don't they drill on the 80% land that is already under lesae?'; about 27 times...everytime he got asked a question, that was the answer he gave! even when the host said ';There isn't enough oil in that leased land'; (the 68 M acres), he used that answer...its insane!!! the Dems. may as well be using the ';I know you are, but what am I?'; defense!
get the facts right first off,

its not democrats who want to drill at all.

its republicans who want to drill,and that a good thing.

you libs are just uneducated as hell aren't you?

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