I am going to drill through a thinnish piece of metal and I was wondering if putting oil on it will prevent the drill bit from warping or overheating? or at least prevent it happening so quickly?Should I put oil on the metal I am going to drill through?
If the metal is thin you don't need the oil. Make sure to use a center punch first before drilling. This will keep your drill bit from sliding. If you don't have a center punch use a nail to make a starter mark.
For drilling through heavier pieces of metal I would recommend using oil. The oil cuts down on friction and helps to produce less heat, and prevents the bit from becoming dull to quick.Should I put oil on the metal I am going to drill through?
On thin metal the drill bit will warp it if you push to hard. support the metal underneath with wood and drill. Oil on it just lubricates the bit it won't hurt. You can change the shape of the drill bit end to cup it but you need to know how to do this so the drill bit end looks like a crossection of a spade drill for wood. This way it cuts from the outside in. If you do it right it will leave a curcular slug with no burr.
If you are going to drill a hole thru thin steel, it is up to you if you use oil. It really won't make much difference. Your biggest problem if you are drilling a hole 1/4 inch or larger will be holding the work stock. Drill your hole first using a smaller size drill and step up in at least 1/8 inch increments to get a nice hole. Test on a scrap piece of metal first if you have not done this before.
Nooo it'll make the drill slip and could cause an accident!
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