Well, if we drill, drill, drill... it won't. If we pretend the problem will just fix itself on it's own... you may be right.
Edit: There is all sorts of research going on to develop alternative fuel sources, but that doesn't mean you ignore our oil needs. That's just crazy.Drill, drill, drill, what happens when the oil runs out Mccain?
with that aside....we should all continue to drive those big SUV's and other gas guzzlers also.......i'm sure that will help too Drill, drill, drill, what happens when the oil runs out Mccain?
';We'll think about that later. Besides when that happenes we can look for oil under my seven lawns!';
What year will that be?
p.s. you won't be able to answer that if you know the latest research.....
McCain will say, ';Life isn't fair.';
We should have enough American oil to last us 60 years if we drilled. This would give plenty of time to find new alternatives and perfect the ones we are working on.
See that was easy.
McCain/Palin '08
That's why that isn't the only plan. But the other Technologies aren't ready yet, what should we do in the meantime, fuel our homes and cars on day dreams and hope?
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