Either off the coast, or in Alaska. Do you think the US should drill? Why?Do you think the United States should drill for oil?
When we need food, we grow it. When we need houses, we build them. So while we need to heavily and quickly invest in cleaner technologies for the future, we should open up drilling in those places that we KNOW have oil. And we DO know it, people.
Do you really think that drilling in another country is better for the Earth's ';environment'; than drilling here? We have better technology and stricter laws so we will do a better, cleaner job of it. Unless you think Saudi Arabia and Iran care about the environment. Der!
One last thing: show me an industry that lowers its profit margins when prices go up and i'll show you a bunch of unemployed former CEOs. The oil companies aren't evil for doing the same thing everyone else does. Just because you don't feel good about it doesn't make it wrong.
P.S. ';Its That Guy'; - dude check your stories out on Snopes.com AT LEAST before you make a fool of yourself here. See reference.Do you think the United States should drill for oil?
The US is drilling... not at full capacity... but that takes time.
It has alot to do with proven oil reserves, infrastructure that must be built, state laws, and the price of oil and production.
Alaska is drilling.. perhaps not in some parts, but there's substantial production there.
Keep in mind it is not government that drills, it's oil companies. Why would oil companies spend billions on infrastructure and taxes if they can exploit the Canadian oil sands and drill in the Middle East where there are much larger proven oil reserves and the infrastructure is already in place?
Prices will not decrease overnight as one posters said it. I will take a decade or so to survey they land and then set up the wells before we see the first barrel of oil. Furthermore the cost to drill some oil, like the newly one discovered deposits in the northern Great Plains are expensive to drill and is only financially viable at $100+/barrel. Or they require new technology like the oil deep in the Gulf of Mexico.
All that being said I do think we should open up to drill. If we had opened these places up earlier then we would not be in this crisis now. More importantly we need to shift from oil because it is definitely a finite resource and it will run out eventually or at least become cost prohibitive to run an entire economy on.
Exxon-Mobil and Chevron have been in court with the Alaskan government for almost 3 years now over land lease violations....look up thomsons point
The Alaskan Govt wants to revoke their leases and auction off the land to a company that will drill. Exxon and Chevron have held leases there for over 30 years and simply have refused to drill until February of this year after they lost an appeal to keep their lease....they have appealed again and its still being hashed out.
If you think this is the only example of this occurrence you are very sadly mistaken.
57% federal land leases with oil reserves open for unlimited drilling (which means its already been approved) aren't being touched.
Oil companies don't want to drill here, they just want to purchase the leases and control the resources....it drives away competition while also keeping supply in check.
And we are not a nationalized oil company, drilling today isn't guaranteed to do anything of consequence tomorrow. Developing efficient alternatives however will help tremendously. For instance, why hasn't the ';sunbelt'; states largely made the conversion to solar powered energy for homes, property, etc? These are the types of initiatives we should've been taking in the 70's and 80's after the last oil fiasco......but sadly what happens is the price drops, we go back to consuming to the excess and nothing changes in the long run.
Drilling in more places in the US and offshore will slowly increase the amount of domestically produced oil and make us less dependent on imports. If offshore drilling will ruin the costal environment, why did two hurricanes, including Katrina, which blew right through the location of the offshore-oil rigs, not result in a single drop of oil being spilled?
Simultaneously, there must be an increase in refineries because they will be needed to process the oil and are running at capacity now. The temporary closing of even one refinery is usually accompanied by an increase in the cost of fuel.
Oil should not be used for the production of electricity or home heating. It is too valuable as motor fuel for longer range transportation, lubricants, and petrochemicals. Diesel fuel should be subsidized to cost less than gasoline as it once did here, and as in Mexico and China, because they realize the importance of trucking in the infrastructure. The high cost of diesel fuel is another reason that the cost of consumer goods has risen so much.
Electricity and natural gas should be used for home heating and short-range transportation. Battery technology development may have nearly reached it's limit and it would be difficult to see how an automobile running only on battery power would be able to exceed a 300 mile range as 200 is about the maximum now.
There must be more emphasis given to alternate sources, such as:
Wind and solar power, which have limitations of space and finding the right locations.
The use of geothermal heat, which can be expanded but there are a limited number of appropriate sites.
Bio-fuels, which must be made from other than food crops. We have seen the fiasco of using corn, which drives up the price of groceries.
Hydroelectric generation has reached it's limit and has the greatest environmental concerns because of controversial dam building.
Coal is abundant but has environmental concerns.
There is only one practical alternative, nuclear power. People must understand the difference between power plants and bombs. A disaster like Chernobyl is not possible here because our technology is different and much safer. Three-mile island did not release radioactive materials into the environment and the sensationalized movie, ';The China Syndrome'; was based on false assumptions pretending to be science. If well-planned nuclear power is so dangerous why does the United States Navy permit submarine crews to be in close proximity to nuclear reactors? If it's good enough for the generation of 70% of France's electricity, why not here? It is probably the lowest-cost option listed.
Unfortunately, most of these were not started 10, 20, or 30 years ago, when they could be doing good now, because a small minority of highly vocal environmental obstructionists has held Congress and the Presidency captive.
We must look forward to the time when petroleum will be too valuable for motor fuel and implement all reasonable alternatives as soon as possible. The only people to blame for the amount of time it will take are those who obstructed these and created the delays.
Yes because it would tank the price of oil OVERNIGHT.
We should be doing all sorts of things in PARALLEL and drilling is just one of those things.
The price of oil is based upon the future price of oil, if we say we are going to do these things than the price will immediately fall overnight EVEN IF we don't drill that much at all.
By the time that oil hits the market, we will have hundreds of workable alternatives in play.
President Clinton gave the oil companies 68 million acres of oil reserves, part of what used to be the National Strategic Petroleum Reserves. That's about the size of the state of Colorado. The oil companies drilled exploratory wells and then capped them. They're sitting on those reserves waiting for prices to go up even more.
Did you know that all the oil coming from ANWR is planned to be sold in the Far East? It's cheaper to ship it to Japan and China than to the West Coast of the US. How will that lower prices in the US? And how come Republicans never seem to mention this fact when discussing drilling in ANWR?
In fact, we had a law at one time against exporting Alaskan oil, but it ran out during Clinton's time and wasn't renewed. 15% of American oil production is exported. We could stop this immediately, with the stroke of the president's pen. Why don't we do that first, before drilling in ANWR or offshore?
ummm yes!
the united states needs 20 million barrels of oil a day!
we import more than 70% of that, we need oil to keep up with our demand, china is also importing oil at a record pace...if we could drill and keep it for ourselves our oil prices would come way down...i still think we need to experiement with green energy and alternitive fuels but also drill for oil in the meantime until somthing better is found, and even if hydrogen cars are produced cheaply and we could all afford one, we still need oil for other things...but we need to get to all those billions of barrels in the continental shelf, in the gulf, in anwar, in the dakotas only 97% of the worlds oil has been tapped, its not that were running out its that demand is outpacing supply and technology is slow to drill for that oil 10000 feet below the surface
we are also many many years away from a hydrogen car that is cheap enough for the average joe, and there isnt even a supply of hybrids right now...its not like in 3 years we will all be driving hydrogen and hybrid vehicles...those technologies are slow, maybe slower than the pace to explore and drill for oil 5-10 years at least
It's just sad to see the extreme ignorance among those (mostly 'cons' ) who're for drilling!!
They should watch few of those documentaries made after such drillings in various locations, just to see the effects and outcome on envirn., people,..............
ADD: also those who're suggesting the benefit of drilling is to not beg for other nations oil and blah, blah, blah!!
IF, US Gov. keeps it's acts ''decent'' and stop screwing around with those nations to pump them oil's and pay instead of stealling, overthrowing Gov, send their CIA boys to do the dirty jobs and etc, etc, etc ( which all are well documented in the past!) it wouldn't be necessary to mess up Alaska now, would it?!
yes, we should AND will
deek is wrong and he knows it !!!
Domestic Drilling will NOT ';tank'; the price of gas overnight because we don't have that much oil.
Saudi Arabia announced that they going to open the Khurais Field and that it will pump 1.2 Million Barrels Per Day !!!!
They are the Only nation with significant excess capacity that could be put on the open market quickly !!
and how much did this great news about Supply drop the price of gas ??
1 ~ 5 cents per gallon !!!!
yep that's all.
deeks lies along party lines in blind allegiance to the Republican party and conservatives
I promise that as the oil runs out we will drill for every last drop !
and then we will dig up the sand/shale deposits turning large parts of North America into open pit mines !!
FYI : the U.S. is the worlds THIRD largest petroleum producer
it has Only the 12th largest crude reserve !!
think about that !
Yes, of course. Only environuts and left wingers that are trying to destroy our country are against drilling. These nuts want America to switch from fossil fuels to alternate fuels, and high prices for oil makes that happen. It is sad when a major political party is taken over by these environutcases. Drill Now!
McCain Energy Plan
Not really...
1) Messes up the Coral Reefs which produce more oxygen than the Rainforest.
2) Not that much oil to be worth it
3) We should focus on alternatives
4) The oil will just be handed over to the multi-national companies that are already gouging us and supporting terrorism. Our prices will not go down.
5) Won't get a drop for at least 8 years anyway...
6) Our dollar will keep falling in the meantime and China will be able to buy that oil before we can even think about how we would use it.
it's the new republican catch phrase Drill here Drill now cheaper gas.
I thought we already do drill here. I really don't see the point of drilling more here if our refinery's are going to run at 84% capacity just to maximize profits.
the only way we can really lower the price is to build a American owned and run refinery.
but that's not going to happen is it ? because were are all about free trade and capitalism.
but in the same breath it's all the democrats fault for high gas prices.
what a crock
Obama 2008 !
The US is already drilling for oil... in Texas, Louisiana, Alaska and many other places.
We drill in those places because they have the most oil. Other locations don't have so much oil... if they did we would have already drilled there.
Drill here, Drill now, Pay less
Even if it cost us at the tank, reduce our dependence on foreign sources.
Iran is even threatening to block oil tankers if ever attacked, if that is not writing on the wall, what more will it take to get Congress to act?
Yes, we need to drill in our own reserves now! The only reason that the Dems oppose such a common-sense measure is because they are in the pockets of the far-left environmentalists, and we all know it.
I think the oil companies should drill on the public lands to which they already have lease rights. It is not, however, to their benefit to do so because they are doing quite well as it is.
To get off forgien oil so we don't have to depend on the Middle East so everytime an camel burps oil jumps by $100/barrel.
Those who don't want to drill than don't complain about gas prices PERIOD!
Absolutely. Otherwise, we'll be begging
for oil from other countries from here on out, and paying whatever they decide to
charge US.
YES YES and YES! They should drill anywhere and everywhere they think their is oil. They can drill in my back yard if they want.
Yup, We need to drill where ever crude can be found. Having our own oil supply is the only way we can wean ourselves from importing oil from Nations that hate us.
Yes, the bridge the gap onward to alternatives such as more nuclear and different cars and electric generating plants.
No, because it damages the environment.
Yes!.......Post haste!
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