The creation of politically popular biofuel mandates by many of the world鈥檚 biggest farming nations has been particularly disruptive. U.S. law, for instance, requires that ethanol make up at least 5% of vehicle fuel (rising to 22% by 2022), and 30% of U.S. corn went toward ethanol production last year (see chart above, with slightly different data).
The U.S. government has claimed that biofuel demand is responsible for only 3% of the increase in global food prices over the past year. But a recent World Bank report estimated that figure to be 75% once the resulting economic changes, such as shifts in land use, are considered.
High prices hurt poor, import-dependent nations the most. The price hikes of the past three years threaten to push 100 million people back into poverty, according to the World Bank, erasing seven years of progress.
Last time I checked, nobody drinks or eats crude oil...Hey, why don't we turn more FOOD into FUEL instead of drilling for more OIL?
Oh, you mean so we can have 10 or 20 dollar a bushel corn? Oh, I see you were being sarcastic. I get it.Hey, why don't we turn more FOOD into FUEL instead of drilling for more OIL?
corn-based ethanol produces little more energy than it takes to create.
sugar-based ethanol is better, but we need ALL alternatives, not just one.
dems think that we can power our nation on whatever futuristic power source is in fashion at the moment. we all pay the price for their folly.
Because that would make the cost of food rise a ridiculous amount. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have to get a second mortgage just to buy groceries.
Why don't we further electric vehicle technology and other alternative energies instead of either of those?
Put as simply as possible it is because people need food for food and if we made it all into fuel the price of food would skyrocket causing hunger around the globe.
if you want to buy me a new car that runs on food fuel ill gladly drive it.
Or we could drill and have cheap food and oil! Remember a lot of the cost of food is oil due to transportation costs, so if we drill food prices will drop and we will have lower prices across the board.
EDIT: When 7 people misread your question its prob your mistake.
';why dont we turn more food into fuel instead of drilling...';
Can you explain how Im misinterpreting that. remember we cant read tone of voice so if your saying that sarcastically we cant pick up on it via type.
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