I have no idea, ask Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.If Alaskans WANT to drill for oil in their state, why don't we let them?
Alaska is one of the few places on earth left that provides the world quite a bit of clean air. Go there with all the oil rigs and drill and that will be gone. It could melt the ice faster and more of the ecology would die off even faster than it is now.
Kind of like if you wanted to shoot yourself but a cop stepped in and took the gun away from you. You might not appreciate it at the moment, but in the end it's better for many if you don't kill yourself.
Why is oil the end all be all? Why when so many cars are using less and less of it and there is a h20 car even available. Even if Alaska found oil, a huge tap of it, gas prices will not lower. See, we sell our oil for far more than what the oil shieks over seas do. You won't see cheaper gas if they drill in every yard and stike oil in ever town.
The government knows they won't lighten the load of the oil.
Government's been supplementing it for years and it's caused a super bubble around the country that is now bursting. Hence the great fall we are observing.
Study up on your history, look especially close for the last 25 years and what all the ';cheap'; gas cost you in the long run. Every time the feds kept gas lower you saw everything else go up and taxes rise. It was a lie and you are still falling for it.
they can drill for oil all they want in Alaska, except..
ANWAR is off limits (for now)
because it's a Federal Reserve !!!
but it will be opened for drilling sooner or later
Alaska also wants HUGE Federal subsidies for a New and unnecessary pipe line ! they have their hand out and want a lot of tax payers dollars for the new project
I agree. The liberals spin the facts so wildly that the American people have no idea what's going on. One polar bear dies, and the liberals want them made into sacred animals. In Alaska, these bears are a real nuisance and danger. But no one in the lower 48 has the facts.
Drill for oil! Build refineries! So much of our current oil crisis is self-inflicted. But we are just too stupid to look at the facts. Just give me that 5-second sound bite from the Communist News Network.
Just because congress says so,
The biggest mistake the citizens of Alaska ever made was voting to be a state, and ever since they have been under the control of the stupid congress and the gang of tree huggers in the lower 48.
Is it any wonder Peurto Rico keeps turning down statehood?
its not their state to be drilling in. its property of the u.s. goverment and if they wanted to drill so bad then they can petition or suceede from the states and become their oen country. is it fair? maybe but they chose to live there and they know what it would take to be able to drill for oil. its just lazyness and greed that are in their way
Beats me! I'm from Florida, and I would love for drilling to start off our coasts.
Seriously, it is entirely absurd that drilling in ANWR and off the Florida coasts has been prohibited. The argument that it will take ten years to see any benefit is bogus, but even if it wasn't, you've got to start somewhere!!
There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that gives the federal government (fascistss) the authority to prohibit drilling in any state. I say they should go for it!
Environmentalists won't let the Democrats in Congress allow for oil drilling.
The oil is on a National Reserve so for better or worse, the Federal Government calls the shots. Maybe the Dems will change their tune if Obama gets elected so they can make him the hero.
Alaskans do drill for oil in their state. Alaska is one of the top 10 oil-producing states in the U.S.
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