Friday, July 23, 2010

Are environmental concerns really the reason we aren't drilling U.S. oil or is this the real reason?

I think the people and companies that are involved in the oil business in the U.S. are hording our natural supplies so that when the rest of the oil of the world is dried up then these people will reap the financial windfall by being the only supplier left, even if this takes decades to occur.

Is it really environmentalists that are blocking American drilling?Are environmental concerns really the reason we aren't drilling U.S. oil or is this the real reason?
The oil is not running out. We have new drilling techniques which weren't available just a couple decades ago. We can drill down 6 or 7 miles today, or slant drill to bypass difficult terrain. There is apparently a lot of oil down at those super depths. The environmentalists complain that the oil wells will harm the environment, which is patently false.Are environmental concerns really the reason we aren't drilling U.S. oil or is this the real reason?
Nope. The enviromental movement is an attempt to tear down corporations and the american economy to level the playing field so the rest of the world can catch up and there will no longer be a world superpower.

This is why the touted Kyoto Treaty exempted China India and other growing economies and put the highest demands and financial obligations on the US.

This is why the EU formed and the Euro was created, The world is jealous of us and seeks to bring us down to their level.

Yes it is the enviromentalists that wont let us drill but they are being manipulated.
I'm glad we aren't drilling. It would take YEARS and billions in investment to see anything productive. Add to that the fact that oil companies don't want to build new refineries because of the costs and the lag time. There are several reasons to resist more drilling operations here.

If we want to affect supply we can reduce our consumption.
Well, there is Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) and the cost of drilling 20,000 feet being way higher than drilling 10,000 feet and the lack of refineries being built (see NIMBY) and the people who think 6% profits is generous when it is expressed as 6 billion dollars.
Honestly I dont think the environment has much to do with it, But I like the way you think! I think the environmental thing is just a cover up, I mean, like even where I live people rip trees up like its no big deal so? But you have a very good point!!
Here is what is interesting.. People say that it would take years for drilling to affect anything. Well Clinton Vetoed the ANWR bill back in 1995.. Yes that was YEARS ago. If we had done something then.. then we would not be in this mess..
Yes, your democratic liberal environmentalists! The same ones who want to make us pay thru the nose for their causes at a time when we can least do it.
wow you are whacked. we arent drilling because of it would effect alaskas wildlife
I agree--even if they did drill in Alaska, this oil would just be placed in reserves so that no one else has it and prices can continue to be high. That's what's happening in Iraq right now and their access to that oil (and cutting off distribution) has lead to higher prices not lower prices as a result. There's bad information on both sides and the oil companies are just pinning us against each other to take the attention off themselves--the real criminals!

Oil companies are the ones wanting to reduce their refining capacity as much as possible. It's a shame that both sides just refuse to believe it!鈥?/a>

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