Absolutely not. i would like to have proof of this as i have been hearing it for ever and never get one bit of proof.How involved is george w bush in the oil business and will offshore drilling benifit him when he leaves office
His family fortune is invested in oil and defense companies. Everything he has done as president served to increase his net worth. You don't think he took the job for the measly $250k/year paycheck, do you?
Oil companies don't need to drill offshore here to make money. They are doing just fine drilling elsewhere. When they start drilling here they will sell the oil at global market price. We don't have enough supply to put a dent in world demand. The only thing offshore drilling will bring the US citizen is a nice view of oil wells when they vacation at the shore.How involved is george w bush in the oil business and will offshore drilling benifit him when he leaves office
That's the business he comes from. The Oil business. If he allows off shore drilling, it won't even be productive for at least 10 years and will do nothing to help the oil prices today. I have no doubt he will benefit from it, or he wouldn't be pushing it so hard.
About 90% of people that have a 401K 'ARE' involved in the oil business. Investments are investments. I'm not sure on how much Bush has invested in Big Oil.
What I do know, Bill and Hillary own millions of stocks in Chevron.
Always in the business.
Once an oilman .
Will always be an oilman
Surely after leaving will not leave a dry hole.
Luke 8.10,17
What do you think?
I don't see the relevance of your question. Personally, I don't care if he benefits or not. We are the ones who will benefit. China is already drilling 70 miles off the Florida coast! Why shouldn't we!!
Dems own a lot of oil stock in their portfolios.
Clintons even have gotten $millions from OPEC and China
Good point... like a retirement plan?
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