Monday, July 26, 2010

Can and should Pres Bush issue an executive order to start drilling our own oil?

We have enough of our own oil underground to supply the United States for the next 500 years. With today's technology we can safely drill and extract this oil without harming the enviroment. What do you think?Can and should Pres Bush issue an executive order to start drilling our own oil?
Let's do it.Can and should Pres Bush issue an executive order to start drilling our own oil?
yes and yes

if he would sign this order the oil would not be available for a few years, but OPEC would increase production to attempt to dissuade us from actually drilling, because the price will immediately drop and it would not seem cost effective, but once it is drilled, it is the end of the power of the middle east.
the whole idea is to squeeze out as much $ as poss w/ the lowest cost . it costs to much to do anything here , that's why companies send jobs overseas . you don't actually expect profit to be 2nd to compasion towards your fellow americans do you ?? by the way i don't beleive we have 500 years of oil here. but our Alaskan oil should not be getting sold outside this country
Drilling new oil fields isn't the obstacle or the main issue.

It is, however, one of the solutions to our problem.

We need to build more new refineries to process the crude oil which is one of the main reasons why gas prices are so high.

Democrats in Congress refuses to authorize constructions of new oil refineries for the last 30 years.

Al Gore would be more than happy to explain why.

He does an excellent job of making the unbelievable believably ambiguous to understand.

Al doesn't know how to steal votes, but he sure knows how to insult your intelligence.

And make money off of it.
ummm.......we are drilling our own oil. i live in west texas. you can't throw a rock without hitting a pumpjack here! we simply don't have the production capabilities that they have. and a great producing well over here doesn't even come close to a lousy producing well over there. (i have a good friend who's husband works for apache(it's an oil company) in egypt). we only wish we could get our wells to produce the amounts of oil they do! as bad as high oil prices are for a lot of the country, it's good for us in west texas. the oil field is paying workers a great wage right now. our local drilling companies : wellex, patterson, and yes, halliburton, are drilling like crazy. it has forced other major employers in our area to follow suit! good news for the work force here! it also means that those workers go spend those paychecks here locally. the housing market is up. more businesses are coming into town: hotels, fast food, major department stores. trickle down. it's a good thing.

*edit good point gedger. what we need is to up our production capabilities. there are ways to get more oil out of our existing wells. we have the means. it's just expensive. we need to focus efforts on that technology and getting that cost down. that way, the money stays right here at home.
We should start drilling our own oil. It's ridiculous to ignore our own resources. Look where it's got us?
He certainly should, and we certainly should.

Actually, I don't think we'd HAVE to -- just announce that we were GOING to. The price of oil would be back at $42 a barrel by the end of the press conference.
There is no question whether we should drill, but as I am assuming you watched his speech today, it's pretty clear that if he could he would issue an executive order. For some odd reason, drilling in the US has been made into a controversial idea by environmentalists. Even though it has been proven that refineries could operate without damaging the environment, environmentalists still go crazy every time the idea is mentioned. I think they are just hell-bent on the idea of alternate energy sources.

I don't think President Bush can issue an executive order to start drilling our own oil, or else he would have already. I don't know the exact answer though.

It's always good to see that other people watch his speeches too still.
Silly rabbit, Exxon can drill wherever and whenever it wants.

It won't drill in ANWR until the price of oil makes it profitable to drill in ANWR.
That's simply not true. We don't have that much oil. The world will only have 1/3 as much oil as we have today by 2050.

Trace, thanks for your info. But like you said those wells don't produce. Lets drill in Anwar and anywhere else to find oil. An executive order to build new refineries and drill I say yes.

And yes we should conserve and turn to alternative energy when and where possible.
Sure make sure you move close to the drilling, I'm sure you will guarantee the environment will not be harmed.
If he really would be concerned about the USA, he would.
Oil supplies are not the problem. Instability in the Middle East is. he should issue an executive order to stop wasting money in Iraq.
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