Or would they prefer to keep supplies short and prices (and record profits) high?Do American oil companies really want to drill in Alaska?
We have been drilling and pumping oil up here since 1977. We do not have enough oil to satisify all of the needs and wants of the USA. Profits and politics run the economy.Do American oil companies really want to drill in Alaska?
Of course they do. When the ANWR refuge was set aside the land where the proposed drilling will occur was set aside just for that purpose. There was land set aside for drilling. The problem is environmentalists and anti-business types don't want it to happen. They would rather push their agenda than drill in a portion of the forest that is a lifeless ice field, and where the ecological impact would be next to nil.
don't believe the photos you see in propaganda pieces, that is not where the drilling would be. Also if you took a 10x10 rug and set a table on it. The area to be drilled would be equal to the space occupied by one table leg if the rug was anwr
Let's see now. There's a pot of gold in your backyard. woudl you dig it up and sell it or leave it there to ';keep gold prices high';?
Congress and the ';tree huggers'; are the ones to put a stop to the drilling in Alaska. It's about time we the people speak up on this issue. There is more than enough oil on our own lands and surrounding seas for this country for thousands of years to come. It is our own government and their listening to these ';groups'; that inhibit the drilling and exploration, not the oil companies themselves. WAKE UP
Drill, drill, drill, drill, drill Alaska. Hmm... sounds familiar...
Oil companies make about .10 per gallon of gas. The State of Maryland makes .42 per gallon through taxes. You do the math, who is really the evil one here??
the funny thing is the environmentalists are the ones keeping them from drilling in areas were we could get oil, if we did that we wouldn't need to be dependent on other countries, and those are the same people whining about gas prices, when if we just took some sections of land we wouldn't have as many oil problems, the funny thing is if we did that and oil prices went down all those liberals would have to make a new deluded excuse of why we are at war, because most of them think it's for oil. I guess they forgot we were attacked.
It doesn't matter how much oil they have, they'll still charge outrageous prices for outrageous profits.
They won't, and would not, prefer to drill in Alaska for quite a while. There's too much supply close to home... particularly in Alberta, Canada and the NW prairie states like Wyoming.
The US does have a large supply right at home... and their neighbours also have huge supplies of oil.
Why would they spend billions to drill in Alaska... get lots of public heat... and in the end pump out expensive oil anyways? They won't drill there until the domestic supply has seriously decreased to a point where they have no choice but to drill there. That's given that the Alberta Tar Sands don't replace the domestic supply (which they already seem to be doing).
If you want to invest in anything, invest in Canadian oil LONG before you invest in anything new going on in Alaska.
That isn't the issue. The issue is that the tundra in alaska is a delicate ecosystem which is home to thousands of endangered species. Companies should be investing and researching alternative fuel sources, not raping the earth.
they keep trying, and the treehuggers keep getting them blocked.
They will drill in Alaska when it becomes profitable to do so. Right now they can get cheaper oil elsewhere.
no they want to drill in brazil.
Cha-ching! What do you think?
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