Monday, July 26, 2010

Why are the Republicans so anxious to Drill for oil and gas in Alaska and in the off shore areas of the United

states to ease our high gas prices when it will take four to five years to produce any gas - and it will only reduce the cost of gas at the pump by about four cents a gallon?

This hardly seems worthwhile!

LO SIENTO!Why are the Republicans so anxious to Drill for oil and gas in Alaska and in the off shore areas of the United
They sold out to the oil companies years ago. It's the same reason Cheney buried all the climate resaerch, because it would make people use less oil. Pretty transparent really and personally I find it a disgusting abuse of power. It has absolutely nothing to do with energy and everything to do with paying back campaign contributions before Bush leaves officeWhy are the Republicans so anxious to Drill for oil and gas in Alaska and in the off shore areas of the United
It may take 4-5 years from now to get any gas.

Now if Clinton didn't veto any attempt to increase supply, those oil fields would be producing right now at the time we most need it.

Those fields would provide high pay jobs.

People complain that jobs are bing outsourced. We're out sourcing oil production!!!

Even if it reduces it 4 cents, what about the taxes and jobs that are brought TO the US.

Windfall profit on taxes gained by the federal government.
Let's see, we should be paying our OWN SELVES for the price of oil/gas instead of those FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. I do not care if it takes a thousand years. Foreign Countries are ALREADY SLANT DRILLING OFF OF OUR COASTS INTO OUR WATERS. What do you NOT understand.

I also have to say, manufacturing of products.................most of the products we use to date has oil in its make up, ingredients. (not the oil to run the plant).

WAKE UP, we DO need our own supply from our OWN resources. Along with this we can go after cost effective alternatives. By the way, those alternatives may never get to market before this Country crashes with no oil/gas because some like you refused to drill.
It's funnier that Dems only want alternative fuel like solar which will take Decades......Now, that's funny.

I rather take 4-5yrs than 10-20yrs....

Polls show 70% of Americans want to Drill Now !

Obama still doesn't have any energy answers for America.
because unless we get off our behinds and start to get off our dependency on foreign oil that will never happen if we still do nothing...! we have to get going sometime!

and if we had done that 3 years ago..or 30 years ago (the last time things were this bad, 1970 oil embargo rings a bell?) we would not be in this mess today!
My question is why they didn't pass that bill when they had control for six years. This is not an issue that is only a year and a half old. Besides, Republicans want to drill but I have not heard any oil company official say they did.
Hey it keeps the big profits going into one of the biggest lobbyist in America. The big oil companies that profits from war and our pain at the pumps.
You are speculating what the price of oil will be and why not try to help bring the cost of oil down? Why give money to our enemy?
The oil crisis they engineered was supposed to make us beg them to go trashing the coastline and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but as with all things Bush attempted it hasn't quite gone to plan.
your estimates are off, and you are ignorant about the oil and gas industry.
It's still a better, quicker plan than anything coming from the dems.
Bush/Cheney=oil barons anymore questions?
Trying to make up for the fact that this country has not had an energy policy for the last twenty years or so.....

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