No.We need to build refineries to handle the increased crude.Thats why gas prices sky rocket when the wind blows over 10 m.p.h. in the gulf of Mexico.Besides,it would take years to convince the bleeding hearts that no animals would be harmed by drilling there.If we started drilling in US for oil (Alaska), do you really think it would substantially decrease cost of gas
Not substantially, but it would make a difference.If we started drilling in US for oil (Alaska), do you really think it would substantially decrease cost of gas
We would have to pay the oil companies expenses, like always.
Oil from Canada and Mexico is more expensive than oil from OPEC.
Because the oil companies charge more.
Tomorrow? No. In the foreseeable future, yes.
no.but it is a start.
Not for several years ... we should be pumping that oil now ... but for democrats.
What we can do for immediate relief is get rid of 43 different mandated blends of gasoline ... and just have one ... That would effectively increase our refining capacity overnight
Perhaps, perhaps not...but I would rather buy it from Alaskans then terrorists.
We have been drilling and pumping oil here since 1977. The price of gas today is $3.25 here. We don't have enough oil here to make a drastic change in the supply of oil that the USA uses.
yes, but the turbins to run the drills would cause global warming.
I believe all we have to do is announce that we will drill in Alaska and you will see the price of crude oil in the middle east plummet.
For those who live in the US, probably.
But we know drilling into Alaska isn't going to happen until we hit some severly desperate times.
Maybe, maybe not, at least we would not continue funding terrorism.
i hope ...but it might **** up the polor ice caps
Gas prices could go down right now. Today. If the oil companies lower some of their record profits. They won't, don't count on it going down until their savior is out of office.
Thanks for asking.
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