neither, oil companies are in no hurry to drill anything, they are making a fortune as is, they should be investing that profit into alternative energy to sustain their future.Do you think it would be better to put regulations on oil co. profits or wait 7 years for drilling?
why wait 7 years?Do you think it would be better to put regulations on oil co. profits or wait 7 years for drilling?
Neither. Let the oil companies drill at home and keep their profits.
Why is drilling even an option? Why are we going to give the oil companies more than they already have? They have millions of acres that they refuse to drill on already. Why not stop giving them a blank check and start helping out consumers. Screw the oil companies, start investing in alternative fuels.
You are so misinformed. Telecommunication, HIgh Tech industries and Banking make more that oil companies do. Should we have the Government regulate everything? Why not just go completely Socialist and be done with it. That's what a lot of people seem to want in America these days.
shhhhhhhhhhhhh we dont want to change obama's mind again
Oil people say that oil will flow in a much shorter time than 7 years. The Dems came up with that number.
You can't regulate profit.
The wait for oil would be 1 year for the coastal and 2-5 years for Anwar and others. The effect of the ability to get our own oil would be immediate. Jobs, curbing speculation, and independance from foreign oil would be immediate.
Why not ***** about the government? They make a hell of a lot more on oil and gas than ';big oil';.
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