Monday, July 26, 2010

Shouldn't Those of Us who Own Oil/Gas Stocks Thank Dems for Keeping Prices High & NOT Drilling in the US?

If the Dems were to expand the supplies of natural gas in the US, that means the price of natural gas owned by Conoco, Exxon, Chevron, etc. might fall far down to more sane levels.

Shouldn't stockholders thank the Dems for doing everything in their power to keep energy prices high?Shouldn't Those of Us who Own Oil/Gas Stocks Thank Dems for Keeping Prices High %26amp; NOT Drilling in the US?
No ya fool. It's not the Dems any more than it's the Republicans. It's the Corporate Oligarchy that owns the United States. You people are so easily lead by the mass media to play into their trap. They control NeoCons with Religion and Liberals worship government as their control tool.Shouldn't Those of Us who Own Oil/Gas Stocks Thank Dems for Keeping Prices High %26amp; NOT Drilling in the US?
Unions and publice pension funds and Harvard's Endowment are evidently are big holders

of 'Oil'; sounds like Democrats should be jolly.\
I am concerned about the profits in the publicly traded companies that I have stock in. Drilling would not have the affect you think.
Oil is a globally traded commodity, cost the same from Canada, Mexico or OPEC nations. If the US added the meager amount it hasn't tapped yet, OPEC would just dial back their output.

Oil energy is energy dependence, new energy tech that comes only from within is the only way to energy independence. No foreign nation can dial back the wind or sun.
My XOM stock sets new records every day.
no you should thank the Republicans for increasing the supply of dollars in circulation helping to drive down dollar values, and waging a media war between almost every OPEC nation to make investors perceive a potential threat to supply.

When they talk about a devalued dollar benefiting the economy, which industry's economy did you think they were talking about?
Yes my XOM stock keeps going up but some of my other holdings are going down, What upsets me is the Democrats talk about how they are for the working people but who is being hurt most by the high gas prices, the poor and the working people. What are the Democrats doing to help,. nothing they are putting the screws to the working class to help their rich friends. All the things that they accuse the Republicans of doing.
No, If supply is not meeting demand, the oil companies are not maximizing their profits.
I have answered this question over and over and over again and still people refuse to see the truth.

What was the price of oil when Bush came into office? What was the price of oil when Democrats took control of congress? It goes from $30 under the environmental wack president Clinton to around $100. Isn't it great all the exploration and oil drilling the oil companies did when they had the freedom to do what they want?

Did you ever think that the Bush administration, and his congress provided oil companies with drilling permits? Do you even think that is a possibility? And did those companies drill? Then why are they sitting on 35,000 permits they bought? Why didn't they spend a dime to test new wells? They got their tax cuts. they got their oil depletion allowances.

Offshore drilling is like nothing compared to the amount of oil that is traded in the world. It will have no effect on price. It won't come on for 3 years. It will liken worsen fisheries and tourism - which is why the states canceled them (Yes, that would the famed liberal socailists Arnold and Bush's brother).

But please, people, don't let facts get in the way! Why the Democrats have always been and always will be responsible for high oil prices, old people dying of frostbite, the rise in the price of plastics and chemicals, $4.50 a gallon gas, and the deadly tomato.

Not unless you are invested in Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries producing Crude Oil. They and futures traders are the ones who make more when the price of Crude goes up. The oil companies in American have to purchase Crude oil at those inflated prices. How does that help them?

Natural Gas is being drilled in my state as we speak.

57% of federal land leases with oil reserves and open for unlimited drilling are left untouched due to oil companies not wanting to drill themselves....

You can't go around increasing supply like that, you'll lower the price.

No, you should thank speculators and oil companies for manipulating the market and creating an ologopy in the oil industry to snuff out any small oil company from drilling and undercutting their price.
Yes thank the Dems that many U.S. citizens may freeze this winter,
Sorry it's the oil companies. The Naval Petroleum Reserve is drilled and capped. How come they aren't taking it to the Alaska Pipeline? Because it keeps the prices high.
I just watched CNN’s international Channel(3pm EST), breaking the news that oil price spikes again. But the anchor and the reporter assert it is China’s diesel demand contributed to the hike.

Waited a sec ! It is already THIRD time I am hearing CNN’s assertion of China’s diesel demand. The first time was about two weeks ago. What’s going on?

Then, Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill news flashing back-------Which Was Just Happened This Morning ! That “unmistakable signal” is surely an act to have a consequence of oil supply disruption ! Why is it not reported as a oil spiking cause ? !

Time to scapegoat China again before a major offensive ? To verify, I went to CNN web site , there it is :

China hikes fuel prices…

China to raise energy prices…

But nowhere saying that Israel’s-Iran-attack-drill will unstablize the oil supply region, causing the oil price up.

For Israelis Iran Strike Drill see…
Even if the U.S. sucked up every bit of it's oil we would not even dent our need. The prices would go up even higher because speculators would push them up based on dwindling reserves in the U.S.

The U.S. has 3% of the worlds supply of Oil and consumes 25%. Of the 3% how much tdo you think is located in those fields? How much do you think the price of gas will go down as a result? Do you even understand that it takes years once it is approved to even begin production?

What about the oil fields that Oil companies have now that are not being used in the U.S.? Why are you not upset they have access to oil that they are not utilizing in the U.S. Why should we give them more oil fields when they don't use what they have? What possible logic can you come up with for that? Would you buy a wealthy person an expensive meal when he has a giant buffet in front of him already?

Your solution is to destroy the environment for decades maybe forever to get some oil that will possibly save you what $0.05 per galon at the pump?

If you blame Democrats for gas prices you know nothing of economics just like McCain who admitted this to the world.

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