#1 we already are drilling for oil all over up here
#2 if you meant why shouldn't we drill ANWR, then perhaps you should review the literature about the amounts of oil available in the area, the charter of the National Park Services for wildlife reserves, the value of the aboriginal cultures and wildlife in the area. After that, perhaps you should review the reasons we are dependent on foreign oil in the first place, if it is a good idea, if it is in the best interests of the United States to continue down this path, or start working on alternatives before we HAVE to drill ANWR. Failing to look 20, 50, 100 years out is why we are starting to discuss the option of ANWR now, when its reserves are already nearly irrelevent, instead of in the 70's (yes, we knew of the potential oil reserves in ANWR back then) when it would have made a difference.Why shouldn't the US drill for oil in Alaska?
Those sound like 2 great reasons to me.
What about:
- the cost of transportation to the lower 48
- the requirements of right-of-way over Native and Canadian lands (that could be politically and economically difficult)
- the logistics of supplying and maintaining drilling facilities in such a harsh climate
Us goverment wants to use oil from other countries because they wanna keep their own oil, save it later on.
They already have, were you asleep that 5 yrs they were putting in the pipes??
Other then the enviroment. no there is no other reason we should not IMO
You're thinking specifically of the wildlife refuge area.
It's the tree huggers and liberals who don't want us drilling there. What most don't know and some don't want us to know is that with modern techniques, including horizontal drilling, it is possible to cover several thousand square miles of oil fields from a single location, taking less than 1 square mile to do it.
No matter what we do anywhere in the world, there will always be a tradeoff. I killed off an ant colony when I poured the concrete in my driveway. I think that the small amount of damage justifies the huge return.
are you kidding we drill all over Alaska
The environment is a major concern for drilling. The ecosystem in Alaska is actually quite fragile. A change to the environment would take decades to recover from. In addition, The wildlife in Alaska are very specialized. A significant change to the environment could wipe out entire species.
Another reason to not drill in Alaska is that it would disrupt the way of life for many people there.
In addition to that the danger of extracting oil in Alaska is quite high. Even where we are currently drilling people loose there lives every year. If we are able to get the oil elsewhere right now, why loose the lives and use up the oil.
I don't know
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