Monday, July 26, 2010

Since oil & cars pollute, shouldn't Obama fight against both drilling in the US & making cars in the US?

I don't see a problem with pollution. People are living much longer. Are we to give up our standard of living for nothing. Right now I could use some global warming. Have you rode in a Smart car with a big truck on your ***? Greenies don't want to build power plants, so what is going to charge those little toy cars they want to put us in. It is all a sham to let the government control our lives and take away our freedom of choice.Since oil %26amp; cars pollute, shouldn't Obama fight against both drilling in the US %26amp; making cars in the US?
Gasoline-powered cars pollute, but it's the use of the cars, not their manufacture, that creates pollution.

Cars are necessary, but we can reduce the pollution they cause by increasing fuel efficiency standards, promoting hybrids and alternative fuels, and funding research into cleaner vehicle power sources such as fuel cells and electric cars.

Fortunately, this also helps to reduce our dependence on foreign oil even more than drilling would. That helps our national security and our economy as well as our planet.

Edit, answering your question: The United States currently imports about half its oil. No amount of drilling will double our oil production. Even if it could, oil is a limited resource so eventually we would run out. Either way, we won't drill our way out of the problem.

In addition, Obama is on record as saying that he would be willing to accept drilling as one part of a comprehensive energy plan. If we can get such a plan in place, I would not be surprised to see some offshore drilling as part of that plan.

Drilling is, at best, a bridge that gets us across from our current heavy dependence on foreign oil to a future use of renewable and more abundant resources. A bridge is important, but it's useless without something on the other side. Without a sustainable plan for our future energy use, drilling alone is (please pardon the expression) little more than a bridge to nowhere. It would basically amount to kicking the ball 10 yards downfield for a future administration, future Congress, and, most importantly, our kids, to deal with.

Once we have a plan for developing our future energy sources, don't be surprised to see Obama agree to offshore drilling as an interim measure in order to help get the plan passed. A lot of liberals will probably scream about that, but I won't be one of them.Since oil %26amp; cars pollute, shouldn't Obama fight against both drilling in the US %26amp; making cars in the US?
I don't know.

Do you think that the oil companies have known oil reserves in the US but Bush didn't allowed them to drill?

That's because there might not be an amount worth drilling for.

But there is reserves of oil tars and oil shale that would be more in line with digging a strip mine. they cost way more to extricate and way more to turn into something we can use.

If we could just put a straw in the ground to remove the oil, there would be no doubt we would be doing it.

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