Monday, July 26, 2010

What happens if/when all the oil in the earth is drilled out?

The World will go Crazy, because nothing will run, no juice, no food, no nothing ever again.Until the wood burns up, and coal wont move, and the human race will be no more. Just hope it doesn't happen in our lifetime.What happens if/when all the oil in the earth is drilled out?
we walk, lose weight, breathe clean fresh air, no fumes from cars, no smog...thats what will happen.What happens if/when all the oil in the earth is drilled out?
The non contaminated waters are forced in to the cavity.
I understand what you mean. First of all, there are shale oils still deep in the ground that haven't been tapped yet because we can't drill that deep...yet.

Once all of the oil and gas is gone, hopefully we will have alternative energy sources to fall back on like green electricity, fusion, etc. I really don't think ethanol is a viable energy source because of the demand. We would have to tear down all of our major cities and turn them into corn fields. We simply couldn't keep up with the demand.

Basically, people like me will be out of a job because drilling will not be profitable anymore. Unemployment will see a moderate rise. Of course the haves and the have-nots will fight a little, the middle east will get even hotter than it is now. Maybe even our ';good friends'; in the kingdom of Saud will see the need to work for a living.
Thats when the price for horses sky rocket.
It isn't truly possible to drill ALL of the oil out of the Earth's crust.

If we did, however, it would have zero effect on plate tectonics - earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. And, the Earth would certainly not explode.
Same thing that happens when we drink all the water.

There won't be any left....
Then you park...

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