I think that's the better option along with the government implementing legislation that promotes companies like GM and Ford and others to aggressively produce vehicles of alternative fuel sources.
We have the technology we need to start using it more and get off our oil teat!
I have seen many documentaries and studies that prove that we have all of the oil we need in Alaska and off our own coasts.
What do you think?Any Democrats here that want the U.S. to drill our own oil instead of warring for it over in the Middle East?
I want the US to stop monkeying around, and blocking progress and using it's famous but at this point grown stale ingenuity and scientific savvy to find the real answer to the energy problems.
And to implement a reasonable reconstruction of our decayed infrastructure in such a way that we use less energy.
There are so many great technological ideas floating around that have been hampered by the oil and nuclear industries so they can keep their wealth and power.
Anyone who studies a while can learn of dry bed geothermal, pebble bed reactors, ocean thermal conversion, tidal energy, a little imagination will find a way to tap solar energy and wind energy and apply it where it works best...
anyone with sense knows dams aren't obsolete, nuke plants can be built that don't run major risks and their wastes made useful rather than dangerous.
The huge enormous universe around us made, as any physicist will tell you of nothing but energy.
Then it won't be such a massive downer when the oil runs out in fifty years, as it surely will, unless we find it on another planet.
Since you ask.Any Democrats here that want the U.S. to drill our own oil instead of warring for it over in the Middle East?
I don't know if you're an Al Gore supporter or not but I truly believe the 2000 election was rigged for the very purpose of setting up a war in Iraq instead of the alternative scenario that Gore was offering. Now we see the results of this plan to keep taking the oil. Yes we are hoarding it away to use our own resources as a last resort. Gore told us the technology was there and the technology that wasn't there needed government support to take us into the millenium. Sadly the government wants to fund the killing instead. Bush shouldn't just ask for alternative energy and hybrid cars rather it should be made mandatory. He has instead spent countless bn's on this war knowing it's only a temporary fix for a long term crisis looming over this nation. Unfortunately he doesn't understand the magnitude of the situation and will let the next president who does understand it go down in history beside the greats like Washington and Lincoln.
Edit: I'm with Ted and I too am getting really tired of a certain poster who has nothing but insults to contribute to a serious matter. Grow up.
you do realize that we have been drilling for oil since the early 1900's and we have been stockpiling it ... there are huge landfills of oil surplus's in several states
and we don't use any of it ... we only use foreign oil
I personally want predominantly nuclear power with electric cars and drill the diesel we need for large truck/watercraft.
It amazes me that a country that can spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a stupid, unnecessary war, also costing more than half a million lives, could not have used that money to come up with an alternative to fossil fuels. It can only be because of the easy profits made by fuel companies who really control government policy. A sad reflection on humanity.
BTW why do people have to start throwing political insults when this sort of subject is discussed?
Kellie, I deal in Facts, So Fact there is more oil on the coast of California heading up to Alaska, than there is in the entire middle east, but the EPA and other Democrat funded organizations won't allow the U.S. to drill for it, by slapping injunction after injunction.
well... first off, this is one of the issues I really don't care about very much... just saying... it's low on my list...
but things like the Exxon Valdese worry a lot of people and it just so happens, a lot of the oil is in some very key ecosystems in some places... areas that have endangered species
and also, most people don't want it in ';their back yard';... Republican or Democrat, look at some of the opposition to some drilling in the gulf, which much of which is Republican territory...
they want us to drill in the US... just not where they are... because they are special...
We have plenty of oil. That is not what is at stake.
what is the percent of americans killed in dallas? what is the percent of americans killed in iraq?
Independent. No. Prefer the US to find alternative fuel and be done with it.
If the nation really wanted to be free from oil, we would be deeply involved in making that happen.
Most people who are ';enviromentalist'; are actually just anti-capitalist
It isn't just Democrats, but groups affiliated with them. Mainly environmental groups.
Actually I prefer to use our resources and our money to find alternatives to oil. These would be sustainable and renewable. We have enough oil already to use in the transition without more drilling but only if we get started on it. We can make money selling the technology to others as we did with semiconductor technology.
We've been trying to get them to do that for years. Do stupid democrat constituents even pay attention to who they are supporting?
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