Why can't liberals tell the truth that they love protesting Alaska and any oil field that oil companies want to drill?When will Obama tell the truth that he is for high oil prices? Democrats love drilling protesters!!?
Maby he might say the truth after the presedent ellection.When will Obama tell the truth that he is for high oil prices? Democrats love drilling protesters!!?
Oil companies want to drill and sell excess now, so when value returns to the dollar, and the price goes down their refinery subsidiaries can buy it at an even lower price.
Drilling more isn't going to return value t the dollar, or prevent it from being sold on the world market.
Drilling more oil isn't going to convince refiners to buid a new 25-40 billion refinery just to lower their profits.
What are you talking about? What proof do you have that Obama wants high oil prices? Bush %26amp; Cheney are oil men. When they took office gas was $1.46 per gallon. It seems pretty clear to me who wants high oil prices in order to make a killing off of the people.
A little education wouldn't hurt you.
Patriot: You still have not proven that Obama wants high gas prices. You didn't comment on Bush/Cheney being oil men while oil/gas prices steadily increase. These oil companies are making record profits and getting huge tax breaks. Why wouldn't they want to drill for more oil. How would more drilling benefit you?
Prostesting is a form of free speech. I don't have a problem with it. Do you have problem with free speech?
I bet you watch FOX news!
If you think more drilling will lower the cost of gas, you are dreaming. A lot of companies in America do not buy foreign oil to refine. Are their prices cheaper? Didn't think so. Okay arrogant Republican. It is supply more than demand. Who controls supply? Why are the refineries in the us only running at 85%, oh wise one?
i don't protest drilling oil in the usa...but you need to realize if we drilled all the oil here, it would be enough for approx. six months based on average consumption...do you support this? high oil prices aren't only a liberal issue....
High oil price = less usage = better for environment... no?
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