I know we need alternatives but they take time to implement, don't you think we need all energy sources, and work on it now?Do any of you Obama supporters agree that we should drill and pump more of our own oil?
Of course. Speculation would ease up immediately and supply could increase - according to many experts in as little as 3 -5 years. Obama gives new technology 20 years. I'd rather go with expanding oil production and new drilling rather than deal with high gas prices for 20 years.Do any of you Obama supporters agree that we should drill and pump more of our own oil?
I'd like to see you drill for oil, but that will never happen. But I can imagine seeing you try, and it amuses me.
With prices at 135 dollars, oil companies are uncapping pre-existing wells as is witnessed by the workover rig count going up by about 32% in the last 11 months, and rotary rig (that's drilling rigs in case you didn't know that too ) count is up 36% in the last 11 months. Maybe if oil stays this high, the oil companies might even drill on some of the 68 million acres of public land where oil has been discovered that they have leased for 3 bucks an acre.
Any new wells will not have an impact until 2030 and then only by 1-3% depending who you believe. The McCain Campaign has admitted that it would have only a ';perceived impact'; Get it?
Now drilling is already underway in the Bakken reserve which will have a huge impact and already has...mineral rights to drill have gone from 6 bucks to 100 bucks an acre in the last two years in the N. Dakota and Montana areas that it is in. It is a huge field that has been known about for some time but recently has been reevaluated as to its size by the BLM. google Bakken
In addition, there are already proven wells, already drilled and capped in what is called The Naval Reserve in Alaska. The oil companies are just sitting on these reserves, waiting for higher prices. These oil fields already have a delivery system in place that is underused ie the Alaska Pipeline. The wells are drilled, and permitted and not being opposed by ';environmental groups'; Ask your self... WHY?
goggle ';NPR ';(Naval Petroleum Reserve)
It is fine to say sure, pump the oil...but if the OIL COMPANIES don't want to...should we make them bring it to market?
I think we should compel them to pump or pay taxes on this inventory...because that is what they call it. Other businesses have to pay taxes on inventory why not the oil companies?.... especially during a National Emergency!
edit: oh yeah, new technology for extracting oil from the tar sands (and large horizontal deposits) is already here...developed by Halliburton years ago and in use in the Bakken Reserve.
Drilling and pumping our oil reserves in today's crisis is like a family that sells its house to pay off credit card debt. We'll be right back in the soup, without our reserves, unless we REDUCE OUR CONSUMPTION of oil. And if we find ways to do that, we won't need the reserves and can save them for the type of crisis where they will really help.
I'm an old fart who got his driver's license in 1960. Many Americans already wanted economical cars with good gas milage, but Detroit refused to make them; so we turned to German and Japanese cars. Detroit has fought energy-efficient cars for over 50 years, pushing SUVs for the last 20. That's one of the main reasons they had to close so many plants and put Americans out of work. If Congress had required efficient cars back then, and Detroit had co-operated, we wouldn't have the crisis today.
Yes. If only they would drill. The oil companies are currently being sued by Alaska because they haven't drilled.
Whoops, just reread this...I don't support Obama, but I do support our independence from foreign oil. I'm wondering over the years how many independent thinkers have invented new sources of energy and been bought out or quashed by big oil.....
McCain own words. It won't work for 10 to 15 years. Time to get off the party lines and invest in a real plan. It's been 40 years now since Dem's have try to pass laws to get us out of this mess.
That's only part of the problem. If the dollar continues to devalue, the prices at the pump will still remain high, which of course affects everything else.
I think we really need to start thinking about the Earth, before it is too late. Necessity use to be the mother of invention,not the mother of more drilling.
i agree we should, but this isn't a ';instant'; solution either
Obama Supporters believe that we should let China Drill Our Oil.
We can buy Oil from them.
No, Obama is almost a god, if Obama thinks its a good idea later on then I will agree with him.
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