Monday, July 26, 2010

Why is China able to drill for oil off the coast of Florida & our politicians won't let us do the same?

To answer your question;

Obviously the socialists in America who prevent America from drilling our oil off Florida have a soft spot when it comes to communists doing the same.Why is China able to drill for oil off the coast of Florida %26amp; our politicians won't let us do the same?
They're drilling in Cuban waters. Cuba gave them the permission to do so.

Our politicians have no juridiction over Cuba.

Here's more to really tick you off:

Adding insult to injury, the Times said U.S. firms were invited to bid on the Cuban contracts, but were barred by the U.S. government due to the country's longstanding economic embargo of communist Cuba.

';Red China should not be left to drill for oil within spitting distance of our shores without competition from U.S. industries,'; Sen. Larry Craig, Republican of Idaho, told the Times.Why is China able to drill for oil off the coast of Florida %26amp; our politicians won't let us do the same?
Now that we've let cell phones into Cuba, maybe our oil companies can go there and start their own slant drilling.

Of course, that would mean that Cuban workers would be hired instead of American workers, but since when is the well being of Americans an issue in Washington, DC?
I suspect that this article is somewhat less than factual.

If, in fact, what you are saying was true, the drilling rigs would be obvious and the US would take action.

This site is as reliable and honest as the Daily Kos.
I DONT KNOW at first I thought you where crazy but then I found out your not this makes me angry
It is disgracefull鈥?/a>
You need to watch more Cartoons and less Hate TV

There are over 4000 drill rigs in the Gulf from 80 different Countries.

Why can China drill in Cuba and Florida and Michigan's votes don't count.
Because Cuba gave them permission. Now they are profiting from oil that the US should have been tapping over a decade ago..
you can thank the Bush brothers for that one.鈥?/a>
China deals with liberal greenies much differently than we do.
Because China paid Bill and Hillary $$$MILLIONS

Because they are fools.
No one can drill off the coast of Florida.

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