Monday, July 26, 2010

Should we drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?

This is a complex question. On the one hand, it is good for the United States to become less dependent on foreign oil, both economically and politically. On the other hand, we know we do not have enough fossil fuels within the US's borders to become totally independent. From another perspective, we know that there is some oil locked up in ANWR. Then again, the USGS's own estimates are that there is only 6 months to a few years worth of oil there and it will take approximately 10 years to get that oil to market. Is the possible loss of one of the last remaining arctic preserves worth the benefit of the oil that we will get out of the area?Should we drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
Not just no, but Hell No!!! There isn't all that much oil there to begin with and after all that digging to install pipelines and so on think what that will do to the environment. And hopefully, within 10 years, now that we have a Democratic Congress which isn't in the pocket of Big Oil, maybe we can find some alternative fuel sources - this is one of the goals of the encourage and promote alternative sources of fuel. Allowing the drilling there was just for Bush and Cheney's buddies so they could make more money - like the oil companies don't make enough money.Should we drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
No, the $450,000,000,000 we've spent on the Iraq invasion/occupation would be enough to fund alternative-renewable energy development.
I heard that we shut down a big pipeline in the Arctic sometime ago, or maybe Alaska. The reason being environmentalist whackos, supposably it was affecting the population of a certain species, maybe caribou? The truth it was actually helping them, there was more of their young surviving, because the pipeline created a little bit of warmth from the friction of the oil moving. I love people like them.
Did you know ANWR is biger than the stat of Main. Just how much harm can a few wells in a place that big.

So I wouls say yes.
no, never.

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