I would like to know too. My best guess is that people like Nancy Pelosi are truly influenced by these global warming lobbyists like Al Gore who say we can't drill in ANWR because of the polar bears. They also said that drilling won't bring the price of gas down, yet when Bush dropped the executive order the price fell. Not only will drilling make gas more affordable, but it'll create jobs and allow us to market it to other countries which could help stimulate an economic boom. I believe that environmentalists don't care about American economic prosperity when it could potentially harm the environment. Can someone PLEASE tell me again WHY we aren't allowed to drill for oil in the United States?
the Pentagon is the most heavily guarded and surveilled building in the world with 120 cameras along the buildings perimeter ..JUST SHOW US THE PLANE PLEASE..not 5 fuzzy frames Report Abuse
Can someone PLEASE tell me again WHY we aren't allowed to drill for oil in the United States?
how does a jet with a 144 ft wing span fit into a 20 foot wide hole? A. it doesn't . Report Abuse
why were all the surveillance tapes IMMEDIATELY confiscated by the FBI from all the buildings and businesses around the Pentagon? Report Abuse
a jet wreck supposedly so hot it vaporized everything including titatium engines, but yet dead bodies were identified by their dental records..human flesh/bones withstood the heat/explosion,but titatium engines didn't..interesting Report Abuse
the area where the crash occured was precisely where the accountants were working trying to account for the 3.2 trillion dollars that Rumsfeld said was ';missing'; the day before.. Sept 10.. Report Abuse
the wingspan of 757 is 124 feet.sorry..why can't we drill? because we don't need to..there is 200 years of oil in Alaska,based on the U.S.'s daily oil demands..200 years..and the oil tables replenish themselves as OIL IS NOT A FOSSIL FUEL..decaying dinosaurs yea right.. Report Abuse
You do drill for oil in the United States. The sheer reserves in the US simply aren't as large as they are in other countries like Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Venezuela. So oil companies are investing in those places with vastly larger proven reserves.
The US output has steadily shrank since the 1970's, because it's well past it's peak.
I mean.. it is only an finite resource right?
Look up the Baaken oil fields and other break away fields in North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana. The Utah tar sands and oil shale, as well as offshore drilling.
The United States actually ranks in the top 5 in the world in terms of oil output.
It's simply discouraging because that output will inevitably shrink due to the dwindling supplies in the US.
In the future look for Canada, Venezuela, and Russia to be the top producers... it's only inevitable they have the largest supplies. This will take a whiel to materialize though.. .I predict about 15 to 20 years. Until then, Saudi Arabia will be tops.
Take better notes next time. Clean out the ear canal.
Maybe YOU aren't allowed to drill for oil in the U.S. but hundreds of other companies are.
I think you are referring to drilling for oil and natural gas on the Great Lakes or NEW drilling off the oceanic coasts.
Because there is a ton of drilling going on. Where have you been?
Drilling on the great lakes, Erie and Superior in particular is governed by INTERNATIONAL agreement between Canada and the US so they don't ';fuss'; up the lakes.
NEW drilling doesn't take place within a certain number of miles from the coasts in case of accidents, and because people say the oil rigs are ugly.
You have been misinformed. We are allowed to drill for oil in the US. We do drill for oil in the US. Drilling in environmentally protected areas will not lower the price of gas and will in fact increase it. In addition it would take years before any oil could be brought to market from these environmentally protected areas. Keep up.
There is no ban on drilling across the board in the U.S. There is a moratorium on drilling on the outer continental shelf of the U.S. And there is a ban on drilling in protected areas, like wilderness and wildlife refuges. There is not much drilling going on because the U.S. has little of the world's oil reserves (we have a lot more of the world's natural gas reserves, so there is more drilling for that). What oil reserves we have are expensive to tap. I have no problem if the Congress lifts the moratorium on drilling of the coast, but don't hold your breath waiting for the oil companies to start drilling there. Congress can't force them to drill. And since oil is governed by the free market (as it should be), oil companies will drill in new offshore areas only if they can make more profit drilling there than they can drilling somewhere else. Oil companies have the P-motive. P stands for profit, not patriotism.
There is drilling going on in the US - Gulf coast Louisiana, Alaska, California, some areas of the SW and up around Utah, Montana, etc. There are simply a whole lot of areas off-limits to oil exploration and drilling, most notably ANWR in Alaska.
The US is currently ranked somewhere around 11th for PROVEN oil reserves - that is, oil that is recoverable by current methods. However, we do have the largest oil shale deposits (something like 2,000 gigabarrels) but there isn't currently any commercial production of this kind of oil so it's not considered a proven oil reserve.
With the ban on offshore drilling lifted, I'm looking forward to seeing oil rigs off the coast of Florida. It would be good for our economy - more jobs on the rigs, more homes sold to the workers' families who move here to be nearby, more jobs for the supporting infrastructure - police, teachers, stores, restaurants, hotels, etc. Plus, with the large tourist fishing industry we have, a few more places to go fishing would be good for the locals who either 1) fish recreationally or 2) take tourist out for a good day of fishing.
Because some smart @$$es decided that it would'nt reduce gas prices all that much, and it will endanger the livlihood of those states near the drilling
the thing they fail to mention is that if we drill for our own oil, we will be free of our dependance on middle eastern oil... which is a major success
Tree-Huggers----or should I say sea-weed huggers---we are the only nation not harvesting our own resources off shore.
Notice crude has dropped a good bit due to the power of the American people pressuring congress to do the right thing-----oil speculators got scared-----price dropped
---we do need to innovate new technology-----NOW----and drill NOW----we are sending our money to the very people who want to destroy us Good question---thanks for the opportunity to vent.
what a fecking bald-faced lie it is to claim viable leases aren't being developed. the communists are apparently correct - SAY it enough times and 'it' becomes fact.
the only question here is:
do we want to continue dependence for our energy needs on our FRENEMIES?
Well I support it but the argument is that it could cause pollution and there's already places for oil companies to drill in the U.S. that their not using. Did anyone else notice the Bush went from a kind of bad to a really bad president when Pelosi took over.
Because this country has too many controlling liberals that want us to lower taxes and gas prices but won't let us drill in order to do it. Like Barack Obama says ';We need to change.'; Well, obviously he has no way about going it!
We are allowed and do drill in the US. We have 6659 rigs in the gulf coast. We have also had 13 oil spills this year--so far, and 209 oil spills in the US since 2002.
We can. There are 68 million acres set aside to drill that the oil companies do nothing about. Why would they, they are making way too much money to go and drill more and lower their revenue stream.
Because the speaker of the house (democrat nancy pelosi ) decides what bills can be brought to the floor in congress. She will not let drilling even be discussed. So we are stuck.
The biggest reason we can't drill except where we already are is because of the eco terrorist groups that control the Democrats!
because the oil company's want to keep artificial scarcity so they can regulate prices and manipulate the people.
We are currently drilling off the Gul f coast. Bush wants to expand the area to California and Florida. Congress has not voted on that yet.
maybe because you have no lease on oil bearing land. the big oil companies do have those leases, they are just not developing them.
Liberals are brainwashed by the elite who want to keep the price of gasoline high into blocking production.
because that old lady Nancy Pelosi said so.
Because of Nancy pelosi
saintcai..., we can drill in the U.S. Bush just doesn't want to drill in Alaska cuz then he'll lose money. Just my opinion.
Because the witch Pelosi says so!
Because we might harm the algae or the sea weed silly conservative!Come on who doesn't like algea or seaweed?
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