I hope we don't drill in Alaska. Not for any political reason or environmental reason, but for technological reasons. With oil prices as high as they are and energy costs spiraling out of control, this is a great time to motivate inventors and corporations to develop new technologies to answer our energy needs that will be cheaper and have less impact on the environment. Who knows where it may lead? Mars? Beyond? Imagine the possibilities! All because oil hit $140 a barrel! How exciting is that ?Do you think we will ever drill in alaska where theres oil ?
Eventually we will, but it won't help nearly as much as you think.
There are many factors in the price of oil. Almost half the price right now is due to speculation/investors and has nothing to do with real supply and demand. Investors buy oil futures with no intention of receiving delivery. This creates an artificial demand that drives up the price.
Also, whatever is drilled out of Alaska will be sold at the world price of oil. If we can get 10 or 20 percent of our oil out of Alaska that means nothing as far as what the price will be. It's the world market that sets the price.
How would it help?
Is drilling Alaska going to convince Republicans to quit creating huge deficits for the benefit of the military industrial complex?
Is drilling Alaska going to return value to the dollar?
Is drilling Alaska going to convince specualtive traders to quit buying oil to hedge against falling dollar, so they'll quit driving up the world market price of oil?
is drilling more oil going to convince oil companies to spend 25-40 billion(current amount of their record profits) to build another refinery, just to push their record profits down?
First of all, the only way to know if there IS oil there, is to drill. So lets stop saying there is oil when we don't know for sure. Second, if you disturb the natural habitats of the wildlife, there could be totally unforeseen repercussions. We should pass legislation requiring the car manufacturers to up the production on hybrids and alternative fuel cars.
1. If manufacturing goes up, prices on alternative cars go down.
2. Prices go down, and more people buy them.
3. More hybrids and alternative cars will cause the demand on gas to go down.
4. Lower demand on gas will lower the price.
5. Lower gas prices mean lower food costs.
and so on, and so on, and so on.
So lets get out of the oil game all together.
1. There's not enough there to make any long term impact.
2. Even if we tossed the environmental concerns aside (that won't happen) and gave the green light today, it would be 10 years or more before the first drop ever flowed to the Lower 48.
3. The 2 primary reasons behind the cost of crude today are speculation and the value of the dollar. Crude is priced in dollars. The sellers need MORE dollars per barrel to maintain their profits.
The primary reason for the low value of the dollar is the massive federal deficit under 'W'. The Fed is keeping interest rates artificially low to keep the interest on the national deficit low. Even at current interest rates, the interest alone on the deficit is about equal to the DoD budget. The interest payments are a ';Must Pay'; item so the only way to keep the dollar amount low is to keep interest rates low. Drilling in the ANWR is NOT going to solve that issue.
Not if the ';nature people'; can help it!
How would it 'help us out so much'??
Just by providing us with a few billion barrels of OIL so we can continue tooling around in gas-guzzling SUVs and Hummers?
Why not look at the bigger picture instead of thinking only of yourself? Whether you're a believe in some evolutionary 'big bang' theory; 'God'; an 'intelligent designer'; 'Allah'; 'Buddha' - or even if you're an agnostic or an atheist, surely you must realize that this fragile planet can only take so much abuse - and can only hold so much natural resource.
Certainly you must have sufficient intelligence (?) to recognize that ALL plants and animals were put on this planet for a purpose....not just so that man can rape and pillage the Earth's resources until all the oil is sucked from the land, all the water is poisoned be chemical spills, all the air is polluted by smoke-belching factory chimneys,
all the trees are chopped down, all the coal is mined from the mountains, and all of Earth's other resources cease to exist.
Whatever your personal creed might be, you have to realize that all other creatures and living things serve a purpose on Earth; they are not here just so that mankind can suck the life from them. Rain forests, oceans, Venus fly traps, meadows, wetlands, polar bears, whales, oil fields, coal reserves, mangrove forests, rivers, tsetse flies, poisonous Amazonian frogs, mountains, tuna fish and even the lowly mosquito ALL help to provide a natural balance to our survival. We are inter-dependent upon all other things on Earth.
We've been incredibly poor stewards of this planet. By stealing from the Earth, we have impacted on our own survival as a species- just so we could drive gaz-guzzling cars, eat $100-a-plate swordfish dinners in five-star restaurants, and live in warm, comfortable homes with five bathrooms.
IF we drill in Alaska for oil, it will only be another temporary 'fix'. But it will destroy the caribou migration patterns that have existed for tens of thousands of years, and it will most likely result in the extinction of remote Eskimo tribes that depend on caribou for their sustenance.
But I'm sure it's more important for you to have $2.00-a-gallon gas for a few more years, right?? -RKO- 06/07/08
We have oil in ANWAR, and the gulf coast, west coast, off the florida coast, and off of california, that environmentalists made us stop producing. I think we need to tell environmentalists to sit down and be quiet and drill were ever we can, or soon, we will have $8 gas.
Global warming is a farce so that communists can sell crippling american capitalism in the name of stopping a crisis. drill for oil.
Both McCain and Obama oppose ANWR drilling, and with good sense
It is largely impractical and will destroy wildlife reserves.
The fact is, we would NOT see any oil from there until at least 10 years from now, it will not help us. Drive less, buy a more fuel efficient vehicle, and we need alternative fuel sources
And if you didnt realize, the falling dollar is a large player in the escalating oil prices
I used to be dead set against it. Now, it may be a good idea. Public opinion may be waning with the anti drilling as gas prices continue to rise. Once it hits $5/ gallon, there will be some major pressure to change things
how much oil is there? there isn't going to be that much considering how much is used.
what exactly prevents the oil companies from taking the oil and selling it somewhere else?
We can鈥檛 effectively fight global warming while pumping up and burning more oil at the same time.
I feel that we must reduce our consumption of which includes reducing the population. People may not agree with that but they will as time goes on.
Being from Alaska, I know Alaskans are all for it.
But we do drill in AK, just not ANWR.
For some reason I though we did drill for oil in Alaska and found oil. So what is the Alaskan pipe line for?
Yes and the sooner the better!
';I'; hope NOT.
we drill in Alaska every day...that is why we have a pipeline....lol
not if we have dems in control
I truly hope not. Oh for Gods sake people it is ANWR not Anwar!
Probably not, to much money has exchanged hands for it to happen now. (lobbyist)
But I'm all for it. It's just a huge waste of money to import all of our oil.
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