Saturday, August 21, 2010

Would you go polar bear hunting with Sarah Palin to raise awareness of the need to drill for oil in ANWR?

chgWould you go polar bear hunting with Sarah Palin to raise awareness of the need to drill for oil in ANWR?
Yea hunting with Sarah would be fantastic, She would find the bear and shake then proceed to business with the oil. That I would like to get pictures of. She also salutes our flag. Got that.Would you go polar bear hunting with Sarah Palin to raise awareness of the need to drill for oil in ANWR?
In heartbeat.

Just like Obama going to the defense of woman who gives a live birth to a child and throws into a dumpster while the child is screaming for his mother. As demonstrating the importance of make sure the the mother always has the right to choose if a baby should live or die.

Yes,we may as well shoot them before they all drown from the hoax that is global warming.As for drilling,why not?It has been proven safe.
sure I'll shoot every liberal bear if needed

sure... i'd kill a polar bear with the next VP of the USA

and if I got too cold, maybe she'd snuggle me
Sure I would - long before I'd go bird hunting with Cheney!
If only I could.
hell you are's about time
Sure, where do we sign up?
  • nyx cosmetic
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