Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why should we drill for oil now?

I was thinking about how oil is a limited resource in our world and if we were to tap into the oil we have here at home there might come a time where we would run out of oil before some other countrys do. Now if we wait and just buy up everyone elses oil we would end up being the last ones to have it which would give us a huge amount of leverage across the globe. Maybe i'm just not seeing not sure.Why should we drill for oil now?
i retired as a Property Analyst from a major oil company so i know how things work.

i found a link for a letter written by a leader in another 'big' oil company that is very sucint and well written and it clearly explains our current situation and how it could be solved.

if you are really interested in knowing how things work, please read it and you will learn a lot. here is a sample but you should read all the points he makes. i hope that you will expand your knowledge of the current situation and the solutions that are available to us if we act now.

'This is obviously a tough situation for the American consumer. The irony is that it doesn't have to be that way. The United States --unlike, say, France --actually has vast petroleum reserves. It would be possible for American oil companies to develop those reserves, play a far bigger role

in international markets, and deliver gas at the pump to American consumers at a much lower price, while creating many thousands of jobs for Americans. This would be infinitely preferable to shipping endless billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia , Russia and Venezuela to be used in

propping up their economies.'鈥?/a>

alternative energy is being researched now but will take time and we, the American citizens, need immediate relief and we should make our leaders listen to solutions that are available to us NOW.Why should we drill for oil now?
We drill for oil now because we need the oil now-the economy is having seizures. We also need to find feasible sources of alternative energy. Our energy policies have failed us-it is mind boggling to think that we had an energy crisis just 35 years ago and here we are again. America needs to be energy self sufficient. We cannot put our faith in foreign oil cartels. India and China's economies are growing they are not riding bicycles anymore their demand for oil will drain the wells dry. We drill now because it is the most feasible, reasonable source of energy we have at this time and we bust our asses to find alternatives. As regards to waiting and buy up everyone elses oil - we simply can't afford it. We have to keep feeding the horse so it can keep working (keep our economy in balance).
Your economics are wrong but as much as I like nature I like everything that oil provides us with just as much. So as painful as this is for me to say, I agree we should drill but do it while we are developing alternative energy sources. Even though the world will most likely not run out of oil in our lifetime I would like to think humanity is not that selfish to leave it up to future generations to fend for themselves while we have enjoyed all of the Earths resources.
Your not seeing a lot. Who knows when oil will run 2 years or in 2000. Alternative energies are at least 20-30 years away and in the meantime we have oil waiting to be drilled to help ease our current economic problems. You say lets wait to drill(or not drill at all) and let the rest of the world run out so we can sell what we have at a super high price, I say drill now why the oil we can have is worth something.
right now, we need oil to run the commerce of the country.

there is no forseeable future replacement for oil.

we are importing less oil than we require.

if we start drilling today for oil, we will have it sooner than if we start drilling next week, next month or next year.

now that oil is on everyones mind, it won't be such a sticker shock when it comes to other forms of energy.

the concept of ';why drill now, we won't have oil for 5 years'; is the same as ';why send a kid to school, he won't graduate for 12 years';.
Oil is a finite resource that will one day be gone. Drilling starting today will not put a drop of gasoline in the pumps for 7-10 years.

That's the same thing Clinton said 10 years ago. If we'd started then, we'd have it now. Everyone realizes it takes a long time to get to market, but if we keep procrastinating, it just ends up taking that much longer.
I have asked myself this same question. This was my answer...

By the time the middle east runs out of oil you, me, our children. and our children's children will be long gone. By then they should not be using oil any more.

We should drill now.
Better late than never if we would have done so 30 years ago we would probably not be at the brink of disaster like we are today begging for foreign oil.... We must thank Jimmy Carter for this situation. He and the Democrat party Started us down this road nobody else...........
it would do a few things.add jobs.force opec to drop their prices,and force our country to really start looking for alternative fuel sources rather than just paying it lip service.
foolishness, if we buy up everyone elses oil we will make them rich, and they will control our economy. We will still run out of oil
$4.00 at the pump and going up.

Drill ,while we work on alternatives,stablise or reduce the price and keep America moving.
the electric car on philipines
We should drill now because of future need. We should also expand our use of coal, build nuclear and hope for Battery innovations that will allow cars to actually be used as they are on gasoline.

It is true that we can convert all of our cars to natural gas and have the ability to refuel the same as now in ten years. The thing is though that natural gas only compresses so much and tanks have to be thick to contain the compression which limits the amount of fuel they can hold which limits range.

I want alternative as much as anyone but People like Boone Pickens and others are selling you a pipe dream. He is an oil man soon to be a natural gas man and you still have to drill for it.

Wind and solar both take up huge amounts of space compared to the energy they produce which makes them unfeasible and undesirable( it is someones land that has to be used because you sure as hell won't let us build them on federal land reserves).

We do have a future that is much less dependent on oil but it won't be a one fuel system and we will change the way we deal with waste processing so that we can generate energy from it and make usable products from it.

We are looking at fifty years of change to get off of oil. In the mean time we need it and will need it and we can get it in seven when our need will be even higher than today because we will need to burn it in order to build all of the infrastructure for alternatives.
We should not drill for oil now.

Oil is a finite resource that will one day be gone. Drilling starting today will not put a drop of gasoline in the pumps for 7-10 years.

The immediate response should be conservations and the development of alternative fuels.

Wind and solar power are already in place in some locations and can be encouraged through tax breaks.

Drilling for oil is fool's gold.
I am mentally fatigued with people using the royal ';we';. ';We'; don't drill. Oil companies drill. The US Government got out of the drilling business entirely in 1998 when they sold off Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve, so the Government doesn't drill either.

Oil companies drill when it is in their own best interest to drill. Right now rotary rig counts and backlogs are up about 8% year over year, and that's only because oil is 145 dollars a barrel, and there is still no mad rush to drill domestically.

To date, there are 68 million acres of public land where oil has been discovered where oil companies can drill (including leases immediately adjacent to ANWR on the North Slope), billions of acres of public waterways where they are leasing land for the purpose of supposedly drilling and extracting oil some day, and there are no production wells on any of this land or water, and it would take 30-40 years to put production wells on all of it.

And I haven't even touched on the folly of thinking you are going to drill your way out of dependency on foreign oil when 2/3rds of the 12 million barrels a day we use is imported.

In typical Republican fashion, the Republican leadership has people talking about something that isn't a problem (e.g. available public land leases for drilling) rather than talking about actual problems (i.e. rising commodity prices including oil, dependency on fossil fuels to meet our rising energy needs, climate change, and so on).

You would think people would get a clue instead of being suckered yet again by the people that told them Saddam Hussein had ties to al qaeda.
Bush admitted that America is addicted to oil, and that this has massive consequences and causes massive problems envirionmentally and throughout the world to cold turkey the nation off it he has decided to throw a massive oil party woodstock style... and to try to increase supply.

what a complete and utter fking nut job..

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