Do you enjoy your depedancy on foreign oil?Why do so many Americans still refuse to drill for oil IN America!?!?!?
Arrogance. It seems OK for other nations to upset their environment to drill for oil for our use but how dare anyone suggest that we might upset ours to feed our own addiction to oil. How pathetic are those people..Why do so many Americans still refuse to drill for oil IN America!?!?!?
It's not the average American saying not to drill for oil. Its a small fringe group of environmentalist that have way too much power. Despite thata America is a demoncracy, and have basically voiced their opinions to drill for oil in such places as ANWAR and the Gulf of Mexico, we can't do it because it might damage the environment and hasten global warming. Although it's perfectly alright for other countries such as Cuba and China to drill 60 miles off of America's coast line in the Gulf of Mexico. And not to mention that the billions of people in China and India far exceed the pollution that America produces. Yet it's environmentally unsound for us to drill in these areas even though we would take a very small location to do so and our practices are friendlier to the environment than other nations such as China, Cuba, and Mexico.
Climate change is real, so drilling for oil will accelerate that. Alternative energy is the path America needs to take. Not only to rid our dependency on foreign oil, but to lead the way to a cleaner planet, and to export the technology that will get us there. Americans put a man on the what is the problem that we can't solve? Status quo at this point just won't cut it...Republicans (conservatives) offer empty and simplistic remedies...that the ';market'; of supply and demand will cure all our ills. And that is a reckless path this country can't afford to take. We need a new day...a new direction... And whether you like it or is the liberals who will take us they've done before. We're all Americans...the '; L'; words belongs to all of us, and should not to be used in smear or fear amongst ourselves. The people who enjoy our dependency on foreign oil most are also Americans ( big oil) who want nothing more than the status quo, so they can stick it up our @ss even deeper. We have met the enemy...and it is US!!!
being one of the lowest forms of life in America, i believe you have asked the wrong question. the question that needs to be asked is: why are the oil companies NOT drilling for oil in the offshore drilling areas that THEY HAVE PERMITS FOR?? they drill in less than 1/4 of the permitted area. why is that? perchance it keeps the price of oil artificially high? nah. those big business conservative patriots would NEVER do a thing like that. or would they??
It's not Americans refusing... even if there were that many, since when does our corporate government listen to the people?
The reasons we are not pulling more oil out of the ground have nothing to do with environmental issues, lobbyists, liberals, or scarcity of resources. These are all distractions spoonfed to the gibbering brainwashed American public.
The problem for the oil companies, the IMF and World Bank, and the globalists who are bleeding our country dry, is that there's too MUCH oil. They want to keep it in the ground and convince us that it's running out, so that we won't riot when they ask us to pay through the noses for it. They make sure that anyone in the oil business who won't play ball gets bombed back into the stone age or forcibly overtaken (Iraq, Iran).
The name of the game is ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY. Sorry, but this is how global economics works. Your government does not care about you. They sold you out. America is run by the Federal Reserve, IMF and World Bank now.
And they control BOTH parties, by the way, so lets put an end to the partisan bickering. It will get us nowhere.
I support it, I just want to know why they haven't been doing it? I also wonder why so many wells have been capped here in this country. I also wonder why so many refineries have been shut down over the past twenty + years, and why Ronnie %26amp; DADDY decided NOT to drill off our coasts, and why Jeb told junior NOT to drill off the coast of Floridah, and junior agereed? I wonder why after so many years of republican control we are just now becoming aware of the fact that there are thousands of parcels available to drill on, and they have not been explored? Why do the republicans hate this country so much?
The oil companies already have leases to millions of acres of public land and they are not drilling on most of them. They have no incentive to drill because they are making money hand over fist by just sitting on those leases. Giving them control over more public land isn't going to help us.
Even if they actually drilled on the newly-leased land, there would be no immediate effect on prices and very little long-term effect. We need to be realistic and look at our options.
It is estimated that even switching to hybrids would save us 3.8 million barrels a day, which is twice the number of barrels that the new drilling would eventually bring in. We need a serious push for alternatives. This is something that was started 30 years ago but essentially abandoned in favor of continued dependence on oil.
well..lets look at this logically shall we?
It's a supply and demand issue isn't it? If that's true, why is it when production is increased by 700,000 a day and use is down 6.6% and stockpiles are rising and over the 5 year average.....prices still are rising?
Sounds like supply is rising, demand is lowering and prices are still rising?? Why is that ?? Wow...
Could it be the low value on the dollar or the commodity brokers piling money into the market on speculation?? Nope can't be that right ?? Nope..LET'S DRILL !!!!!
Dumb Lemming......
What for, it would take 20 years to get us the first drops and then it would be around 200,000 barrels a day, that's compared to the 20 million we consume each day not even a drop in the bucket.
If everybody would pump up their tires, we would save 3 times as much as we can produce there. It just has no justification other then make three oil barons rich.
You have to understand that your government is not for your interests, they are trying to control you, there is no shortage of oil, it's all over the world, you have huge oil wells in Alaska, and gas, but they are being kept quiet, the Russians have planted their flag on some of it.
You'd have to ask the oil companies who have leases on land here that they haven't touched.
Besides... it's very naive to think that oil drilled in the U.S. would STAY in the U.S.
It would be more profitable for the oil companies to export it. And they're under no obligation to keep it here.
because, it won't help the specs still are in control and will use other excuses. we need bush out of office for a change and it won't happen with mcsame.
A great majority of non drillers are democrats. My thinking is they want us all to live in the stone age. Maybe they will even try to save the saber toothed cat.
Its the ';nimby'; principle
They're called liberals aka, the lowest form of life in America.
There are so many environmental concerns esp. with off shore drilling.
Unlike cons, we all drive fuel efficient vehicles. Enjoy your SUV.
i think it'd be better if we actually drilled oil in the U.S because of the pricing's.
Yup, It's the liberals fault We have to suffer with the high gas prices.
I support drilling anywhere and everywhere---our society runs on fossil fuels- whether we like it or not
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