And how much of this money will be going to people who hate us?
I bet gas is at least 8 bucks a gallon. With these new high prices who will be hurt the worst? We will be a country of have and have-nots, those who can afford gas and those on the bus. Why can't the democrats see that it is in the best interest of everyone to drill for our own oil? Specially the poor, who they claim to care about.If the USA doesn't drill at least some of its own oil what will prices be in 10 years?
You need to get a clue. The US is the world's 3rd largest oil PRODUCER. New rigs nation wide are at a high. Oil and gas exploration are being done across the country. The problem is the US is also the world's largest oil USER. We use far more than we produce. The answer is not allowing drilling on protected federal lands like ANWR (there isn't enough oil there to make a dent in the difference). The answer is to use less oil, find alternative sources for fuel and power. More refinery production would help but we have seen 1 permit submitted from the oil companies for new refinery building in the last 30 years. It is obvious more refineries would not be in the best interests of oil companies. Most are foolish enough to believe that the price of gas is a supply and demand issue, it is not.If the USA doesn't drill at least some of its own oil what will prices be in 10 years?
Drilling our oil will have no effect on gas prices.
Forget the environmental reasons, the political reasons and the scientific reasons. It's business. Oil is a commodity traded on the international market, oil companies are in the business to make profit. They could care less where the oil comes from, they are about profits, not patriotism. Oil drilled in Alaska, Oklahoma or anywhere else in the U.S. will be sold on the international market. So the oil from the U.S. will most likely go to a refinery in Indonesia and wind up in a gas tank in Beijing.
It will not decrease what you pay for gas by a single cent.
A. We do drill. Many, many hundreds of new drilling permits are approved every year just on Federal lands.
B. The price is way out of line with supply, demand, and cost structures. You are being scammed by speculators, and it's becoming very apparent who they are. If the technology existed to extract every last drop this very instant, it would not change the price so long as people are buying into the speculator hype on oil futures.
We do not have enough oil to make much of a difference. And what new fields we can develop will take 10 years. Why not poor those resources into energy and fuel that is not based on oil? Who cares what the price of gas is if you are running on electricity or hydrogen? That's what the democrats want to do.
In ten years, the dividing line will be who thought ahead and started to conserve oil and look into alternative fuels and an infrastructure that doesn't require as many automobiles versus who bought a brand new fuel inefficient car in 2008. This line isn't just for individuals, it's for nations as well.
Hopefully the value of the dollar will go back up and cause investors to quit buying up all the contracts in gas and oil causing the value of each vs the dollar to go down, and the market value to drop again.
and in 10 years most people will probably start running their cars off nuclear plant created hydrogen.鈥?/a>
If we are still using Gas in 10 years we will be seriously screwed.
I will tell you right now..
Hydrogen Cell power. That is the future. We already have 2 filling statiions around NYC for them. Costs next to nothing, absolutely no exhaust, and the cars perform just as well.
To answer your question;
In ten years at this pace Democrats will have us all praying to Allah. Because Arabs will own America as we pay out the nose for gas.
probly $7 and the libs wont let us drill because they want to jack up the oil prices so we buy environmentally friendly vehicles
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