Monday, August 23, 2010

Why won't Congress let us drill for oil and build more nuclear plants? I'm fed up with paying $4.00 for gas.

10 years ago Congress passed a bill to drill in ANWR. It would of provided about 1.5-2 million barrels of oil a day. We use about 20 million a day. So, nearly 10% of our oil could be coming from that site alone. That would of reduced gasoline prices. But Clinton gave in to the environmentalists and vetoed the bill.

Nearly all legislation for more nuclear plants and oil refineries has been blocked by the democrats and some wayward republicans. Instead of real action, they drag the oil execs in front of them for a good tongue lashing that accomplishes nothing fruitful. It's all a dog and pony show. They don't care about the price of oil because they are all multimillionaires and it doesn't affect them.Why won't Congress let us drill for oil and build more nuclear plants? I'm fed up with paying $4.00 for gas.

Liberals have blocked resolutions in Congress that would reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

It has nothing to do with the environment, liberals could care less about the environment. The environment is simply a prop they use to promote their socialist agenda.

The reason is simple: By liberals keeping our demand on foreign oil high, it helps keeps gas prices high. High prices mean an agitated America and more likely Americans will embrace a socialist system to solve problems liberals purposely perpetuate.

Make no mistake, the liberal agenda is to build a socialist welfare state and they will do anything to make sure that happens.Why won't Congress let us drill for oil and build more nuclear plants? I'm fed up with paying $4.00 for gas.
The U.S. is the 3rd largest producer of oil in the world. We pump millions of gallons of oil from the U.S. including millions of gallons from the North Slope field in Alaska (the ANWR park land is only a tiny fraction of Alaska). The problem is not how much we produce, it is how much more than that we consume. And most of our electricity generating plants are coal fired so nuclear plants would mostly replace coal fired plants and would have no effect on oil consumption or prices. And the current oil price problem is a problem with speculation in the commodities market and not with supply at all.
the wells are drilled but we cannot get the oil from the ground due to the enviromentalists. we cannot build the pipelines dut to the enviromentalists. they think that pipelines hurt animals. that is the biggest farce there is. ever seen pictures of the pipline in alaska. the animals rest on it hangout near it and follow it where ever it goes. the populations of the migratory herds has boomed since the pipelines construction. you cannot tell them these things because they only believe what oher enviromentalists tell them. it wouldn't matter if they came to alaska and saw it for themselves they would still believe their own groups other than their own eyes...

when gas makes 10.00 a gallon the enviromentalists might think about it. but will side with themselves and keep the inflation growing from the fuel costs. the refinery here in north pole alaska is predicting 6.50 a gallon before winter hits in september. so 10 dollar gas is not that far off.
There's not enough oil left in America to make a significant difference. It's a dying (and deadly) resource. We need to move to sustainable alternatives quickly. As for nuclear plants, Three Mile Island and Chernobyl come to mind, and all the radioactive waste that nobody wants in their backyard.
$4.00 a gallon is really cheap compared to almost every country in the world.

Here is Australia, we are $1.63 a litre ($6.23 a gallon)

Quit being greedy.
Environmentalists wont stop complaining they preach about saving the environment yet they eat all the plants that clean up the air
The enviro-nuts are paying key politicians to keep us from doing just that.
Because of the power of the green people.

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