Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do you think this is the real reason Barack doesn't want to drill for oil in the US

Do you think this is the real reason Barack doesn't want to drill for oil in the US
No i don't think this is the real reason BHO doesn't want to drill for oil in the US. I think that he wants the USA broken as a superpower and balkanized into several small countries to prevent the USA from ever being a dominate world power again.

Why he wants this I have no idea but from his actions this is the only logical goal.Do you think this is the real reason Barack doesn't want to drill for oil in the US
Yes. Unfortunately, the Democrats are beholding to the environmentalists and they are wagging the dog.

They always are trying to pin the problem on the Republicans not driving hard enough to get the country away from oil but are shooting off the mark. They are pushing for wind, solar, and wave power, all of which are dependent on the sun. As it is now, neither is efficient enough to supply the needs of a global population. The fear they exhibit of going nuclear, and the hatred they have for corporations is resulting in hindering any meaningful research in the area of alternate energy sources.

Added to that are the social programs the Left holds dear, and the reluctance of the Republicans who have also latched onto the federal gravy train to give up their piece, it is going to take a very long time to resolve these issues.

The American voter will only tolerate so much. The cost of fuel is hitting everyone hard. Obama and McCain both, have bought into the ';AGW'; hype which hasn't been shown to be real. The only message Obama seems to get out is the message of ';Change';. We don't have a really clear picture of what the change will be, but I have doubts as to it being for the better. I can only see more Socialist, regulatory policies from his side.
The real reason he doesn't want to drill is because it will cost billions of dollars to get the oil offshore, it would take at least 10 years to develop and it would only create enough oil to sustain the US for several months. When you put that amount of oil on the world market it would only decrease the price of gas by a couple of pennies. Hardly a solution to the energy problem. It is just a gimmick by McCain to try and get votes.
Your assumptions are all wrong.

First of all, there is already a lot of drilling going on all over the US. Has been for almost 60 years.

Next, Obama recently said he would be for limited drilling offshore as the needs warrant. What he is not for is giving the oil companies a blanket pass to drill anywhere and everywhere they want.

If he well and truly believes this nonsense from that paper: ';Global warming is real, is happening now and is the result of human activities.';, then The Boy is ill and should drop out right now.

Hugs 'n Kisses!!! '08
He lost me when he said that humans are causing the climate change! The sun causes it and there is nothing we can do about it,,, the dems use this fact (SUN) to pad their own pockets. Algore make 100 million off of the 'carbon credits'. Obama is a fool.
I would suggest that special (Middle East) interests have a hand in that. What gets me is that without being more vested in our own energy independence we are destined to rely on foreign oil and that's only good for poopy time.
Obama will do anything for votes.鈥?/a>
Assuming he actually believes that crap, the reason could be ';because he's an idiot';.

Too much environmental issues, its expensive, and we are not sure if we have any oil
Obama is a typical politician who will say whatever you and I want to hear.
No his fellow Senator from IL Durbin gets money from oil stock.

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