You bet it is. Our oil companies ship 65% of our oil over seas to make a shortage in this country.With large reserves oil on Gull Island, drilled and capped isn't it clear fuel is just an international tool..
people are viewing high oil prices from the wrong position.
High oil prices are a direct result of :
#1 devalued US dollar
#2 unregulated exchanges in Dubai, London, and soon to be Vietnam.
#3 destablized middle east.
Devaluing the dollar is extremly profitable to wealthy elites like the Bush family, who had their wealth in other currencies prior to Bush pushing down taxes and appointing a goober to replace greenspan that dropped intrest rates leaving more US dollars in circulation causing the value to drop to half od its value in 2000.
unregulated trade on foreign exchanges allow for unethical trade and allows people with endless pockets to manipulate prices.
Destabalized middle east from war in Iraq, causes more specualtors to percieve a threat to supply which makes a commodity a profitable gamble should supply be interrupted.
The act of more people buying more futures is driving up the price of oil and other commodities. This also happens as the dolalr falls, because it help wise speculators lose value oon their capital as the dollar falls.
Yeah maybe, but the gas prices are going up based on the basic laws of supply and demand. We have reached ';peak oil';, which means it will only become more and more expensive to produce.
I don't think you understand the concept of supply and demand. I guess the idea that there are only a limited amount of resources to satisfy the demands of the world is just a bunch of hocus pocus to you. Do you denounce gravity too?
You have nailed the problem - You have answered you own question better then anyone on yahoo could have- Every now and then a person gets to look straight at the truth and recognize it as such. This is one of those times, a rare occasion,indeed!
Sadly, it is a common practice to claim shortages in commodities to drive prices upward. ';Both sides';, meaning conservatives and liberals? Politicians are generally at the mercy of special interests.
Yes, Oil is the life blood of the world
Oil is better then is the currency of the industrial world
It makes the economy go sky high and the prices will be bear market for a long time
It's a resourse that GOD gave us and we are all suppose yo benefit from it.
provide proof, not a statement!
I just need gas for my car and to heat my pool! God Bless OIL!
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