Saturday, August 21, 2010

Since Obama won't drill for new sources of oil, because it will have no effect on price?

as he said ';for at least 5 years'; can we send him our gas bills 5 years from now if we don't look for other sources of fuel?Since Obama won't drill for new sources of oil, because it will have no effect on price?
Obama has a failed strategy on energy going here, and it's always been a problem for Democrats. We need to get off of foreign oil anyway, so drilling now doesn't mean that we will cut prices now, but it sure does mean that the supply and demand curve will change down the road, whereas now, it will not and that we can be sure of.Since Obama won't drill for new sources of oil, because it will have no effect on price?
Once again Obama proves he has no idea how a Capitalist System,or the Markets work. But then again,why should he,he's a Marxist,he doesn't believe in Capitalism.

Of course what he fails to realize,is that putting more Oil on the market,even if it's projected 5 years out,will affect Oil prices. Increased supply always puts downward pressure on prices,and since part of the issue speculators are using to drive up prices is increasing demand both now and projected for the future,part of their rational for escalating the price is taken away by the knowledge that Billions of barrels come on line in 5 years.

The effect might not be as dramatic as we would like right away,but it would be noticeable nonetheless. But Obama doesn't want to hear that. He doesn't even think current prices are inflated which I find amazing. Even his hero Ahmadinajad understands that.

What I find most shocking about all of this Oil mess however is that people aren't rioting over getting ripped like this. Over the last 5 years Production increases have actually exceeded Demand,yet the price goes up 300%,WTF!! Instead of worrying about our petty leaders we should be stringing some people up.

#1. It will take 10 years to get to any of that oil. Its not like you wave a magic wand and the infrastructure is in place.

#2. Even at MAXIMUM capacity all the offshore oil will last as 10 years at most.

#3. The moratorium on offshore drilling was put into place BY REPUBLICANS. 1982 initially by Reagan and then extended in 1990 by the first Bush.

So how about you actually start looking at the facts instead of buying all the tripe being spoon fed to you.
No. You are responsible for your own bills, right?

Gas prices will never be below $3.99/gallon ever again. Get used to it and thank Bush for refusing to do anything about it.
Thanks. I didnt know Barry was a Wildcater!

Seriously Barry wont allow anything to make life easier on those that work for a living...It doesnt fit the punishment M.O. of the far left.
More proof that Mr Obama knows nothing about economics...At least not free market economics... To me...He sounds like a Communist...when he's not busy sounding like a Socialist.
Amen to that! Of course it will effect the price, even with speculators. Where dies his type of thinking come from. Would it be Marx?

Go ahead and look for other sources of fuel, just not oil.
Obama THINKS he knows what is best. He is an idiot.

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