We have 'eminent domain' when we need a neighorbhood for urban developement / hwys - so why don't we take this oil and get out of the middle east?It was found that Alsaka has enough oil to run America for 200 years. If correct - why aren't we drilling?
FOREST PRESERVES THE REPUBLICANS PROTECTED THE LAND FROM DRILLING THEREIt was found that Alsaka has enough oil to run America for 200 years. If correct - why aren't we drilling?
We can get the oil cheaper through the ME and not have to worry about endangering the Alaskan wilderness when we do. Plus, it creates a relationship between ourselves and the ME that would not be possible otherwise.
That was one of the first things GW Bush wanted to get going on when he was elected to his first term but the Libs and their tree hugger friends said 'No Way!!'. They are using the wildlife as an excuse, however there are pictures of wildlife on top of--under--and around the Alaska pipeline who have no problems with it. Alaska isn't the only state with oil wells. There are, I think, another 5-8 other states, plus off-shore drilling. Maybe Alaska and these other states should call in the eminent domain card and take matters into their own hands.
California is probably sitting on enough to help them with their financial disaster, but they have about the worst 'Green Laws' in the country and so they keep on hitting the taxpayers and vehicle owners up to pay for the mess they have created.
You'd probably be shocked if you knew how much oil is under the US that they won't let anyone drill for.
I don't know if it's enough to last 200 years, but there is surely enough to last until alternative fuels are more developed and wide-spread.
Part of the big Environmental Farce!!
It will not be drilled until the world oil market crashes to its knees. It is kept in the ground for one purpose for USA they do not want it on the world markets.
When that happens it will be drilled and used just on the Americans market.
There isn't enough oil in the world to run America for 200 more years.
I'm guessing it's because if we use up all of our own oil first, then the other Countries that still has oil will gain the upper hand over us.
Oil is power and as long as we still have our own we still have power.
The price of something is always less if they know your reliance on the product is minimal.
But if your reliance is absolute then the price will become ridiculously high.
Right now the middle east is being tapped out so our Government is having to look elsewhere for their next source of oil.
And I think that is going to be Mexico who currently has about 40 billion barrells of oil stashed underground.
Why do you think Bush wants amnesty so much?
';It all makes perfect sence with dollars and cents.';
Think new technology. Leave the oil in the ground where it belongs, then go vote for Ron Paul, sleep good.
i think your facts are wrong. no one knows how much oil is there or isn't there. oil companies don't want more oil on the market they want less. more oil lowers the price. that's why we pay $3.50 for gas while no one is building refineries. why we pay while our own gov't uses our sons and daughters to wage a war to keep iraqi oil off the world market so exxon and their saudi suppliers can make record profits. it's all about supply and demand, man
Alaska is one of the few remaining wildlife frontiers. A lot of it is environmentally protected and attempting to drill there would put a lot of conservationists into a meltdown.
World economics, that and some deep pocketed b@st@rds that can't get rich enough. I say, let's go to Alaska!
liberal environmentalist i guess they don't mind if people drill in other countries
There isn't that much oil in Alaska.
We also have treaties with Canada about the caribou areas.
We have a responsibility to find other solutions and not burn more fuel to make global warming worse.
The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption -- most is imported from Canada (19%) Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[10] -- the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels, would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years.
because they want to take Iraqs oil first.
A wise people would change the technology so that we didn't need to run on oil 200 years from now... I hope to god it is more affordable as well!
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