I've read two damned stories this morning saying that democrats want short-term fixes. What were they doing during the Clinton Administration besides hindering the exploration process in ANWR and the gulf?
Instead, they yell conserve, conserve. Do they not get that almost 500 million new people are driving over this decade? Short-sighted %26amp; stupid it seems to the rational mind.Democrats blaming Bush for high oil prices? Why won't democrats increase supply by supporting new drilling?
Oil has gone up since the Democrats took the house and senate. They have always wanted high oil prices for Americans, but in tax revenue. They had a plan on how to deal with it, but they wont show anyone what it is.Democrats blaming Bush for high oil prices? Why won't democrats increase supply by supporting new drilling?
It is clearly the Democrats in Congress and former President Clinton's fault. His veto of legislation to open drilling has in part caused this supply and demand issue. Had he signed the bill and we had begun drilling oil would be pouring in from Alaska and off shore. They are blaming Bush because they need a scapegoat..
What part of ';Iraq's extra oil didn't lower gas prices'; don't you get?? Taking over and then shutting down oil refineries is what increases oil profits--and that's what the oil companies have been doing!
That's what the oil companies want us to believe! When actually they want to keep oil artificially scarce more than anyone else!
Better question for you: Why didn't Bush do this when he first entered office, since it takes like ten years to refine enough oil to relieve the demand?
When he first entered office, there was a Republican Congress. No nasty little liberals getting in poor little Bushie's way then, were there? In fact, there wasn't a Democratic majority in Congress until two years ago.
So why didn't he take care of this before it became a crisis?
EDIT: Um... again... he had SIX YEARS with a Republican Congress. What happened there?
One reason for high prices is shutting down refineries for ';repair and maintenance';. This particular method was used against California, a few years ago, to raise energy costs...and it worked...for them....and against Californians. Maybe we do need more refineries...or more honest assessments from the oil companies. They've tasted ';record profits'; and, like everything that tastes good, they want more and more and more! Bush's wealth comes from oil...right?
Probably because it will not significantly affect prices....and do much more damage than it's worth....especially in ANWR.
Besides.....it is kinda silly to blame Bush.....it's kinda like blaming the village idiot for making it rain.....or something.....you get my point.....Bush is an idiot......and really can't do anything about it anyway....but he's good for laughs.
Bush IS an oil man,after all (a Failed one at that).He's disallowing winfall profits taxes-gee,maybe we could use those for alternative energy?He has let big oil get fat and happy.The Democrats aren't much better,by the way.We need safe nuke plants and millions of plug in cars-blame it on the dynosaurs,they didn't make enough oil...
Because most of them are invested in oil and want to make money. That is the absolute truth. If they really wanted us to use less oil they would have pushed and supported ford or chevy much more in creating fuel efficient cars.
Why are the hardly any fuel efficient cars in the USA?
Why are they not selling Geo's?
Where is all the SUBSIDED e85 / ethanol going?
Three important questions that they seem never to answer!!!
How about ethanol is helping the airlines ... remember that about 4-8 year ago???!!!??
Yes, I wish the media would start calling them on it.
Bush has been trying to increase domestic supply nearly his entire term, only to be thwarted by the Democrats. And Bush is blamed for the tight oil supplies now.
Democrat - Thy name is hypocrite.
Because there are no economists who agree that it's a supply and demand problem. Refineries have had to roll back production because demand has gone DOWN while supply is relatively constant.
Don't forget that building refineries in the United States has been illegal since 1976. Remember the 3 refineries wiped out in Hurricane Katrina? Yeah. Go democrats.
New drilling? Oh goody, more craploads of money. We don't have an unlimited supply of oil, you know-- what do you suppose we do when it's all gone?
Let's not forget our reserves are for emergency situations... Such as military operations.
Although, I would say these prices might be getting close to an emergency state.
You're wrong demand is low and Supply is 97% of capicity. The reason why gas prices are is because Oil companies can get away with charging it.
I bet even if they mentioned it in Congress OPEC would increase production.
Please don't forget that the genious McCain wants that crappy short term solution as well.
To Meg: yes it is.
Bush and company are in the war-oil business and democrats don't do anything.
But they need to blame Republicans for everything wrong.
If the supply is the problem, then you either CONSUME LESS or produce more of something that has a limited amount of. What could be the long term solution...?
I'm not a democrat and I still blame bush for the oil prices.
pay attention to history, once they get into office they loose it.
you know how a woman likes to spend, that's why we men are
always broke.
because Dem's want gas prices to reach $20 a gallon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bush had 6 yrs. with his little republican congress groupies to get this done, why didn't he do it?
There is no shortage !
Sorry, but the oil companies have had the Alaskan pipeline built for them in the 70's and had gotten permission to drill for oil in Alaska after they promised congress that it would eliminate forever our dependence on imported oil. 3 years after the pipeline was put in operation, a reporter from the Washington Post did a story on the success of the pipeline. What they found out was staggering- the pipeline that was built at taxpayer expense was exporting all the oil overseas. The loading terminal was built to load oil into ocean liners and was not even capable to load trucks with oil to be distributed to the states. When the reporter asked the oil company CEO, why, he replied there was more profit in the oil to have it exported.
This is why no matter where or how much the oil companies get to drill, there will never be enough oil for the states. The oil companies control the availability of oil for the express purpose of gouging the U.S. consumer- It's called greed. It will never be stopped under our present form of government- the oil companies have bought and paid for the politicians of both political parties and they are as much to blame as the oil companies- you may check out the facts about the pipeline and you will find that it's true.
No. What is needed is exploratory drilling in your head for signs of intelligence.
Look Son, if you could magically extract all the oil from ANWAR and the gulf this afternoon, it would serve no purpose other than to make a few oil people richer and do nothing to sovle our long term energy problems.
When America gets serious about this we will see an outcry for more fuel efficiency, more alternative energy, lower speed limits, ect.
As long as nut jobs like Chaney discourage conservation, no amount of new oil will help. We will just drive bigger Hummers, bring back the Hummer tax break and squander our resources.
You have your common sense crossed up with your politics. Try seperating the two and you will suddenly become more believable. As it stands, you just sound plain silly and no rational person is going to take you seriously.
57% of the federal land leases with oil reserves are open for unrestricted drilling, an additional ~25% are open for limited drilling. (department of interior study)
Its not short-sighted or stupid, its a matter of practicality....oil companies don't want to drill in the US, plain and simple.
They could've been drilling for 25 years if they wanted to, but they don't. They know, like most intelligent people do, that if they increase supply the price goes down. If the price goes down too much, then its not as profitable to pump oil here as it would be to just stop drilling/pumping and import oil again.
And the real problem is refineries, not drilling...they are refining at max capacity and they are also working on increasing that....
What I am yelling is ';you already have plenty of areas to drill if thats the real problem, whats the hold up?';
For some reason nobody else seems to care, they just want to believe big oil whenever they speak.
YES VERY STUPID. And we the Citizens do NOT vote these stupid corrupt Politicians OUT!!!! So who is stupid I ask?? We should be DRILLING ON OUR LANDS AND SEABEDS, going with the COAL TO OIL, BUILDING REFINERIES, but hence...................our dear Politicians WON'T LET THEM. Start calling, start writing to put the pressure on these Politicians. They listen to everyone BUT us. It's time they listened and do by ';we the people';. We could use this oil on our own land to guide us through UNTIL a more viable, cost effective alternative is in full motion!!!!
To those of you who are blaming Bush?? Our CONGRESS PUT A 30 YEAR MORATORIUM on all of the above, that is why they can't do it. Our Congress WON'T LET THEM.
They set up the laws back in the 80's that reduced domestic oil production and increased foreign dependence, so of course they are going to blame Bush.
I mean why take responsibility for their own failures and short comings when their mindless far left drone followers are more then happy to blame Bush the boogie man for their misfortunes?
Then of course they set up overly stringent ';Environmental'; laws. After all we need to protect a worthless frog that only exists in one pond in one back water part of a state that no one can even visit because it is in a region no one lives and so far away no one cares about. That's far more important than the country! Please don't mention how it was the democrats with their national parks plans that essentially destroyed the Eco-system of our national parks by creating rules and laws they controlled animal populations there by destroying entire species particularly the predators needed to control other animals.
Don't you understand? the left loves you so much that they want you to suffer and they want you to blame Bush. Because if you hate Bush and blame him for everything, including any paper cuts, stains on your clothes and bad hair days, then maybe you will let them create the nanny state they have always wanted so they can ';protect you'; from mean old people like Bush.
A nanny state where everyone is happy, just like in China! wait... no... Russia! wait not a good example.. Cuba? no, hold on let me think of one... Hmmm... Well happy like some ';New'; kind of nanny state....
Drilling is a hopeless solution more apropos to a junkie looking for one more fix before he collapses.
The current use of energy is unsustainable.
Read that again. The current use of energy is unsustainable.
The bank is going broke. Drilling won't help.
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