Yah we need to stop FUNDING TERROR, use our own dang oil! We have more than the MIDDLE EAST COMBINED! .I say we drill for oil here in america, rather than be dependent on the Middle East. Are you with me?
No, because I think that would substitute short-term gain for long-term cost. America has relatively little oil and we will not gain access to that for some time (it takes time to discover oil, drill, collect and process). It will be a drop in the bucket compared to our national usage, so we will still need to rely on the Middle East for the lion's share. In exchange, we will permanently alter the environment, harm endangered species living in the affected regions and spend large sums that could be better spent elsewhere.
I would propose we devote our energies toward increased fuel efficiency and standardizing an alternative fuel source. Our country is innovative given the right incentive and I think we could accomplish this pretty quickly. We just need someone to get the ball rolling.I say we drill for oil here in america, rather than be dependent on the Middle East. Are you with me?
I'll agree with Tatiana. We can drill here, but really, it's not going to decrease our dependence on foreign oil. It will certainly bring some big profits to big oil. May decrease our oil imports by a modest percentage, but as long as we import most of our oil, a modest percentage still puts us at the mercy of the middle east. We need to reduce consumption and develop alternative power sources. Let 'em drill, but keep the focus on research and development of alternative sources.
Multiple sources within the United States could yield massive amounts of oil, which could lead to a significant drop in prices. I believe that the neccesary course of action is this: We must pursue new sources of energy that are clean and cheap. This is possible and viable, but will also take considerable effort and time.
Therefore, in the meantime, we must use all domestic oil options that we have (i.e. offshore, ANWR in Alaska and other options). Once new, clean and cheap fuels are found and perfected, we should wean the country off oil alltogether.
But in the short term, yes you are correct: we can no longer depend on foreign oil; it will cripple the economy
Well, in the long term it's a fine idea. More important, though, is developing other technology that takes us away from oil all together. We need to do this asap.
Off-Shore drilling is not going to help us NOW. It will help us in a few years, and we don't know how much it will really make a difference. We can explore, but we have to keep in mind that the idea is being packaged as an instant fix to the oil crisis - not true!! It's not a really viable option for our current gas prices.
Exactly! The environment is for us here to use! And we must be careful how we use it! All we have done for years is pay our money to the Saudi's and they in turn support terrorism against us! I think about that every mile i drive and every gallon I put in my car! Those idiots see us as the infidel! The sooner we have more of our own oil and work on other means of transportation and expand our technology the better off we will be!
Yep. I used to be an environmentalist, but then went to work in DC and saw first hand that their agenda was anti-capitalist and not environmental at all, although that's what their rank and file thought. A real bunch of arrogant jerks is what I saw of the environmental movement on Capitol Hill.
Its a bit curious why the elder Bush when president put a ban on it, being an oil man . It does not appear elder Bush was much different from his son, whom is trying to finish what his father left undone, like war, getting his hands on Social Security, it makes no sense, but I can guarntee there must be an advantage to him!
no. drilling off the US coast would have very little effect on the world market...to the tune of dropping the price 1-3 dollars a barrel. thats about a nickel a gallon..and we wouldn't even see a drop of that oil until at least 10 years from now.
we don't need more oil...we need 100 mpg cars. somebody get on that
It would be a symbolic gesture at best. We don't have enough oil to alter the global, or U.S., energy market, and it would take years to get our relatively measily reserves into production.
The US has about 2% of the known world oil reserves and we consume over 20% of current world supply.
I say take care of ourselves first. I am tired of the US support other countries before ourselves. I also tired of the stupid environmentalists stop the drilling. Nature is more resilient than we are. If they truly believed in evolution then they would know that all living things could adapt!!!
yea, i agree that we should free ourselves from the OPEC countries power and make ourselves independent. but in the long run, i do believe that we will have more choices for fuels than just gasoline. a variety is what this country needs. but for the current generation, offshore drilling is a must. after we get back on our feet, then the hunt for more fuels must begin.
When will you people get off this!
Every oil rig in America (including ones under construction) is booked through 2013.
Most of our oil doesn't come from the middle east. It comes from Canada, Mexico and Venezula.
No way-
it makes no sense for us to get oil out of our own backyard when we can buy it for ridiculous prices from totalitarian religious states with no freedoms.
Who cares if it takes 10 years- because it takes a while does not make it wrong.
Liberals are so idiotic!
yes I am. Drill, conserve, nuclear power, wind, solar and anything else they can think of. I'm for gerbil power if it takes one dime away from the oil cartels.
let the oil company drill the land the already have .then we moved on. and please then bush and MCsame that we need to release some of the oil reserve .this is an emergency.
Yes and its not 10 years, its 2 to 6 years we can still work on alternative sources but for now drill away. And it was Clinton who stopped it from happening before we could have already been using it. Thanks Clinton you a$$hole!
Yes! Just like Mr Pickens says; $700 Billion leaves our country every year for foreign lands. Just that is enough reason to drill OUR own oil.
Yes,Last time I checked my car doesn't run on wind,sun or Nuclear.So we need something to fill in until they find a way to replace our current auto fuel.
We just need to get off of oil. Once we put that pressure on then we will see less pressure on us.
But of course, we have 3 properties they can start anytime.
Yes, but the environmentalists have too much control over ';Mother Earth';.
Yes.... Drill here... Drill NOW
Yes I am !!!
Yes !! I !!! Am !!!!
I don't count, why do you ask me?
No, not really. We need to get out of the oil trap and invest in nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, etc energy resources. Oil is not renewable and it is a major source of pollution. It is the energy resource of the PAST. Drilling won't even bring in any oil for years to come, no effect at the pump....
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