Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do you think that we have the technology to control the Earth's climate but not enough to drill for oil safely?

When was the last time you heard of an oil industry accident? Is there any other industry that has a safety record AS GOOD as the oil industry? How many people have died installing windmills?Do you think that we have the technology to control the Earth's climate but not enough to drill for oil safely?
We've had the technology for us to use vehicles without oil for decades now,

oil and polluting, and raping and pillaging make too much money, ok.Do you think that we have the technology to control the Earth's climate but not enough to drill for oil safely?
Anyone that truly believes the Energy Policy, Cap %26amp; trap etc. are anything other than a grab at your power and money in a further effort to eviscerate American Freedom and Liberty is an idiot!

Their policies are SO contrary to anything that makes sense, you would have to be a FOOL to believe anything thy say.

Should we have FRANCE run our power industry?They have had great success supplying France with 85% of their energy needs with clean efficient safe, non-polluting nuclear energy for a long time now.

I guess the USA isn't smart enough to do that.

By the way, T. Boone Pickens has more than 600 windmills he bought but no one wants. Maybe he and Nancy Pelosy will sell them to the next sucker they can find.
We don't have the technology to control the earths climate. We have the technology to minimize the damage we do. 2 different things.
LMAO! There are several massive oil spills every YEAR!

Why is it so difficult for you people to engage in an honest debate?
Are you the president of Exxon?

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