Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ho wmany of you think opeining ANWAR to drilling would materially change supplies and cost of oil?

Here are some real numbers to review for you:

The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels (3,200,000 m鲁) daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption -- most is imported from Canada (19%), Mexico (15%), Saudi Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[11] -- the reserves, using a low figure (estimates of how vast the amount of oil is in ANWAR) of 4.3 billion barrels (680,000,000 m鲁), would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years. Using the increasing price of oil this supply (with 10.5 billion barrel mean and crude oil at over $120 a barrel) would be worth 1,260,000,000,000.00 ($1.26 trillion).Ho wmany of you think opeining ANWAR to drilling would materially change supplies and cost of oil?
It wouldn't.Ho wmany of you think opeining ANWAR to drilling would materially change supplies and cost of oil?
What logic is there in your argument? Just because drilling in Anwar will not completely solve the energy problem it is not worth doing? That is silly. Sure it isn't the solution to everything but I don't remember anyone saying it was.

No one oil well can solve everything but we have far more oil that we are not drilling for than Anwar alone. But that oil is a big part of the answer. Thirty years is a long time. A lot of technology will become avaliable during that time.

In the short term, no, since it will take time to set up and begin accessing that oil. But as a long term contributor to the supply yes. And you need to realize that you're using ANWAR to the exclusion of other American reserves. You include those and the impact is significant. You also discount the evolving technology that allows us to access oil reserves in places we couldn't before.

The other day a guy 'struck oil' in his back yard in Indiana. We're not running out of oil. We've mined coal for thousands of years. We've only used oil for about 75.
It wouldn't change anything, eventually we are still going to run out, and its going to ruin the economy the longer we remain suckling the oil teat. Its time to take a step ahead and start to look toward the future. Start testing alternative fuels, more efficient energy sources. There is no need to drink every drop of oil before we decide its time to try something else. Oil is old news.
ANWAR will not have a material impact. We all need to modify our lifestyles ( car pool, walk, mass transit) in the short and intermediate term and give technology and economies of scale a chance to work. This is not a problem unique to the USA and we cannot unilaterally provide a remedy.
They've recently discovered huge reserves in North Dakota. The mid west is full of untapped oil fields that were discovered since the 1970's. ANWAR could be just the start, and contrary to enviro-wacko propaganda, drilling doesn't harm the envionment.
It wouldn't lower it, because the Oil Companies, whether it is right or wrong, in your opinion, would just keep the profit, because they know people are used to paying what they are paying, and still need it, no matter what the price.
So what's your point? Does one farm provide all the corn crops for the country? No. Does that mean the farmer might as well stop harvesting his corn? No again. No one has ever said ANWR was the entire answer. But to use that as an argument to not seek oil in our own country makes no sense.
Start punching holes anywhere there might be oil.

I doubt very much if it will drop the price a great deal but it might slow the increase.

Most importantly it will reduce our dependence on others.
ANWR is only a piece of it. Gulf reserves are enormous. Any additional production of that size will affect prices on the down side and move us away from foreign dependence.
All these idiots need to think beyond what Fox Noise and the amBushed admin. tells them. We need to move beyond oil, period. More drilling just postpones the problem at best.
It wouldn't but there is no solution to this crisis,so we might as well blame each other.
It's all oil, and we'll still be paying $3 to $4 to whomever we get it from. We need to force them to give us back our electric cars!
Clinton vetoed ANWR drilling back in 95.
true, but at least it would be a start.
I think drilling in ANWR will materially benefit the U.S. and even the world but it should also be part of other energy initiatives such as converting coal in Montana to synthetic oil - according to Montana governor this is about 200 years supply for the U.S., drilling in the Dakotas and off-shore given that there are now much cleaner methods for drilling. We should however at the same time continue developing nuclear and renewable energy sources like wind, hydrogen, hydro-electric, and be brave and sensible enough to drop other initiatives that look like dead-ends.
This informative insightful article sheds light on what's really driving the cost of oil.鈥?/a>

Regardless, cheap easy to access oil is a limited resource and we cannot sustain living as if it were an unlimited resource. In spite of large reserves, eventually it will become more expensive to extract oil than anyone can afford to pay. While there is still some left to fuel industry, we must create alternatives and bring them online.

Harnessing the sun in the Sahara sounds promising.鈥?/a>
I dare you to cite your source.

ANWAR is a drop in the bucket.

What is wrong with people that they refuse to absorb facts? What is wrong with people that they refuse to CHANGE THEIR HABITS TO MEET PRESENT CONDITIONS?

Which means we MUST stop overconsuming because oil WILL run out.

Not tomorrow, but it WILL.

Do you wait until the last sheet is snatched off the toilet paper roll before you go out to buy more? No, of course you don't.

Destroying ecosystems is NOT THE ANSWER.

Using our huge brains to find OTHER energy sources is the answer.

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