Like the fact that the US uses 25% of the world's oil, yet sits on only 3% of the world's oil reserves. No matter what kind of funny math you use, those statistics indicate that we will be dependant on someone to provide us with oil.
Then she mentioned about sending our oil-dollars overseas to countries which don't like us. That's true, but ignores the fact that not every drop of oil produced in the US stays in the US. Oil is a global commodity, and once that oil hits the surface, it is subject to be shipped anywhere in the world. Surely, as governor of Alaska, she should know that the US EXPORTS Alaskan oil to Asia, including North Korea, which hates us!
So, is she lying, or is she just ignorant?How could Palin make the claim that domestic drilling would free us from foreign oil?
No clue.
Right-wingers aren't going to let us stop selling it on the global market....That would be socialism.
So drilling isn't going to do anything but allow oil companies to sell more futures while the price is high. Guess who they would be selling it to.... The use tax payer to fill the strategic reserve. Then when the price goes back down, they'll allow their refinries to buy it back at a lower prices, refine it, and sell it back to us, making profit on it a second time.
for the 1st four idiots above鈥?/a>
gosam777, the gas an oil market are two separate things.
And oi companies do manipulate the markets.
Nationalized oil comapnies maipulate it by their countries misbehaving causing speculators to percieve a possible threat t supply.
Others manipulate by utilizing the ENRON loophole and buying huge amounts of oil of unregulated foreign markets to drive up the prices.How could Palin make the claim that domestic drilling would free us from foreign oil?
Actually you are ignorant. The United States is sitting on top of 3% of the world's oil reserves. Consumption and reserves are two seperate things. We have enough oil in the United States to meet our needs for 50 years. That would buy us time to find alternative energy sources. Oil is a global commodity; but being in a position to be self sufficient places the United States in a better position. If external oil suppliers cut off the oil flow to the US we would be crippled. Being self sufficient would ensure our continued survival in the world economy.
The only way for domestic drilling to have any kind of impact on our consumption and dependence on foreign oil would be to have the state take over the oil companies. I wonder how Republicans feel about that?
';gosam'; above, I have never blamed an oil company for price gouging. Please try to keep in mind that there are literally millions of liberals with varying opinions. My words are my own. Do not attribute another's to me and I'll show you the same respect.
Because it's a fact, I know liberals don't believe facts only fantasies.
The first 4 answers show the shocking ignorance of conservatives.
I believe your numbers about 3% of the US oil reserves is wrong.
800 billion barrells of oil sitting under Wyoming.
Amy more stupid questions?
3%? you need a math class.
I've really got to ask,why would it bother you.Its the oil companies that would be paying for the land/lease,The oil companies that would be paying for the exploratory fees,The oil companies that would be paying to drill,the oil companies,that would have to work in the environmental guidelines(before and after).The oil companies that would pay and build the plants for refining,The oil companies that would be paying the Government money in fees,taxes,and for the employees and the new jobs this would create,Not to mention the income on state levels and their taxes too) so whay is this bad?What is it costing you,until we create/invent a better energy source?
If 3% of the worlds oil = 50 years at forecasted demand levels and we could pump it quickly enough we would have oil independence for 50 years. Regardless any dent we can put in the 65% of foreign oil we import is a positive since our demand is increasing but our current oil well outputs are decreasing. Look at the department of Only 3% of our oil is exported, the rest is used in the US. Besides any supply reduces oil prices regardless of where it is produced.
I would say she makes good sense. The magnitude of this issue is huge, we need a fossil fuel bridge while transitioning to renewable sources.
Then we must work to repair the damage caused by becoming more dependent on foreign oil and if that means drilling here for the short-term and keeping the oil where it is needed, so be it. currently this is not being done because of our desire for international trade. I think they get it that we need to depend more on the US for resources than other countries and OPEC. Just remember who allowed this to happen, there was a time we were more dependent on our own resources, but then some one before Bush agreed to buy our oil from overseas, and made us dependent on oil from places like the Middle East.
Do you know whether she is right or not? If you really want to know my opinion then let me break down the facts with some Mthematics. US uses worlds 25% of current production. And how much is work producing from its reserves? World has around 70yrs of Oil reserves. So US has 2.1 yrs of total world consumption.So US has around 8.4 yrs of its consumption. Add to it the Natural Gas reserves we have. We have around amother 25 yrs of energy if explored. That gives us around 30 years to get rid of our oil habit. But the problem is that the crisis has been politicised. The reason is that people dont have the courage to live up to it. And anytime a country lives up to its government to work for it, we get the most corrupt and incompetent government. See, if your question was about american energy independence, it was a real good debate but this is no more about that but it is rather a politican debate on your thoughts. Since you must be a democrat, you would see it from an angle which links the problem to politicians from republican party and if you were a republican you would have blamed democrats for not allowing us to drill. The fact is that we do have enough reserves to help us get out of it but the reserves in itself are not sufficient solution of energy.
I think she was trying to avoid the fact that the United States is setting quarterly RECORDS on the amount of oil and gas that we EXPORT to the rest of the world.
Being Governor of an oil-exporting State she would probably know this.
However, it doesn't make for a very good talking point when you're pushing for more drilling.
This is also what she may have been trying to avoid when she rambled on about ';fungible molecules'; at a campaign stop the other day.
';...the Energy Department released data this week showing that U.S. exports of finished petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel, soared to 1.592 million barrels per day in May...';
What I wonder is why liberals blame U.S oil for price gouging, manipulating the market. NOW all of a sudden admit it is a global market, supply and demand on the world market dictates the price, not Exxon-Mobil because they only control 3% of the market. Talk about spin!
neither. Of course Obama wants us to keep importing everything so his oil rich Muslim friends can hold us hostage.
Just because MSNBC said 3%, don't believe it. Try to do a little research opn your own.
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