Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am a democrat can someone tell me why democrats dont want to drill for oil in alaska reserves?

Please no stupid answersI am a democrat can someone tell me why democrats dont want to drill for oil in alaska reserves?
Because it will completely destroy the natural habitat of alot of endangered animals. This world doesn't exist for us to just develop, develop, develop. There is a alot of beauty in it that should be left for our children to see. If they can find a way to do it that does not destroy 100s of acres with oil fields alot more congressmen and women would be supportive of it.I am a democrat can someone tell me why democrats dont want to drill for oil in alaska reserves?
I think that Exxon Valdez scared a whole lot of people. ANWR is meant to be tundra and the technology has advanced dramatically since the old days of even 10 years ago. Great Britain and Norway drill the North Sea.

I think that whoever wants to drill it, should have to bond for say $1 billion in environmental damage, and each of the employees should be bonded.

In sum, the Democrats, to the extent that they are not milking it for partisan advantage, are living in the past - Exxon Valdez. McCain thinks the same way as the Democrats.
They use the indefensible arguement that it will destroy the environment, but there just aren't any valid studies to back that position. It's all politics to bring down the American economy, and bring in government control. This applies to drilling offshore, in the Gulf, goal gas, and shale oil reserves. We need to drill now and build new and modern refineries.
I'm not sure either, except that the just seem to want to be on the opposite side when any issue comes up.

I remember when they talked about Anwar in the early 2000's and the Democrat arguement seemed to be ';but what good would that oil do us NOW, that oil will not be here for like seven or eight years';. Well that oil would be just about showing up right NOW.
Enviromentalists and many members of Congress are getting rich off of solar panels,windmills,and alternative modes of transportation.

Cleveland Oh has ordered double size buses.

Meanwhile,they blame the oil companies and refuse to let us drill and refine.
It's crazy, the damn GOVERNER of Alaska is begging Congress to start drilling in her state b/c gas is almost $5/gallon there.

The left-wing loons have become so sold on global warming, its clouding their judgement.
I guess for the same reason Republicans don't want to drill for oil off the Florida coast.

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