they are just helping to add to the worldwide shortage of energyHave U S politicians been irresponsible by not letting us drill for oil here in America?
Yes, our legislative leaders have been irresponsible but so have our large oil companies.
First, for not drilling and building more refineries in the US.
Second, for not promoting and providing incentives for alternate fuels and energy sources.
Third, for deregulating the Railroad Systems which has laid waste to a viable altenative for freight and commuter transit.
Fourth, for not promoting and providind incentives for energy conservation and energy management.
Last but not least, for not putting the USA first and foremost in their legislation and agendas. A global society is great if and when everybody plays by the same standards and on even playing fields. That my fellow Americans will never happen so we need to protect our own interests first and foremost. Not to say we should not be a good neighbor to other countries across the globe but not at the expense of our nation.
This country was built on innovation and hard work. Roll up our your sleeves because a lot of work needs to be done and our government will only be persuaded by the voters. Demand more from them and send them packing if they don't start focusing on our domestic problems.Have U S politicians been irresponsible by not letting us drill for oil here in America?
Without a doubt. While the market is dominated by supply and demand... we sit here with a large supply (but untapped) and a large demand. So we've got an artificially low supply, inflating prices. China and India have a huge demand for oil in comparison to what it use to be.
Our politicians shouldn't have the right to dictate to the American people and business what they are allowed or not allowed to do, based on some green ideology.
Hey libs... go get in your Prius' and leave the Y! board alone... you're aggravating.
Yes; With India and China consuming more and more, it has been and will continue to be a supply and demand issue, and the price being set by OPEC. The problem is that most people do not understand supply and demand economics and what the structure is of the cost of gas per gallon. Do you know that we are using more oil now than EVER before! People are driving at an alarming rate. Do you realize how much petroleum鈥檚 used in making plastics and then how many things we use are made of plastics? The oil company makes about 12 cents a gallon as profit. The rest is made up of Federal and State taxes, the cost of exploration and the cost of production, Refining and then the cost of the additives that we have to put in the gas (we call it designer gas, thanks to the environmentalist wacko's). Do you know that we have not built a refinery in almost 60 years? (thanks again environmentalist). The refineries that we have are working at capacity and that is not enough to keep up with demand. Do you know that we hardly get any oil from the Middle East? Yes we are not in Iraq for oil, they have enough to export but not as much as you think. Even iran imports most of their oil. Most people think that is where it all comes from. Not true. We get our oil form Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Africa, in that order. What we get from Saudi is a very small %. You want the cost of gas to drop....STOP driving or at the very least cut back 10% and you'll see gas prices drop. In addition to that we need to open up the ANWR for drilling and off our coasts and the Gulf, as well as exploit the new found pools in the Wyoming Range (thanks again environmentalist) OR come up with an alternate fuel. Even if you had a viable economic alternative fuel source, the production and the distribution of it is decades away. Wake up people, cut back!
Seems that way to those of us who are being gouged by high gas prices. Truth is, they're saving it for end of world oil crisis, which is probably smart on their part. But, it will be for the rich who can afford it at that time. We're talking serious times of worry; like where no countries have gas but the US reserves it for warfare and the rich who will pay $1000 barrel will be heavily rationed only in sake of financing said war.
I LOVE these supply and demand people.....I will state something I have stated for several days now.....
have you gone to a gas station and NOT been able to get gas?? Seems to be an ample supply to me. No gas gas stations NOT having gas......
The price has gone up because of the commodity brokers and the devalued dollar. Why are people so dense?? Oil companies have CLOSED refineries...we had 3 times as many in the 70's....they have choosen to close them.
ANWR has enough oil to only fully supply the US for 90 days. It won't do any good. It' s a stupid waste to drill there.
Stop listening to Rush and do your own homework people.
No, the oil companies will drill wherever and whenever they want. They will always try to get their oil from the cheapest sources - that's business.
ANWR oil and Colorado shale oil is more expensive to procure right now so they buy it elsewhere.
Yes, limiting the further exploration, obtaining and processing of domestic crude is not only irresponsible but also shows a lack of regard for those countries that supply us with oil. Typical political hypocrisy.
extremely! Not one presidential candidate is offering that as a solution. Meanwhile, my savings is being drained every month so birds and squirrels can mate in Alaska. Maybe i misread the part of the bible that says that God gave man Dominion over the world and its resources?
It would be irresponsible to destroy our country just so some ****** can drive a 12mpg humvee around their subdivision.
Instead, we need to devote resources to ending this countries dependence on oil.
Starting now.
It is the liberal rich that are prohibiting it, a lot of politicians have been pushing for it. Hug a tree baby
I think they've been irresponsible by not funding a quicker alternative fuel solution to get us off foreign oil completely. My take on this is not an environmental one. It's about our independence.
Yes, but not as much as they have been responsible for shipping US businesses to China and India. Thats who is burning up the extra gasoline.
Very much so. Our Politicians have acted irresponsible since the 1970's if truth be known.
yes,it has cost the us jobs and money. they did not stop it by accident,they need the us to be hurting so they can give out hand outs and get more people in their folds
Yes and by making it difficult to build more refineries.
Most definitely !!
oh yes definately.
I believe so.
yeah! screw the poler bears! lets go to Allaska!
Yes, they have. But let's all get together and re-elect the basterds again.
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