It will save us a whopping penny per gallon in 20 years. To oppose, e-mail a message to your Senators and Representatives go to
nrdcactionfunf.orgShould our government drill for oil in the Artic Refuge?
No it will pollute the entire region in the arctic and it is highly risky as the biodiversity will get effected even more we can save it for future generations why b so greedyShould our government drill for oil in the Artic Refuge?
No. The private sector should do it!
Yes, the government should allow drilling in the Arctic Refuge not so much to save a buck or two at the pump as to help make US more secure in our supply. Our economy depends on oil. Until we can wean ourselves off the stuff with an effective alternative we are at the mercy of hostile foreign governments. The Arctic would probably allow us to cut out Argentina and development of ethanol based fuels would allow us to cut out more. Retool and re-tune. We changed over from lead-based gasoline to no-lead a couple of decades ago (most of you reading this probably never knew we once used leaded gasoline). We can make the same type of change to an alternative fuel in a few years with the same commitment. BUT IN THE MEANTIME...drill in Alaska so we can get a cushion.
We should drill for oil in ANWAR.
The environmental wackos predicted the number of caribou would decrease if the Alaska pipeline was built. The pipeline was built and the number of caribou increased.
The wackos were wrong about the Alaska pipeline, and they are wrong again.
Best wishes !
I am not nearly as concerned about the price of gas as I am about The United States having to cater to the every whim of countries that hate us in order to get the oil we seem to need. We have the resource, we should use it. We are hypocritcal if we think it is okay to drill on someone elses baren wasteland but not our own. The caribou will get used to it and the 100 people on earth who have ever been to the area probably never want to go back. I say lets drill!!!
yes they should drill one knows how much per gallon it would save us, but it would produce 1,000,000 barrels of oil per day(est). And it would only require drilling in 4% of the region. The other 96% would remain undisturbed. We buy oil from Canada of which draws oil from the same bed that we could be drawing it from if we would drill there.
Well i say not yet, only because we aren't done yet draining our competition of their oil.
NO! Why do we need to drill in environmentally sensitive areas just to get more oil? What happens when the pipeline leaks or the drilling goes wrong? endangered species will suffer because we wanted to save a buck at the gas pump. Is that really fair?
In Wyoming, there is an area that belongs to the Navy. It is called the Teapot Dome. If is full of oil, but since the Navy owns it, they don't drill there. Why not?
So we'd save money . . . and potentially wipe out what's left of the Arctic Refuge. Seems like a lame tradeoff. Why don't we all stop driving so damn many cars by ourselves? Or live like we actually give a **** about the world?
no, george bush and his neo - con cronies have milked and destroyed the world resources enough.
I vote we compost george and his mysterious skull %26amp; bones backers and end the Zionists hold on the world and its resources.
If you want to save the world, oust bush, give the Palestinians back theyre land, and water supplies and leave Iran in peace.
Oil is a state of mind, ignore oil, and freecycle instead
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