Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How come every enrgy problem can only be solved with more drilling? Why can't we get off oil once and for all?

That's the conservative thing to do.

Conserve our money being sent overseas as trade imbalance.

Conserve our air and water from pollution

Conserve our manufacturing base by increasing alternative energy production like solar cells and composite hybrid cars that already do get 300 mpg.

I'm a fiscal and manufacturing conservative an dI say we ignore the political conservatives who really are just fascists overthrowing democracy who only call themselves conservatives when they know they are not conservative at all.How come every enrgy problem can only be solved with more drilling? Why can't we get off oil once and for all?
YAY! 8 out of 10 cats.

';I don't see what the big deal is, we're running out of oil but we've got loads of petrol!';

:)How come every enrgy problem can only be solved with more drilling? Why can't we get off oil once and for all?
Becasue too many companies have investments in the product... You'd also be suprised at just how many products use some form of a petroleum base - like spandex for example.

It would be nice to use other energy means %26amp; reduce our dependency on imported oil %26amp; its environmental effects, however, as long as there is a consistent consumer demand on it, I don't see it happening anytime soon. The electric, hydro, solar, wind powered ideas are on a rise, but slowly.
i agree to an extent. i mean it's not as easy as all that. but we seriously need to bring electric cars back!!! i do not think that solar or wind powered cars are very realistic at all. (ahem the solar one would stop every time you passed under a tree.) i mean, also, ppl should consider the ';chop-a-tree, plant-a-tree'; method. that is my opinion.
I agree.

I have to say this however. I love it when Republicans defend Big Oil, tax cuts for the rich, and the Iraq war. They really need to do it more often. In fact, if I was them, those are the only three issues I would ever talk about.

Their political tone deafness is truly deafening. I love it.
the market can't fix it, yet.

the technology is not there-practically speaking.

in the mean time, we HAVE oil.

without more refining capacity, drilling is worthless.

**if the market doesn't fix it, there won't be any market.**
Do you have a cheap and ready to be used in the cars today?

If we switch all of a sudden, traffic would be ridiculously low

People would lose their job....

People would lose their companies...

If you wish to change, start with yourself.
We play the major game, middle-east doesn't. Our oil industry and the investors play the game of prices.

If one can predict, this may be artificial game to own the oil fields in our back-yard- ownership and capitalism.

But still ,it may not effect the prices.
Because the big oil companies do not want to lose their customers to new technology.

Look up Dr. Alex Farrell of UC Berkeley. He passed away recently---…
come on have you seen the 2010

new car line up !

dang ! this is America ! we drive everywhere,

anytime,everything, anywhere....

remember 911, and all the troops that died

for our gas... you willing to give that up?
Why don't we just do both drill and look for alternative energy's there problem solved.

1. this is an electric car we use oil coal to produce electricity same problem

2 how much does this car cost

3 this will raise our electricity prices.
When we get our Constitutional Republic back we can solve the problems but right now Lobbyists and Corporations trump any rational domestic or foreign policy concerns.
lordkelvin: Loved how you Capitalized ';REAL';. LOL!!!!! I must say you ';INCORPORATED'; some emphasis behind that. I wonder though how many even understood the point you just made.
Cus we can't WASTE oil like that.
NO.... not in the *REAL* world....
I agree, we need a good viable alternative. And in the meantime we need our oil..not fair to make us do without while it's being developed.
Our economy is based on oil. The recent spike has been a wakeup call to the many SUV driving soccer mom morons that have been spearheading this disaster for years. Why these silly housewives (who usually vote Democrat) insist on schlepping kids around in a half ton commercial grade vehicles, when a compact would do, is beyond me. I can’t tell you how many SUV’s I see sporting Gore, Obama, and Clinton bumper stickers – unbelievable.

Anyway, the transition must be gradual. Right now gas spiraling out of control, there will be a breaking point, and that breaking point may finish this country’s economy.

I’m all for alternative energy, but flat out refusing to drill is a lot like jumping out of an airplane, tossing your parachute, and saying “don’t worry, we’ll come up with an alternative before we hit the ground !”

No, we many not – pull the cord NOW or this economy is finished !

A vote for the Democrat Obama, is a vote for depression.

There are issues with that “300 MPG” car. First, it likely would NOT pass Federal crash safety tests. The federal government (mostly led by Nader type Democrats) insist cars be driven into cement walls with no injury – FAIL

Also the batteries are short lived, and not recyclable, and filled with lead and all sorts of other crud that must be placed into our landfills, making the car not that environmentally friendly after all.

These problems aren’t as simple to solve as you suggest
There are no composite hybrid cars that get 300 MPG. That is a fact. Something experiential does not qualify as practical or viable.

There is currently no practical alternative that can be used in the immediate term.

This question is, for the most part, full of false assumptions and devoid of facts.

Edit: Note in my answer I stated practical or viable. That is an electric car (actually, trike) that gets the equivalent of 300 miles to the gallon. It is severely range restricted, good only for short trips. In stop and go traffic ( the type found in many metropolitan areas) the range of those vehicles is severely diminished.

It has a long way to go in order to achieve safety standards in a crash test.

I stand by my observation that this question is devoid of facts and based on experiential ideas that are still somewhat in the distant future. If it was as easy as you make out, the remaining 3 automobile manufacturers in the United States would be jumping on this technology instead of facing impending bankruptcy.

The contention by your left leaning buddies that Republicans are against this technology for some nefarious reason is absurd.
We can and will stop using oil, when new technology allows us to. The truth is, solar, wind, ethanol, and hydroelectric power are all great ideas, but haven't been developed to the point where they can replace oil as a fuel for our transportation and electric power. They can supplement it to be sure, but oil is still the least expensive and most abundant fuel.

Now nuclear power is another story. This is a clean, efficient, inexpensive way of generating electricity, but political pressure and the resulting regulations have severely restricted plant construction, research, and development. Europe is ahead of us in nuclear power generation, and maybe the price of oil will be the catalyst to get the US to decide and catch up.
Yep, it's a very good question. The answer is: we can, but only if the government and industry takes these threats seriously. The Republicans won't, because their money comes largely from oil in the first place.
That is what Exxon apologists want you to believe. In reality the only solution to our current condition is to increase the value of the dollar to its pre-2001 value.
Because only by continuing to enrich the oil companies can we

prove our loyalty to the oil companies.

Oil uber alles!!!!!!

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