Unless We The People nationalize OUR natural resources, we would see little if any monetary benefit.
Conservation of fossil fuel useage and resources combined with accelerated development of renewable resources is the only logical answer.
Hey Suzy. Knock-knock. Cheney was full of feces, as usual, when he made the claim on national media that China is drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
He quietly issued a retraction of the claim the next day.Should we drill for oil and use the trillions of dollars in oil money to pay for universal health care?
We should drill for oil....instead of the Chinese drilling in the gulf of Mexico....we should do alot of things we dont and i blame alot of it on the environmentalist....they have gone way overboard....as for the money...there is plenty of use for it...Should we drill for oil and use the trillions of dollars in oil money to pay for universal health care?
you are mixing one good idea with one bad one. the idea of one party with the idea of another. Drilling for oil is a good idea to lower oil prices, universal health care is bad causing long waits and bad service.
Why wouldn't we? We now have the technology to drill for oil very safely as opposed to Exxon Valdeez in the 80's. Thanks to all of you tree huggers with you heads up your own ***, we are in this mess. If we had taken action much sooner than now, we would not be in this position. Thanks to you, our country is in the most vulnerable position in its history. Please wake up and get a clue. Oh yeah, and elect some *** clown (Obama) to put us six feet under permanently. The Presidency is not an internship!!!!!!
It would be a good thing rather than sending 70 TRILLION dollars a year to our enemies just because some one does like to look at an oil rig. NO MAJOR OIL SPILLS YET EVEN DURING THE HURRICANE so dn't bother to post such an excuse
no we should drill and use the money to pay off the national debt and be able to lower taxes
The trillions should be used to fund the war against terror and to expand it to other places. The government should not be responsible for your health care. There is enough options out there for the average person to purchase it.
Drill our own oil? Yes. Have universal health care? No.
yes to the former %26amp; No to the latter!
The only people who would benefit from universal health care are poor blacks and Hispanics. It would be at the expense of typical Americans.
That oil could be used for better purposes, such as being used to construct a giant wall across the US-Mexican border. Or it could be used to support mass deportation of illegal Mexcicans. Or it could be used to construct more prisons so that so many psycopathic criminals wouldn't be on parole, causing fear and crime when they should be in prison.
I wish the oil companies would drill on the leases they already own.....
Oh, and show me a universal system like Germany has where there is the ';planned'; system and ';private'; system, that way everyone is covered and those who want private care can still have it.
Yes. Let's have a health care system just like Canada's, Cuba's, and Europe's.
Oh...wait...they're all failing and falling apart. Nevermind, let's stay privatized.
Research universal health care before you ask another question like this.
no we should tax the living hell out of rich people!!
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